Items where Year is 2008
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(2008) مواد دعوية. Documentation. Wathakker.
(2007) Statistical Analysis of Arabic Text to Support Optical Arabic Text Recognition. The International Symposium on Computer and Arabic Language & Exhibition. pp. 1-16.
(2008) Recognition of Off-line printed Arabic text Using Hidden Markov Models. SIGNAL PROCESSING, 88 (12). pp. 2902-2912.
(2008) Efficient Test Compression Technique Based on Block Merging. IET Comput. Digit. Tech., 2 (5). pp. 327-335.
(2007) Parallel Algorithms for Look-Up Table (LUT) Inverse Halftoning. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran.
Large deformation analysis of plates on unilateral elastic foundation. Large deformation analysis of plates on unilateral elastic foundation.
Nonaxisymmetric unbonded contact of plates on tensionless Winkler foundations. Nonaxisymmetric unbonded contact of plates on tensionless Winkler foundations.
Stability of vertically bent pipelines buried in sand. Stability of vertically bent pipelines buried in sand.
Finite element formulation of a third order laminated finite rotation shell element. Finite element formulation of a third order laminated finite rotation shell element.
Analysis and design of pipeline stiffened-anchor plate/flange. Analysis and design of pipeline stiffened-anchor plate/flange.
concrete plasticity model with elliptic failure surface and independent hardening/softening. concrete plasticity model with elliptic failure surface and independent hardening/softening.
Mixed hardening, three-invariants dependent cap model. Mixed hardening, three-invariants dependent cap model.
Layered nonhomogeneous curved beam elements for inelastic analysis. Layered nonhomogeneous curved beam elements for inelastic analysis.
Performance of plain and blended cements exposed to high sulphate concentrations. Performance of plain and blended cements exposed to high sulphate concentrations.
Sulfate resistance of plain and blended cements exposed to magnesium sulfate solutions. Sulfate resistance of plain and blended cements exposed to magnesium sulfate solutions.
29Si MAS-NMR study of hydrated cement paste and mortar with varying content of fly ash. 29Si MAS-NMR study of hydrated cement paste and mortar with varying content of fly ash.
Effect of inhibitor treatment on corrosion of steel in a salt solution. Effect of inhibitor treatment on corrosion of steel in a salt solution.
Mechanical properties and durability characteristics of polymer- and cement-based repair materials. Mechanical properties and durability characteristics of polymer- and cement-based repair materials.
Sulfate resistance of plain and blended cements exposed to varying concentrations of sodium sulfate. Sulfate resistance of plain and blended cements exposed to varying concentrations of sodium sulfate.
Effect of waterproofing coatings on steel reinforcement corrosion and physical properties of concrete. Effect of waterproofing coatings on steel reinforcement corrosion and physical properties of concrete.
Effect of rebar cleanliness and repair materials on reinforcement corrosion and flexural strength of repaired concrete beams. Effect of rebar cleanliness and repair materials on reinforcement corrosion and flexural strength of repaired concrete beams.
Effect of environmental pre-conditioning on bond of FRP reinforcement to concrete. Effect of environmental pre-conditioning on bond of FRP reinforcement to concrete.
Evaluation of bond using FRP rods with axisymmetric deformations. Evaluation of bond using FRP rods with axisymmetric deformations.
Effect of Cyclic Loading on Bond Behavior of GFRP Rods Embedded in Concrete Beams. Effect of Cyclic Loading on Bond Behavior of GFRP Rods Embedded in Concrete Beams.
29Si MAS-NMR study of hydrated cement paste and mortar made with and without silica fume. 29Si MAS-NMR study of hydrated cement paste and mortar made with and without silica fume.
29Si magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance study of hydrated cement paste and mortar. 29Si magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance study of hydrated cement paste and mortar.
Contractor financing, public works in Saudi Arabia. Contractor financing, public works in Saudi Arabia.
29Si MAS-NMR hydration and compressive strength study in cement paste. 29Si MAS-NMR hydration and compressive strength study in cement paste.
Effect of steel manufacturing process and atmospheric corrosion on the corrosion-resistance of steel bars in concrete. Effect of steel manufacturing process and atmospheric corrosion on the corrosion-resistance of steel bars in concrete.
HLXVIB - A computer code for free vibration analysis of circular helicoidal bars. HLXVIB - A computer code for free vibration analysis of circular helicoidal bars.
Computer algorithm for the static analysis of circular helicoidal bars. Computer algorithm for the static analysis of circular helicoidal bars.
Loss of punching capacity of bridge deck slabs from crack damage. Loss of punching capacity of bridge deck slabs from crack damage.
Assessment of damage to concrete girder-slab bridges in Saudi Arabia. Assessment of damage to concrete girder-slab bridges in Saudi Arabia.
Categorization of damage to concrete bridge decks in Saudi Arabia. Categorization of damage to concrete bridge decks in Saudi Arabia.
Performance of epoxy-repaired concrete under thermal cycling. Performance of epoxy-repaired concrete under thermal cycling.
Third order shear deformation model for laminated shells with finite rotations: Formulation and consistent linearization. Third order shear deformation model for laminated shells with finite rotations: Formulation and consistent linearization.
Effect of silica fume on the mechanical properties of low quality coarse aggregate concrete. Effect of silica fume on the mechanical properties of low quality coarse aggregate concrete.
Effectiveness of corrosion inhibitors in contaminated concrete. Effectiveness of corrosion inhibitors in contaminated concrete.
Effectiveness of surface coatings in improving concrete durability. Effectiveness of surface coatings in improving concrete durability.
Effect of coarse aggregate quality on the mechanical properties of high strength concrete. Effect of coarse aggregate quality on the mechanical properties of high strength concrete.
Performance of concrete coatings under varying exposure conditions. Performance of concrete coatings under varying exposure conditions.
Effect of degree of corrosion on the properties of reinforcing steel bars. Effect of degree of corrosion on the properties of reinforcing steel bars.
Dynamics of flexible-link and flexible-joint manipulator carrying a payload with rotary inertia. Dynamics of flexible-link and flexible-joint manipulator carrying a payload with rotary inertia.
Effect of mix proportions on plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete in hot environments. Effect of mix proportions on plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete in hot environments.
Plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete in hot-arid environments. Plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete in hot-arid environments.
Evaluation of repair materials for functional improvement of slabs and beams with corroded reinforcement. Evaluation of repair materials for functional improvement of slabs and beams with corroded reinforcement.
Effectiveness of concrete surface treatment materials in reducing chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion. Effectiveness of concrete surface treatment materials in reducing chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion.
(2008) Parallel Inverse Halftoning by Look-Up Table (LUT) Partitioning. Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE).
Three-dimensional Mohr's circle for shear stress components. Three-dimensional Mohr's circle for shear stress components.
Three-dimensional graphical method for shear strain analysis. Three-dimensional graphical method for shear strain analysis.
Effectiveness of concrete surface treatment materials in reducing chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion. Effectiveness of concrete surface treatment materials in reducing chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion.
Effect of reinforcement corrosion on bond strength. Effect of reinforcement corrosion on bond strength.
Effect of reinforcement corrosion on flexural behavior of concrete slabs. Effect of reinforcement corrosion on flexural behavior of concrete slabs.
Dynamic response of circular cylinders in cross-flow. Dynamic response of circular cylinders in cross-flow.
Energy-momentum conserving algorithm for nonlinear dynamics of laminated shells based on a third-order shear deformation theory. Energy-momentum conserving algorithm for nonlinear dynamics of laminated shells based on a third-order shear deformation theory.
Remote sensing application to the management of agricultural drainage water in severely arid region: a case study. Remote sensing application to the management of agricultural drainage water in severely arid region: a case study.
Rate and mode of barchan dunes advance in the central part of the Jafurah Sand Sea. Rate and mode of barchan dunes advance in the central part of the Jafurah Sand Sea.
Weather modification impact on reference evapotranspiration, soil salinity and desertification in arid regions: a case study. Weather modification impact on reference evapotranspiration, soil salinity and desertification in arid regions: a case study.
(2006) An empirical study of relationships among extreme programming engineering activities. Information and Software Technology Journal, 48. pp. 1068-1072.
Organised Tawarruq in Islamic Law. In: Islamic banking and finance in, 23-25 April 2007, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Si MAS-NMR study of hydrated cement paste and mortar with varying content of fly ash. Si MAS-NMR study of hydrated cement paste and mortar with varying content of fly ash.
Development of calcium silicate thermal insulator in Saudi Arabia. Development of calcium silicate thermal insulator in Saudi Arabia.
Evaluation of corrosion resistance of reinforcing steel in sulfur concrete. Evaluation of corrosion resistance of reinforcing steel in sulfur concrete.
Effect of hot weather on strength of reinforced concrete beams. Effect of hot weather on strength of reinforced concrete beams.
Permeability and durability of plain and blended cement concretes cured in field and laboratory conditions. Permeability and durability of plain and blended cement concretes cured in field and laboratory conditions.
Effect of sulfate ions on the corrosion of rebars embedded in concrete. Effect of sulfate ions on the corrosion of rebars embedded in concrete.
Si magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance study of hydrated cement paste and mortar. Si magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance study of hydrated cement paste and mortar.
Si MAS-NMR study of hydrated cement paste and mortar made with and without silica fume. Si MAS-NMR study of hydrated cement paste and mortar made with and without silica fume.
Use of polypropylene fibers to enhance deterioration resistance of concrete surface skin subjected to cyclic wet/dry sea water exposure. Use of polypropylene fibers to enhance deterioration resistance of concrete surface skin subjected to cyclic wet/dry sea water exposure.
Effect of sulfate and carbonate ions on reinforcing steel corrosion as evaluated using AC impedance spectroscopy. Effect of sulfate and carbonate ions on reinforcing steel corrosion as evaluated using AC impedance spectroscopy.
Corrosion behavior of pre-rusted rebars after placement in concrete. Corrosion behavior of pre-rusted rebars after placement in concrete.
Corrosion of steel reinforcement in polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete structures. Corrosion of steel reinforcement in polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete structures.
Effect of thermal cycling on the durability of concrete made from local materials in the Arabian Gulf countries. Effect of thermal cycling on the durability of concrete made from local materials in the Arabian Gulf countries.
Si MAS-NMR hydration and compressive strength study in cement paste. Si MAS-NMR hydration and compressive strength study in cement paste.
(2005) An empirical study of system design instability metric and design evolution in an agile software process. Journal of Systems and Software, 74 (3). pp. 269-274.
(2003) An Empirical Validation of Object-Oriented Metrics in Two Different Iterative Software Processes. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 29 (11). pp. 1043-1049.
(1999) Software Metrics and Object-Oriented System Evolution. In: 3rd World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics and 5th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS ’99), June, 1999, Orlando, Florida.
(2000) An Empirical Study of Java Design Efficiency in a Client-Sever Database System. In: ACXIOM Spring 2000 symposium, March, 2000, Little Rock, AR.
(2000) An Empirical Study of Extreme Programming. In: International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the Internet (Invited Paper), July 2000, L’Aquila, Italy.
(2001) EARTH SCIENCE MARKUP LANGUAGE. In: 17th Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, 81st American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, January 2001, Albuquerque, NM.
(2001) An Empirical Study of Refactoring, New Design, and Error-Fix Efforts in Extreme Programming. In: 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2001), July 2001, Orlando, Florida.
(2001) Earth Science Markup Language: A Solution for Generic Access to Heterogeneous Data Sets. In: NASA Earth Science Technology Conference 2001, August 2001.
(2001) EVE: An Environment for On-board Processing. In: NASA Earth Science Technology Conference 2001, August 2001.
(2002) Using Software Metrics as Demonstrators of Design Changes in Iterative Software Processes. In: Doctoral Symposium at the Southeast Software Engineering Conference, April 2002, Huntsville, Alabama.
(1998) The PRAXIS Prototype, a Browser/Java Applet Client- Server System. In: ACXIOM Fall 1998 symposium, November 1998, Little Rock, AR.
(2002) EVE: On-Board Process Planning and Execution. In: Earth Science Technology Conference, June 11-14, 2002., Pasadena, California.
(2002) An Empirical Study of XP Effort Distribution. In: COCOMO Seminar, University of Southern California, October 2002, California.
(2002) On-Board Mining in the Sensor Web. In: National Science Foundation Workshop on Next Generation Data Mining, November 1-3, 2002., Baltimore, Maryland.
(2003) EVE: On-Board Process Planning and Execution. In: Earth Science Technology Conference, June 2003.
Viscous flow over a sphere with fluctuations in the free-stream velocity. Viscous flow over a sphere with fluctuations in the free-stream velocity.
Effect of groundwater velocity on pilot scale bioremediation of gasoline contaminated sandy aquifers. Effect of groundwater velocity on pilot scale bioremediation of gasoline contaminated sandy aquifers.
Tidal effects on transport of contaminants in a coastal shallow aquifer. Tidal effects on transport of contaminants in a coastal shallow aquifer.
Modeling transport and biodegradation of BTX compounds in saturated sandy soil. Modeling transport and biodegradation of BTX compounds in saturated sandy soil.
Estimating flood quantiles in southwestern part of Saudi Arabia. Estimating flood quantiles in southwestern part of Saudi Arabia.
State-of-the-art review of bioremediation studies. State-of-the-art review of bioremediation studies.
Experimental study and numerical simulation of denitrification in saturated porous media. Experimental study and numerical simulation of denitrification in saturated porous media.
Solution of the transport equation by the collocation method in conjunction with the adaptive hermite element family. Solution of the transport equation by the collocation method in conjunction with the adaptive hermite element family.
Skeletonization of Arabic characters using Clustering based Skeletonization Algorithm (CBSA). The Journal of Pattern Recognition.
Motion detection and estimation of multiple moving objects in an image sequence using Cosine Area Transform (CAT). IEE Proceedings-I on Communications, Speech and Vision.
Motion analysis of multiple moving objects using the Discrete Sine Area Transform (DSAT). The Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences Division.
Motion analysis of moving objects using Sine Area Transform (SAT). The Journal of Microcomputer Applications.
On Skew Estimation and Correction of Text. In: 2nd International Conference Geometric Modelling and Imaging GMAI’07.
Effect of Reaction Pressure and Carrier Gas on Toluene Disproportionation over Molybdenum-ZSM-5 Catalyst. Energy & Fuels (2008),, 22(1),.
Characterization of tungstophosphoric acid supported on MCM-41 mesoporous silica by using n-hexane cracking, benzene adsorption, and xray diffraction. Applied Catalysis, A: General (2001),, 207(1,.
Catalytic cracking of polyethylene over all-silica MCM-41 molecular sieve. Applied Catalysis, A: General (2002) (225(1-).
Barium modification of a high-silica zeolite for methanol conversion to light alkenes. Applied Catalysis, A: General (1992), (91(1),).
Effects of metal impregnation on the activity, selectivity and deactivation of a high silica MFI zeolite when converting methanol to light alkenes. Applied Catalysis, A: General (1997),, 154(1-.
CATIB Environment and its applications in the development of Intelligent Computer Assisted Instruction(ICAI). In: Proceedings of the Second Symposium of the Arabization of Computers at King Saud University.
A simple arrangement and procedure for in-situ measurement of corrosion rate of rebar embedded in concrete. A simple arrangement and procedure for in-situ measurement of corrosion rate of rebar embedded in concrete.
Assessment of service lives of R.C. structures subjected to chloride-induced rebar corrosion. Assessment of service lives of R.C. structures subjected to chloride-induced rebar corrosion.
Experimental service life prediction of rebar corroded R.C. structure. Experimental service life prediction of rebar corroded R.C. structure.
Design procedures for cathodic protection systems for R.C.C. members. Design procedures for cathodic protection systems for R.C.C. members.
Empirical modelling of indicators of chloride-induced rebar corrosion. Empirical modelling of indicators of chloride-induced rebar corrosion.
Reinforcement corrosion in concrete structures, its monitoring and service life prediction - A review. Reinforcement corrosion in concrete structures, its monitoring and service life prediction - A review.
Chloride penetration into silica fume concrete subject to different exposures. Chloride penetration into silica fume concrete subject to different exposures.
Residual strength of corrosion-damaged reinforced concrete beams. Residual strength of corrosion-damaged reinforced concrete beams.
Optimum concrete mixture design using locally available ingredients. Optimum concrete mixture design using locally available ingredients.
Compliance criteria for quality concrete. Compliance criteria for quality concrete.
Correlations between depth of water penetration, chloride permeability, and coefficient of chloride diffusion in plain, silica fume, and fly ash cement concretes. Correlations between depth of water penetration, chloride permeability, and coefficient of chloride diffusion in plain, silica fume, and fly ash cement concretes.
A study of the relationship between permeability and tortuosity of concrete. A study of the relationship between permeability and tortuosity of concrete. (Submitted)
Correlation between strength and durability indices of plain and blended cement concretes. Correlation between strength and durability indices of plain and blended cement concretes. (Submitted)
A study of self-compacting concrete made with marginal aggregates. A study of self-compacting concrete made with marginal aggregates. (In Press)
Recent developments in sulfur concrete technology. In: Recent developments in sulfur concrete technology.
A damage-propagation model for chloride-induced corrosion of reinforced concrete beams. In: 8th International Conference on Concrete in Hot and Aggressive Environments, 27-29 November 2006, Bahrain.
Recent developments in sulfur concrete technology. In: 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Chemistry in Industry (CHEMINDIX 2007), 26-28 March 2007, Bahrain.
A Wave Dispersion Model for Health Monitoring of Plates with Piezoelectric Coupling in Aerospace Applications. In: 4TH Middle East Conference for NonDestructive Testing.
Strategy for monitoring and repairing of concrete bridges exposed to corrosive environments. In: 3rd Gulf Conference on Roads (TGCR06), 6-8 March 2006, Muscat.
A study of permeability and tortuosity of concrete. In: 30th Conference on Our World in Concrete & Structures (OW 05), 23-24 August 2005, Singapore.
Methodology for the assessment of corrosion damage in reinforced concrete structures. In: Eighth International Conference on Concrete Engineering & Technology (CONCET 2004), 19-21 April 2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Improving durability of R.C. members through optimum selection of the levels of corrosion cracking factors. In: 7th International Conference on Concrete in Hot and Aggressive Environments, 13-15 October 2003, Bahrain.
Reinforcement corrosion in the Arabian Gulf and its prevention– a review. In: 7th International Conference on Concrete in Hot and Aggressive Environments, 13-15 October 2003, Bahrain.
Wastewater management for electroplating industries. In: International Conference on Environmental Challenges for the New Millennium, 25th-27th Nov. 1999, New Delhi, India.
Effect of acidic waste water on mortar and concrete. In: International Symposium on Innovative World of Concrete-98, 16-19 November, 1998, Calcutta, India.
Influence of chloride content, cover, and concrete mix parameters on post depassivation service life of chloride contaminated R.C. structures. In: International Conference on Maintenance and Durability of Concrete Structures, 4-6 March, 1997, J.N.T. University, Hyderabad, India.
Rebar corrosion risk due to free chloride under tropical conditions. In: International Conference on New Challenges for Civil Engineers of Developing Countries in the 21st Century, 29 February, 1, 2 March, 1996, New Delhi, India.
Environmental problems due to fly ash and its use as building material. In: International Conference on New Challenges for Civil Engineers of Developing Countries in the 21st Century, 29 February, 1, 2 March, 1996, New Delhi, India.
Environmental risk assessment. In: International Conference on New Challenges for Civil Engineers of Developing Countries in the 21st Century, 29 February, 1, 2 March, 1996, New Delhi, India.
Diagnostic methods for rehabilitation of corrosion damaged R.C. structure. In: National Conference on Civil Engineering Materials and Structures, 19-21 January, 1995, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
A study of the size-effect of corroded reinforced concrete beams in prediction of residual strength. Project Report. KFUPM.
Formulating supplementary compliance criteria for locally produced concrete. Project Report. KFUPM.
A study of self-compacting concrete using local marginal aggregates. Project Report. KFUPM.
Study on PVC pipe products and causes of failures. Project Report. KFUPM.
Establishing quality compliance criteria for concrete in Eastern Saudi Arabia. Project Report. KFUPM.
A study of the relationship between permeability and tortuosity of concrete. Project Report. KFUPM.
Prediction of residual strength of corrosion-damaged reinforced concrete beams. Project Report. KFUPM.
Evaluation of sulfur concrete technology for local applications. Project Report. KFUPM.
Comparison of Axial Dispersion and Tanks-in-Series Models for Simulating the Performance of Enzyme Reactors. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
Amphiphilic cycloterpolymers of diallyldimethylammonium chloride, diallyloctadecylammonium chloride, and sulfur dioxide. Journal of Applied Polymer Science.
Corrosion properties of 316L stainless steel coated with polyelectrolyte multilayers of varying anionic acidity. Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology.
Corrosion properties of duplex treated Ti-6Al-4V alloy in chloride media using electrochemical and positron annihilation spectroscopy techniques. Surface and Coatings Technology.
Degradation study of date palm fibre/polypropylene composites in natural and artificial weathering: mechanical and thermal analysis. Polymer Degradation and Stability.
Easy estimation of the progress of artificial weathering of palm fiber-polypropylene composites by chemiluminescence. Journal of Materials Science.
Effect of epolene E-43 as a compatibilizer on the mechanical properties of palm fiberpoly(propylene) composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science.
Equation of State and Phase Separation in Binary Mixtures of Nonadditive Chains. Macromolecules.
Generalized Rackett-type correlations to predict thedensity of saturated liquids and petroleum fractions. Fluid Phase Equilibria.
Glass transition temperature of poly(vinyl chloride) from molecular dynamics simulation: explicit atom model versus rigid CH2 and CHCl groups model. Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science.
Influence of branch content on the microstructure of blends of linear and octene-branched polyethylene: a MD simulation study. European Polymer Journal.
Influence of Epolene G-3003 as a coupling agent on the mechanical behavior of palm fiberpolypropylene composites. International Journal of Polymeric Materials.
Influence of hydrophobe content on phase coexistence curves of aqueous two-phase solutions of associative polyacrylamide copolymers and poly(ethylene glycol). Journal of Applied Polymer Science.
Influence of hydrophobe content on the solution rheology of hydrophobically modified terpolymer of SO2, N,N-diallyl-N carboethoxymethylammonium chloride. European Polymer Journal.
Influence of monomer sequence on microstructure of nonadditive hard chain copolymers: simulation and equation of state. Journal of Chemical Physics.
Influence of polymer structure on recovery of proteins in two-phase aqueous systems. Book of Abstracts, 218th ACS National Meeting.
Influence of tacticity on solubility of propene monomer in isotactic and syndiotactic polypropylene. Polymer.
Kinetics of absorption of oxygen into aqueous sodium sulfite: order in oxygen. AIChE Journal.
Behaviour of patch repair of axially loaded reinforced concrete beams. Behaviour of patch repair of axially loaded reinforced concrete beams.
Evaluation of repair materials for functional improvement of slabs and beams with corroded reinforcement. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings.
Use of surface treatment materials to improve concrete durability. Use of surface treatment materials to improve concrete durability.
Effect of cement composition on corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete. In: From authors.
A repair strategy for corrosion damaged concrete. In: From authors.
Plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete in hot-arid environments. Plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete in hot-arid environments.
Effectiveness of concrete surface treatment materials in reducing chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion. Effectiveness of concrete surface treatment materials in reducing chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion.
Volume change behavior of arid calcareous soils. In: Natural Hazards Review.
Chloride threshold for corrosion of reinforcement in concrete. Chloride threshold for corrosion of reinforcement in concrete.
Effect of reinforcement corrosion on flexural behavior of concrete slabs. Effect of reinforcement corrosion on flexural behavior of concrete slabs.
Effect of reinforcement corrosion on bond strength. Effect of reinforcement corrosion on bond strength.
Factors affecting threshold chloride for reinforcement corrosion in concrete. Factors affecting threshold chloride for reinforcement corrosion in concrete.
A comparison between mixing and grouting approaches for treating calcareous expansive clay. In: Grouting and deep mixing. Proc. conference, Tokyo,.
Design optimization of continuous partially prestressed concrete beams. Design optimization of continuous partially prestressed concrete beams.
Treatment of calcareous expansive clays. In: Fly Ash for Soil Improvement,.
Evaluation study of modified Mohr-Coulomb and cap models. In: Proceedings of Engineering Mechanics.
Al-Gahtani, A.S., Al-Mussallam, A.A. Al-Gahtani, A.S., Al-Mussallam, A.A..
Rebar corrosion and sulfate resistance of blast-furnace slag cement. Rebar corrosion and sulfate resistance of blast-furnace slag cement.
Influence of sulfates on chloride binding in cements. Influence of sulfates on chloride binding in cements.
Corrosion of reinforcing steel in fly ash blended cement concrete. Corrosion of reinforcing steel in fly ash blended cement concrete.
Interaction of steel jacket platform with surrounding soil. In: CONF. ON OFFSHORE MECHANICS AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING.
Corrosion cracking in relation to bar diameter, cover, and concrete quality. Corrosion cracking in relation to bar diameter, cover, and concrete quality.
Reinforcement corrosion-resisting characteristics of silica-fume blended-cement concrete. Reinforcement corrosion-resisting characteristics of silica-fume blended-cement concrete.
Interaction Of Steel Jacket Platform With Surrounding Soil. In: Proceedings of the International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium.
Pore solution composition and reinforcement corrosion characteristics of microsilica blended cement concrete. Pore solution composition and reinforcement corrosion characteristics of microsilica blended cement concrete.
Effect of tricalcium aluminate content of cement on corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete. Effect of tricalcium aluminate content of cement on corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete.
Influence of cement composition on the corrosion of reinforcement and sulfate resistance of concrete. Influence of cement composition on the corrosion of reinforcement and sulfate resistance of concrete.
Effect of rusting of reinforcing steel on its mechanical properties and bond with concrete. Effect of rusting of reinforcing steel on its mechanical properties and bond with concrete.
Influence of construction practices on concrete durability. Influence of construction practices on concrete durability.
Engineering properties of the soil of Sana'a, the Yemen Arab Republic. Engineering properties of the soil of Sana'a, the Yemen Arab Republic.
Software For Optimum Design Of Highway Bridge Beams. Software For Optimum Design Of Highway Bridge Beams..
Deterioration Of Concrete Structures In The Environment Of The Middle East. Deterioration Of Concrete Structures In The Environment Of The Middle East..
Soil deformation and shear strength characteristics of the Sana'a soil, Yemen Arab Republic. Soil deformation and shear strength characteristics of the Sana'a soil, Yemen Arab Republic.
Characteristics and chemical treatment of expansive clay in Al- Qatif, Saudi Arabia. Characteristics and chemical treatment of expansive clay in Al- Qatif, Saudi Arabia.
Mixed hardening, three-invariants dependent cap model. Mixed hardening, three-invariants dependent cap model.
Expansive soil in Al-Madinah, Saudi Arabia. Expansive soil in Al-Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
Geotechnical behavior of oil-contaminated fine-grained soils. Geotechnical behavior of oil-contaminated fine-grained soils.
Stability of vertically bent pipelines buried in sand. Stability of vertically bent pipelines buried in sand.
Response of sabkha to laboratory tests: a case study. Response of sabkha to laboratory tests: a case study.
Determination of parameters for a hyperbolic model of soils. Determination of parameters for a hyperbolic model of soils.
Effects of confining pressure and temperature on mixed-mode (I-II) fracture toughness of a limestone rock. Effects of confining pressure and temperature on mixed-mode (I-II) fracture toughness of a limestone rock.
A generalized three invariants cap model and its numerical implementation to study soil-foundation interaction. A generalized three invariants cap model and its numerical implementation to study soil-foundation interaction.
Reuse of wastewater effluents in saudi arabia. In: Reuse of wastewater effluents in saudi arabia.
Inhibition of atmospheric corrosion of mild steel by sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate treatment. In: Inhibition of atmospheric corrosion of mild steel by sodium dihydrogen.
Bond evaluation of environmentally conditioned GFRP/concrete systems. In: Bond evaluation of environmentally conditioned GFRP/concrete systems.
Effects of Calcium Sulfate on Swelling Potential of an Expansive Clay. Effects of Calcium Sulfate on Swelling Potential of an Expansive Clay.
Determination of parameters for a hyperbolic model of soils. In: Determination of parameters for a hyperbolic model of soils.
Study on the performance of calcareous expansive clays. Study on the performance of calcareous expansive clays.
A generalized three invariants cap model and its numerical implementation to study soil-foundation interaction. In: A generalized three invariants cap model and its numerical implementation to study.
Influence of gypsification on engineering behavior of expansive clay. Influence of gypsification on engineering behavior of expansive clay.
Evaluation study of modified Mohr-Coulomb and cap models. In: Evaluation study of modified Mohr-Coulomb and cap models.
Expansive characteristics of gypsiferous/anhydritic soil formations. Expansive characteristics of gypsiferous/anhydritic soil formations.
Laboratory and field studies of response of structures to heave of expansive clay. Laboratory and field studies of response of structures to heave of expansive clay.
Compressibility and collapse characteristics of arid saline sabkha soils. Compressibility and collapse characteristics of arid saline sabkha soils.
Geotechnical behaviour of saline sabkha soils. Geotechnical behaviour of saline sabkha soils.
Strength characteristics of sabkha soils. Strength characteristics of sabkha soils.
Improvement of plasticity and swelling potential of calcareous expansive clays. Improvement of plasticity and swelling potential of calcareous expansive clays.
Influence of geotextiles on performance of saline sebkha soils. Influence of geotextiles on performance of saline sebkha soils.
Modified oedometer for arid, saline soils. Modified oedometer for arid, saline soils.
Swelling behaviour of calcareous clays from the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Swelling behaviour of calcareous clays from the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.
Suggested modifications to ASTM standard methods when testing arid, saline soils. Suggested modifications to ASTM standard methods when testing arid, saline soils.
Influence of chloride ions on sulphate deterioration in plain and blended cements. Influence of chloride ions on sulphate deterioration in plain and blended cements.
Influence of sulfate ions on chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion in portland and blended cement concretes. Influence of sulfate ions on chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion in portland and blended cement concretes.
Magnesium-sodium sulfate attack in plain and blended cements. Magnesium-sodium sulfate attack in plain and blended cements.
(2003) Experimental Investigation of the Near Wake of a Pick-up Truck. 2003 SAE Conference (2003-0).
Experimental Investigation of the Flow Around a Generic SUV. SAE Conference 2004.
Numerical simulation and analysis of a patented desalination and power co-generation cycle. Desalination.
Performance of an RTL contactor for gas-liquid systems: effective interfacial area and volumetric mass-transfer coefficient by oxidation of sodium sulfite solution. Chemical Engineering & Technology.
Performance evaluation of slow sand filters using fuzzy rule-based modelling. Performance evaluation of slow sand filters using fuzzy rule-based modelling.
Identifying water quality sampling stations in Al-Khobar water distribution system, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Identifying water quality sampling stations in Al-Khobar water distribution system, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Crack propagation trajectories for rocks under mixed mode I-II fracture. Crack propagation trajectories for rocks under mixed mode I-II fracture.
Secondary effluent treatment by slow sand filters: Performance and risk analysis. Secondary effluent treatment by slow sand filters: Performance and risk analysis.
Optimizing water quality monitoring stations using genetic algorithms. Optimizing water quality monitoring stations using genetic algorithms.
Stability of vertically bent pipelines buried in sand. Stability of vertically bent pipelines buried in sand.
An algorithm for designing a precipitation network in the south-western region of Saudi Arabia. An algorithm for designing a precipitation network in the south-western region of Saudi Arabia.
Effects of testing methods and conditions on the elastic properties of limestone rock. Effects of testing methods and conditions on the elastic properties of limestone rock.
Biology of Phlebotomus sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in two contrasting leishmaniasis foci of south-west Saudi Arabia. Biology of Phlebotomus sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in two contrasting leishmaniasis foci of south-west Saudi Arabia.
Spatiotemporal stochastic open-channel flow. II: Simulation experiments. Spatiotemporal stochastic open-channel flow. II: Simulation experiments.
A plastic-damage model for stress-strain behavior of soils. A plastic-damage model for stress-strain behavior of soils.
Spatiotemporal stochastic open-channel flow. I: Model and its parameter data. Spatiotemporal stochastic open-channel flow. I: Model and its parameter data.
Behaviour of patch repair of axially loaded reinforced concrete beams. Behaviour of patch repair of axially loaded reinforced concrete beams.
Determination of parameters for a hyperbolic model of soils. Determination of parameters for a hyperbolic model of soils.
Sulfate resistance of plain and blended cements exposed to varying concentrations of sodium sulfate. Sulfate resistance of plain and blended cements exposed to varying concentrations of sodium sulfate.
The combined effect of clay and moisture content on the behavior of remolded unsaturated soils. The combined effect of clay and moisture content on the behavior of remolded unsaturated soils.
Comparison of properties of steel slag and crushed limestone aggregate concretes. Comparison of properties of steel slag and crushed limestone aggregate concretes.
Erratum: Effect of specimen geometry and testing method on mixed mode I-II fracture toughness of a limestone rock from Saudi Arabia (Rock Mech. Rock Engng. (2000) 33 3 (179-206)). Erratum: Effect of specimen geometry and testing method on mixed mode I-II fracture toughness of a limestone rock from Saudi Arabia (Rock Mech. Rock Engng. (2000) 33 3 (179-206)).
Effects of confining pressure and temperature on mixed-mode (I-II) fracture toughness of a limestone rock. Effects of confining pressure and temperature on mixed-mode (I-II) fracture toughness of a limestone rock.
Study on wear properties of aluminium-silicon piston alloy. Study on wear properties of aluminium-silicon piston alloy.
Effects of Calcium Sulfate on Swelling Potential of an Expansive Clay. Effects of Calcium Sulfate on Swelling Potential of an Expansive Clay.
Peeling and diagonal tension failures in steel plated R/C beams. Peeling and diagonal tension failures in steel plated R/C beams.
Inherent heterogeneity of sediments in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia-a case study. Inherent heterogeneity of sediments in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia-a case study.
Corrosion resistance and bond strength of epoxy-coated steel bars. Corrosion resistance and bond strength of epoxy-coated steel bars.
Effect of holidays and surface damage to FBEC on reinforcement corrosion. Effect of holidays and surface damage to FBEC on reinforcement corrosion.
Influence of the source type on the 3-D crosshole tomography. Influence of the source type on the 3-D crosshole tomography.
Expansive characteristics of gypsiferous/anhydritic soil formations. Expansive characteristics of gypsiferous/anhydritic soil formations.
Effect of Thermal Variations on Bond Strength of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy-Coated Bars. Effect of Thermal Variations on Bond Strength of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy-Coated Bars.
Nondestructive testing of concrete structures using the Rayleigh wave dispersion method. Nondestructive testing of concrete structures using the Rayleigh wave dispersion method.
Chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete in the Arabian Gulf environment. Chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete in the Arabian Gulf environment.
Determination of the effective chloride diffusion coefficient in concrete via a gas diffusion technique. Determination of the effective chloride diffusion coefficient in concrete via a gas diffusion technique.
Mode shapes and crack damage in subtangential buckling of columns. Mode shapes and crack damage in subtangential buckling of columns.
Modelling of damaged RC beams strengthened by fibre composite plates. Modelling of damaged RC beams strengthened by fibre composite plates.
Strengthening of shear-damaged RC beams by external bonding of steel plates. Strengthening of shear-damaged RC beams by external bonding of steel plates.
Shear strength of plated RC beams. Shear strength of plated RC beams.
Creep loss variation in prestressed concrete beams. Creep loss variation in prestressed concrete beams.
Flexural behaviour of precracked reinforced concrete beams strengthened externally by steel plates. Flexural behaviour of precracked reinforced concrete beams strengthened externally by steel plates.
Combined experimental-numerical approach to characterization of steel-glue-concrete interface. Combined experimental-numerical approach to characterization of steel-glue-concrete interface.
Guidelines toward the design of reinforced concrete beams with external plates. Guidelines toward the design of reinforced concrete beams with external plates.
Shear repair for reinforced concrete by fiberglass plate bonding. Shear repair for reinforced concrete by fiberglass plate bonding.
Strengthening of initially loaded reinforced concrete beams using FRP plates. Strengthening of initially loaded reinforced concrete beams using FRP plates.
Time-dependent losses in prestressed, continuous composite beams. Time-dependent losses in prestressed, continuous composite beams.
Loss of punching capacity of bridge deck slabs from crack damage. Loss of punching capacity of bridge deck slabs from crack damage.
Confirmation of TICC damage hypothesis. Petrographic study. Confirmation of TICC damage hypothesis. Petrographic study.
Categorization of damage to concrete bridge decks in Saudi Arabia. Categorization of damage to concrete bridge decks in Saudi Arabia.
Effect of thermal cycling on the durability of concrete made from local materials in the Arabian Gulf countries. Effect of thermal cycling on the durability of concrete made from local materials in the Arabian Gulf countries.
Partially Prestressed Continuous Composite Beams.I. Partially Prestressed Continuous Composite Beams.I..
Partially Prestressed Composite Beams. II. Partially Prestressed Composite Beams. II.
A new technique for velocity estimation of large moving objects. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
Arabic Character Recognition using 1-D slices of the Character Spectrum. Signal Processing.
Arabic Character Recognition using Fourier Descriptors and Character Contour Encoding. Pattern Recognition Journal,.
Arabic Optical Text Recognition: A Classified Bibliography. Engineering Research Bulletin, Minufiyah University.
Automatic Arabic Character Recognition using Backpropagation Neural Network. The Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences Division.
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Cluster number estimation and skeleton refining algorithms for Arabic characters. The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering.
Identification and Velocity Computation of Multiple Moving Objects in Images. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
Motion analysis of moving objects using Sine Area Transform (SAT). The Journal of Microcomputer Applications.
Motion analysis of multiple moving objects using Hartley Transform. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
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Recognition of Handwritten Cursive Arabic characters. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
Recognition of Hexagonally Sampled Printed Arabic Characters. The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering.
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Compressibility and swelling characteristics of Al-Khobar Palygorskite, eastern Saudi Arabia. Compressibility and swelling characteristics of Al-Khobar Palygorskite, eastern Saudi Arabia.
Effect of geotextile and cement on the performance of sabkha subgrade. Effect of geotextile and cement on the performance of sabkha subgrade.
Estimation of spilled hydrocarbon volume - The state-of-the-art. Estimation of spilled hydrocarbon volume - The state-of-the-art.
Analytical model to quantify crude oil spill volume in sandy layered aquifers. Analytical model to quantify crude oil spill volume in sandy layered aquifers.
Effectiveness of stone columns: Field assessment. Effectiveness of stone columns: Field assessment.
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(2004) Performance of punctured space-time codes over wireless channels and their applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Potential impact of the WTO on Saudi construction firms. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Symmetry solutions of some nonlinear PDE's. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Cryogenic drilling of KevlarTM composite laminates. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Calibration of VISSIM to the traffic conditions of Khobar and Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) A Pose invariant face recognition system using subspace techniques. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Numerical investigations of flow in a partially packed vessel. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Studies on soil-foundation interaction in the Sabkha environment of Eastern Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Design of microstrip linear phased array antenna using integrated array feeder. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Pade approximants technique for the analysis of waveguide junctions and beam splitters. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Experimental and numerical analyses of mixed mode crack initiation angle. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) A new blind equalization scheme using the principle of minimal disturbance. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Effect of piezoelectric actuator placement on controlling the modes of vibration for flexible structures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Code acquisition in DS-CDMA systems optimization and DSP implementation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Efficacy of contractor prequalification models. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Growth of uniform layers of nanosized zeolites on 3D ordered macroporous carbon: synthesis, characterization, and catalytic evaluation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) A framework for a reliable and fault-tolerant network management architecture. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Impact of variability of Nakagami-m parameter on the performance of digital communication systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) A prediction model for the residual flexural strength of corroded reinforced concrete beams. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Development and testing of an artificial neural network model for predicting bottomhole pressure in vertical multiphase flow. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Ant colony multi-optimization algorithm for circuit bi-partitioning. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Optimization of ideal reactive distillation column using hybrid PSO algorithm. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Facts-based stabilizers for power system stability enhancement. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Finite element analysis of stick-slip vibrations in drillstrings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Reductive lie groups and mostow fibration. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Prediction of turbulent heat transfer in a rotating narrow rectangular channel (AR=10) oriented at 120° from the direction of rotation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Methanol permeation through proton exchange membranes of direct methanol fuel cells. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Arabic sign language recognition using an instrumented glove. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) U-model based adaptive internal model control for tracking of nonlinear dynamic plants. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Continuous proximate time-optimal control for a third order servomechanism having a plant with three real roots. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Studies on high performance NI-based composite catalysts for preferential methanation of CO in a SYNGAS. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Effect of rate of water table rise on LNAPL entrapment in uniform and well-graded sands. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Benchmarking framework for software watermarking. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Fixed point results of some nonlinear maps with applications. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Comparison of recent and miocene foraminifera from Eastern Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Diffusion and adsorption of aromatics in zeolites by zero length column technique. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Combined electrooxidation and electrocoagulation processes for the treatment of municipal wastewater. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Kinetics and equilibrium adsorption of phosphates removal on activated alumina. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Investigation of Internet-based SCADA systems: design and applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Configurable analog building blocks for field programmable analog arrays. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) HVAC system operation strategies for energy conservation and thermal comfort in commercial buildings in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Damping enhancement of multimachine power system through STATCOM control. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Dynamic projective coordinate system for elliptic curve crytography. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Entropy generation around a solid sphere in a gas stream. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Environmental impact on residential load modeling. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) CMOS bandpass filters for low-IF Bluetooth receiver. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Studies on catalysts for preferential oxidation of CO in H2-Rich gas mixture. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Absolutely pure modules and related concepts. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Internal model control for nonlinear dynamic plants using U-model. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) A study of the static and dynamic properties of Al-Based A1₂O₃ metal matrix composites. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) New issues and problems in the dirac equation and their solutions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Genetic algorithm based test data generator. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Design and implementation of all-digital CDMA code tracking loops. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Study of imperfect production processes with shortages. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Inverse scattering transform for variable coefficient KdV equation in shallow water. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Package cohesion metric for object oriented systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Internally hydrogen-bonded chiral methylenenitrones in cycloaddition reactions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Influence of polymer type and structure on polymer modification of Saudi asphalt. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Design of a graphical user interface to augment a telerobotic stereo-vision system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Improving the performance of damaged FBECR in chloride-contaminated concrete. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) The impact of HVAC system selection and operation on energy conservation in an office building in hot and humid climates of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Structure-property relationships of metallocene linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE). Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Approximation by wavelets. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Development and application of linear state estimators in control of reactive distillation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Breakdown of solutions of a system describing heat propagation with second sound. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Investigations of the flow and pinning phenomena in radial flow reactors. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Evaluation of performance measures for materials management process in industrial construction projects. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Playout scheduling technique based on normalized least mean square (NLMS) algorithm. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Automatic classification of speech and music in digitized audio. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) FSM state-assignment for area, power and testability using non-deterministic evolutionary heuristics. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Serial-serial finite field multiplication. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Test set compaction for sequential circuits based on test relaxation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Effect of bolt layout on the mechanical behavior of bolted joint. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Numerical investigation of erosion of a pipe protruded in a sudden contraction. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Determining optimal target values for two processes in series. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Wavelets and solution of ordinary differential equations. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Sequential injection analysis technique for industrial water quality control. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Analysis of Add/Drop optical waveguide filters with embedded resonant cavities using the method of lines. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Design and modeling of high speed modulo multipliers for cryptosystems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Desulfurization of gasoline and diesel fuels, using non-hydrogen consuming techniques. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Multi-scale analysis techniques in pattern recognition systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) On some seismic inverse problems. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Rheology of gelling polymers used in reservoir water shutoff treatments. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Treatment of refinery wastewater using crossflow membrane bioreactor (CF-MBR). Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Design of optimal variable structure controllers: applications to power system dynamics. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Adaptive fuzzy logic based framework for handling imprecision and uncertainty in software development effort prediction models. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Electrochemical removal of carbon monoxide from hydrogen using nickel catalyst. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) The effect of environmental conditions on the hydrostatic burst pressure and impact performance of glass fiber reinforced thermoset pipes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Collaborative autonomous interface agent for personalized web search. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Combining classifiers using the dempster-shafer theory of evidence. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Two-point boundary value problems for first order impulsive differential equations. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Effects of strain rate and temperature on fracture toughness and tensile properties of CPVC. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Invariant object recognition. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Measurement based comparison between VoIPoMPLS and VoIP using software routers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Design, rating and exergy analysis of evaporative heat exchangers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Designing of objects using smooth cubic splines. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Visualization with NURBS using simulated annealing optimization technique. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) New algorithms for the identification of a class of hammerstein-wiener nonlinear systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Laser evaporative heating in relation to machining. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Envelope design for thermal comfort and reduced energy consumption in residential buildings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Assessment of the relationship between the spilled LNAPL volume and its thickness in monitoring wells considering the water table fluctuation history. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Effect of frequency on crack propagation in CPVC and HDPE at different temperatures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Content-aware congestion control over MPLS networks for multimedia transmission. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Numerical investigations of melting of ice in a box. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Laminar mixed convection in vertical channels. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Extensions to XML-based network management. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) An architecture for secure document flow and archival systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Strength and durability characteristics of aluminum joints bonded by rubber-modified and aluminum filled epoxy adhesive. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Development of reconfigurable nonlinear circuits for neural networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Effect of environment on the fatigue and the tensile properties of glass fiber reinforced vinyl ester and epoxy thermosets. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Numerical and experimental studies of non reactive and reactive mixing. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) An adaptive neural networks controller for the inline surface oil/water separator. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Power based scheduling algorithms for WCDMA networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Design and analysis of efficient and secure elliptic curve cryptoprocessors. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Extraction of aromatics using green solvents based on ionic liquids. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Non-noetherian krull domains issued from symbolic blow-up and rees algebras. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Catalytic carbonylation of terminal alkyne with amine: computational and experimental investigations of regioselectivity. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Catalytic hydroformylation of alkenes and polyalkenes: a novel approaches to catalyst synthesis, characterization and recycling. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Memory performance evaluation of high throughput servers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Identification of Saudi Arabian License Plates. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Improved rate-compatible low-density parity-check codes with applications to wireless channels. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Fuzzy takagi-sugeno and LMS based control techniques. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Behavior of transmitted wave in gain media. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) On the optimum communication cost problem in interconnection network. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Wind tunnel testing of an airfoil with a moving surface boundary-layer control. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Pleistocene-holocene sedimentation along King fahd Causeway between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Signaling traffic analysis of GSM authentication protocols. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Evolution based scheduling of precedence computations with communication costs. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) The effect of aging on the fatigue strength of alloy 800HT. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Performance and design of space-time trellis codes for wireless channels. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Building a framework for coupling measurement systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Non-linear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete beams repaired by plate bonding. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Design of fractionally spaced equalizers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Analytical and finite element investigation of initial clearance effect on tube-to-tubesheet joint strength. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Stochastic model for love wave propagation in an inhomogeneous layer. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Enforcing the role of construcion insurance in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1971) Air separation on carbon molecular sieves, 4A and 5A zeolites by pressure swing adsorption. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Development and analysis of transient models for the biofiltration of single and mixed volatile organic compounds. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) A neural network approach for load flow estimation and var allocation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Construction cost control in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Integrated quality and maintenance models for multi-stage production systems with batch shipments. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Quantitative and subjective assessments of indoor air quality in KFUPM buildings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Assessment of factors affecting building maintenance management auditing in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Status of hydrological network in south-western region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Optimization of mixed CMOS/BiCMOS circuits using tabu search. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Project/process simulation modeling using discrete event construction simulation language stroboscope. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Design of voiceband echo cancellers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Influence of temperature and wind on moisture transport in cementitious materials. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Activity of Ni/A1 O catalyst for a methanation reaction. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Performance evaluation and multiobjective optimization of passive vehicle suspension systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Equational characterizations of cyclic purity and single compactness. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) On the margin stability of interval matrices. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Assessment of constructability practices among general contractors in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Performance of slow sand filters in treating secondary effluent using different sizes of local sand. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Memory performance evaluation of high throughput servers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Chemical analysis of some penicillin and cephalosporin drugs. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Prediction of species concentration and temperature profile in methanol oxygen and argon flame. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) A Parallel Tabu search algorithm for VLSI standard cell placement. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Experimental determination of the frequency spectrum of the rose Bengal picosecond fluorescence using two beating ring dye lasers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Measuring class cohesion in object-oriented systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Protein partitioning in pH-responsive polymeric amino acid and assocating polymers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Plastic shrinkage cracking in hot weather conditions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Nonlinear behavior of cylinder-plate junction on tensionless elastic subgrade. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Self organizing variable structure controllers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) An Efficient test-pattern relaxation technique for synchronous sequential circuits. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) The relationship between the project size and the safety level in building construction projects. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Characterization of catalytic materials containing zeolites using n-hexane cracking reaction. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) EPR study on vanadium model compounds containing nitrogen and sulfur heteroatoms. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) EPR study of vanadyl complexes with Schiff bases derived from S-Methyl-Carbodithioato-Hydrazine. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Density-temperature behavior of pure and defined binary and ternary hydrocarbon mixtures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Comparative study of computational methods for the solution of the two-dimensional reservoir flow equations. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) A New correlation for two-phase flow through chokes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) A PC-based system for the determination of harmonics and intermodulation products in nonlinear circuits. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Palladium-catalyzed regioselective carbonylative coupling of alkynes with aniline derivatives. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Maintenance scheduling of power system generating units by tabu search. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Cost estimation practice for buildings by A/E firms in the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Parallelizing the rete-match algorithm for distributed memory architecturs. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Development of multiphase flow metering set-up utilizing coriolis meters. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) The effect of inexact line search on conjugate gradient methods. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Thermodynamics of solution by gas liquid chromatography of nonmesomorphic solutes in the isotropic and nematic phases of liquid crystalline solvents. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Treatment of water contaminated with dimethyl phthalate by Fenton, Photo-Fenton and UV/H₂O₂ processes. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Synthesis and study of corrosion inhibiting activity of several 1, 12-dodacanediamine derivatives. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Nonlinear plant control using neural networks: a design procedure through linearization. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) The Transliner current controlled conveyor and its applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) A new model reduction scheme for linear time-invariant systems with polynomial. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Identification of block cascade models of nonlinear systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) QoS-driven multicast routing algorithms. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Canonical elastoplastic - damage modelling of reinforced concrete. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Concrete repair with silica fume shotcrete. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) The neutron detection efficiency measurements of a 10 inch NE213 scientillator. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy and depositional history of the Rub' Al Khali bsin. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) A C-Based high level synthesis system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Risk and hydraulic reliability analysis of water distribution systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Efficient test relaxation techniques for combinational logic circuits. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Theoretical potential scans and vibrational spectra of two rotors halomethyl isocyanates. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Echo cancellation using a variable step-size NLMS algorithm. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Determination of construction contract duration for public projects in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Application of neural network to the determination of well-test interpretation model for horizontal wells. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Test facility development for small centrifugal compressors (design stage). Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Direct load control using programmable logic controller. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Compositional gradient calculations for a Saudi Arabian gas condensate reservoir. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Modeling and simulation of a combined isomerization reactor/pressures swing adsorption/membrane unit. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Automated VHDL composition from AHPL. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Multiple objective LP (MOLP) for scheduling repetitive projects. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) The effects of mode perceptions on intercity mode-choice behavior in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) On the inverstion of the Laplace transform. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Chemometric optimization and kinetic developments in flow injection analysis. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Integrated deterministic/probabilistic petroleum volume evaluation for a carbonate reservoir. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Relationship between the noncompliance behavior at signalized intersection an driver characteristics. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Corrosivity of water-base drilling fluids in deep, hot wells. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Fuzzy logic controller for power system stability enhancement. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Impact of building rezoning and change of use on energy consumption and occupants thermal comfort. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Numerical simulation of one- and two-phase flows in unpacked and partially packed vessels. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Bulk separation of binary gas mixtures by pressure swing adsorption. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Study of periodic waveguides by the finite-difference time-domain method and the method of lines. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Vibration control of rotor-bearing systems using neural networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Budget estimating models for the construction cost of public school building in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Calculations of turbulent flow and heat transfer in periodically converging-diverging channels. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Computation of singularities in B.V.P.'s using finite differences with block-elimination. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Development of Raney-Ni gas diffusion electrodes for fuel-cells. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Measurements of L-Subshell Ionization Cross Sections by energetic a particles for Ho, Er, and Tm. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Mixed convection from a horizontal cylinder rotating in a cooling cross-stream. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Development of a multiresolution framework for NURBS. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Experimenting with evolutionary meta-heuristics for state justification in sequential ATPG. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) An annulus approach to fuzzy subgroups. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Transient stability assessment using artificial neural networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Active filters and oscillators using current feedback operational amplifiers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Heat transfer mechanisms governing laser metal interactions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Mixed semidefinite and second-order cone optimization approach for the Hankel Matrix approximation problem. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Modified algorithms for the decoding of hamming product codes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Performance evaluation of Rake receiver with adaptive channel estimation for IMT-DS system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Parameter estimation using median ranked set sampling. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Study of octane enhancers for gasoline in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Reservoir quality of the Unayzah formation in Waqr, Tinat, and Haradh fields. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Neural networks-based decision feedback equalization using lattice structure. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Optimum process targeting with error and error-free sampling inspection plan. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) The Interaction between soil and buried bent pipelines. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Effects of geotextiles on the load-carrying capacity of pavements on Sabkha. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Build operate transfer (BOT) project delivery system in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Prediction of harmonic and intermodulation performance of frequency dependent nonlinear circuits and systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Targeting in multi-class screening under error and error-free measurement systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Solution behavior of hydrophobic non-ionic and ionic polymers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Improved quantization of DCT based compression algorithms for video teleconferencing applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Performance of quadrature amplitude modulation in Nakagami fading channels with diversity. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) High temperature ceramic superconductors: oxalate co-precipitation procedure for synthesis and influence of compositional variations. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Second law analysis and optimization of solar hot water systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) A new multisampling-based non-coherent FSK receiver using parametric spectrum estimators. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Overhad costs in building construction in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Evaluation of Dammam carrousel treatment plant for nitrogen removal. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Performance of TCM with concatenated codes over fading channels. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) A Hybrid error control scheme for ATM networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) A Simulation model for the shuttle bus traffic during Nafrah period. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Characterization of the acidic properties of zeolites and their catalytic behavior in the synthesis of MTBE. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Investigations on the influence of disk location and unbalance on fluid induced vibrations of a shaft-disk-bearing system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) The effects of faulty design and construction on building maintenance. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Copper recovery from wastewater using an electrochemical rotating barrel reactor. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Integrating heterogeneous database schemas using an on-line taxonomy: a methodology for creating a global schema. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Optimal tool replacement and resetting strategies. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Measuring quality in the service industry. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) New flavour symmetry and nonleptonic decays of D and B mesons. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Fault characterization and testability considerations in multi-valued logic circuits. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Numerical simulation of continuous countercurrent adsorption systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) An Object-oriented model for semantic analysis of natural languages. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Management of magnetic fields in and around substations. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Calculations of fluid flow and heat transfer in expanding ducts. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Modified ANT colony algorithm for combinational logic circuits design. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Ethylene oligomerization to olefins on supported nickel catalyst. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Performance analysis and modeling of disk I/O subsystem in high throughput servers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Solution methods for the economic dispatch problem and some of its variants. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Impact of process variables on nutrient removal in slow sand filters. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Numerical analysis of entropy generation in laminar viscous fluid flow between parallel plates. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Digital circuit design through simulated evolution. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Adaptive multiuser detection with decision feedback equalizer for interference cancellation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) The development of an intelligent alarm processor. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Signal strength prediction in the Eastern region of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Free energy surface an scaling in High-T c superconductors. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) An Arabic sentence generator. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) HCORDIC: a high-performance cordic algorithm. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Associative memory neural networks for error correction of linear block codes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Non-uniform reference model in multiple bus multiprocessors. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Reducing the complexity of rational cubics for designing the objects. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) A new traffic control scheme for ATM networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Communication over fading channels with frequency offsets. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Multiobjective water resources planning under demand, supply and quality uncertainties. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Geostatistical modeling of Arab-D reservoir, Harmaliyah field, Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Assessment of risk management perceptions and practices of construction contractors in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Application of space-time trellis codes for image transmission over wireless channels. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Adaptive fuzzy logic based framework for software development effort prediction. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) A neural network approach to feedback linearization. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Stratigraphical and microfacies analysis of the late Eocene - early Oligocene succession of Jabal Hafeet, U.A.E. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Generalised eigenvalue problem for tridiagonal symmetric interval matrices. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) A programmable self-adjusting SCR-based AC voltage regulator. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Studies on blow-up. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Performance evaluation of slow sand filters: a probabilistic approach. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Transmission expansion planning using artificial intelligent tools. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Computational study of conformational behavior and analyses of vibrational spectra of some ketenes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Realization of a transceiver circuit based on a newly developed coding scheme. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) New structural similarity metrics for UML models. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Carburization behavior of iron-based alloys in methane/hydrogen gas mixtures. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Surface charge behavior and adsorption of surfactants on carbonate rocks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Neural observers for non-linear systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Selective encryption techniques for secure transmission of MPEG video bit-streams. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Preparation and characterization of Y Ba₂ Cu₃ 0₇ high-T superconductor. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Nonholonomic motion planning for wheeled mobile systems using geometric phases. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) A Modified nodal formulation parametric sensitivities for power system analysis. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) A grafting approach to neural network construction. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Jobs scheduling on single machine under various maintenance policies. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Visualization with spline using a genetic algorithm. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Some quality and reliability aspcts of aluminium extrusion process. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Synthesis and solution properties of polymeric zwitterionic ammonium betains. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Investigation of fatigue crack growth rates under variable amplitude loading. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Study of the photochemical properties of some aromatic compounds on molecular sieves using a picosecond pulse laser system. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Mathematical modeling and optimization of precipitation hardening of extrudable aluminium alloys. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) A Framework for the development of distributed applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Local properties of some polynomial classes of harmonic mappings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Diagenesis of Jauf sandstone in Hawiyah area. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Modeling of pavement condition and maintenance priority ranking for road networks. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Microcontroller based PWM UPS. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Finite element modeling and analysis of rotor-bearing systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Supersonic jet impingement on a flat surface at angles from -5° to 30°. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Excitation transfer in highly excited calcium atoms through thermal collisions with argon. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Curvature analysis using multiresolution techniques. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1986) Heat transfer characteristics of ice solidification using a two-phase closed thermosyphon. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Estimation and filtering of harmonics. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Modeling and analysis of extrusion pressure and die life for complex aluminum profiles. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Automated billing system for public utilities. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Investigation of transient heat transfer in a rectangular packed duct with asymmetric heating. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Geostatistical modeling of Safaniya reservoir in Safaniya field. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Subjective assessment of indoor air quality in office buildings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Forced flow in the entry region of concentric annuli with impulsively rotated inner walls. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Numerical simulation of groundwater depletion in Al-Hasa area. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) A Framework for yield enhancement of processor arrays. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Optimization models for industrial process targeting. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Null steering in partially adaptive arrays using genetic algorithms. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) A Study on the development of vehicular loding for design of highway bridges in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Investigation of speech coding algorithms for voice communication through personal computers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Dynamic similarity metric for case-based planning under imperfection. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Flow injection spectrophotometric assay of tetracyclines in drug formulations. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Efficient static test compaction algorithms for combinational circuits based on test relaxation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Factors affecting pseudo relative permeability curves. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Modeling of adsorption-reaction phenomena on activated carbon. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Solution properties of sidechain polymers for enhanced oil recovery. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Application of H∞ optimization techniques in image & signal processing. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) The effect of signal coordination on interesection safety. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) An experimental study of oil recovery from tarmat reservoirs using hot water and solvent flooding. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Dynamic economic dispatch with sensitivity analysis. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Null steering in planar antenna arrays using genetic algorithms. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Effect of quality on lotsizing, warranty and inventory control decisions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Control of hypersonic flight trajectories to minimize heat load. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Chemical aspects of thermal instability in jet fuels from Saudi Arabian crude oils. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Performance evaluation of a new type of titanium nitride (TiN) coated twist drill. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Fuzzy logic-based PID self-tuning. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Conjugate natural convection heat transfer in vertical coconcentric annuli. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Robust congestion control for ATM's ABR service and design of a datalink layer interface library. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Modeling of hydrodynamics and mass transfer in cocurrent packed columns. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) The Effect of retarder on gelation time and stability of polyacrylamide chromium (III) gel system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Conduction and non-conduction limited laser heating process- mathematical simulation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Performance evaluation of mobile communication systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Channel characterization of radio links in the Southern Region of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Optimization of a packaged air conditioning unit performance using an experimentally validated CFD model. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Measuring the coupling of imperative computer programs. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Liquid-liquid extraction of some rare earth metal ions by polyoxyalkylene systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) A process miggration subsystem for distributed applications: design & implementation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Timing driven placement algorithm for standard-cell design. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Finite element dynamic analysis of drillstring. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Second-law-based thermoeconomic analysis and optimization of thermal-energy-storage systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Investigation of optimization techniques for scheduling precedence computations with communication costs. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Reliable life prediction models for various material damage processes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) A complete inspection plan for critical components. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Hydrogen bonding in polymer blends: effect on glass transition temperature. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Hydrocracking catalysts for vacuum gas oil and de-metallized oil blend. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Multimedia database systems: conceptual modeling. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Adaptive filtering using the least-mean mixed-norms algorithm and its application to echo cancellation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Methanol conversion to light olefins over commercial zeolites. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Nonlinear predictive control using genetic algorithms. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Enhancement of AC transient stability through multiterminal DC (MTDC) systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Extensions in multicharacteristics repeat inspection plans. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Owners satisfaction with consultancy practices in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Heat and mass transfer analysis of liquid desiccant-air contact system in a gauze-type structured packing tower. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Dataflow processor for back propagation nueral networks: architecture and performance evaluation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Modeling and simulation of a downer-type fluid catalytic cracking unit. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) The influence of owner involvement during construction process on projects quality. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Software design language for concurrent distributed systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Energy and exergy analyses of crude oil distillation plants. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Evaluation of vertical multiphase flow correlations for Saudi Arabian field conditions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Entropy-constrained reflected residual vector quantization with application to image coding. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Variable structure control of nonlinear systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Hardware specific optimization on RTL description. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Resonance excitation and electron capture by low charged ions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Analysis of the factors affecting the gelation time for polyacrylamide-redox system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Cyanoketene cycloaddition reactions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) The Effect of injected water salinity on oil recovery. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) A Methodology for the high level design of object-oriented software. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Performance of turbo codes under designed interleaving and puncturing conditions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Transient temperature distibution in a tubesheet of a fixed tubesheet heat exchanger. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Improving standstone matrix stimulation for oil wells by gas preconditioning. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) SELF-MAP: stochastic evolution LUT-FPGA technology mapper. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) New single asymmetric error correcting codes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Theoretical analysis and simulation of immobilized enzyme reactors. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Some acoustic wave problems in an inhomogeneous ocean. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) A study of graph coloring heuristics and its application to a time tabling problem in a registration and scheduling system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Numerical investigation of laminar natural convection flows in obstructed vertical channels. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) The effect of the gravitational mass on the electromagnetic radiation from an oblique, relativistically rotating dipole. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) High performance liquid chromatographic separation of some psychotherapeutic benzodiazepines with chemometrical optimization. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Cycloaddition reactions of a heterocyclic nitrone. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Bifurcation phenomena in non-isothermal reactive gas absorption. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Design & Implementation of a 3D graphics system an interactive hierarchical modeling approach. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Electron spini resonance studies of solute-solvent interaction in liquid-crystalline solvents. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Join algorithms for parallel computers for relations based on interpolation based grid file. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Optimal capacitor placement in distribution systems using heuristic techniques. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Design of bandlimited, energy optimized data transmission filter. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Finite element dynamic analysis of multibody rotor-bearing system with cracked shaft. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Normalized time varying mixed norm LMS-LMF adaptive algorithm. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Solution of the resource-constrained activity networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Optimization of parabolic steel box arches. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Heat transfer in eccentric annuli. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) A generalized theory for bending of thick isotropic rectangular plates. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Elasto-plastic collapse load analysis of single mitred bends. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Coupled bending torsional vibration of rotating shafts using finite element. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) A laser droppler anemometry study of the development of an initially turbulent flow in a horizontal tube. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Acoustic and resistivity studies of the Khobar Member, the Dammam Formation, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Quality of service routing. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Effect of drilling fluid particle sizes on formation damage: application to horizontal well. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Effect of gradation and testing procedures on the load carrying capacity of calcareous sediments. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) A groundwater velocity and dissolved oxygen on bioremediation of gasoline-contaminated sandy aquifers. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Management of groundwater resources in Somalia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Characterization and treatment of a petrochemical wastewater for reuse. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) The Effect of multiple fractures on the performance of gas wells. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Iterative algorithms for timing and low power driven VLSI standard-cell placement. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Evaluation of empirically derived PVT properties for oil field brines. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Use of small diameter cores in evaluation of in-situ concrete strength in Eastern Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Characterization of molecular sieves by n-Hexane cracking. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) A system for prototyping optical architectures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) A Load balancing algorithm for distributed computing systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Error detection in algorithm-based fault tolerant systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Synthesis and solution properties of some polysulfobetaines. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Detection of high impedance faults using artificial neural networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) A Life cycle costing model for small reverse osmosis water treatment facilities. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Application of multi-seismic attributes in estimating reservoir properties. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) An integrated stereo algorithm based on coarse-to-fine features and intensity values. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Back-end design of a formal high level synthesis system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Acoustic wavefield in an inhomogeneous ocean. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Noise and disorder effects on front propagation in non-linear media. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Geology of the early paleogene phosphorite deposits of Northwestern Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Priority-based scheduling and evaluation of precedence graphs with communication times. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Some exact and approximate inverse boundary and scattering problems. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) A Study of corrosion control of mild steel using inhibitors under atmospheric conditions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Reliability-based maintenance strategies for heat exchanges subject to fouling. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Priority-rating of public building maintenance work in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Behavior of laterally loaded pile group model in sand. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Quality changes of secondary effluent as it passes through amended sand column. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Transient response of varying thickness timoshenko beam under point load. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Linear-phase modified duobinary data transmission filter. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Integrated production, quality and maintenance models under various preventive maintenance policies. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Unit commitment by artificial intelligence techniques. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Heat convection from an oscillating cylinder. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Geostatistical modelling of Zarghat magnesite deposit Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Minority carrier injection in epitaxial schottky barrier diodes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Corrosion behavior of mild steel under atmospheric and accelerated conditions after treatment by several inhibitor solutions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Investigation of heat transfer in a rectangular packed duct with constant heat flux and asymmetrical wall temperatures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Floor finishing materials & systems: an expert system for evaluation and selection. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Chloride diffusion in concrete/prediction of the onset of corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Cancellation of grating lobes in scanned linear antenna arrays using genetic algorithm. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Assessment of hydrogeological parameters from thin-section study of middle cretaceous sandstones. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Decision feedback equalization using hybrid lattice-neural network structures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Assessment of the Problems facing the maintenance industry in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Performance modification of Saudi-asphalt binders using SABIC polymers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Method of lines analysis of Gaussian beam coupling to dielectric slab waveguide. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) An enhanced convex-elastic net technique for solving E-TSP. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Impact testing of brittle materials using split hopkinson pressure bar technique. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Designing a self-timed arithmetic logic unit. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Voltammetric assays and behavior of norfloxacin and nalidixic acid antibacterial drugs. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) A multi-level invariant representation of digital images. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Reliability studies of multireservoir system using stochastic approach. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Real and reactive power wheeling cost based on the marginal cost theory. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Protection of reinforced concrete using corrosion inhibitors and coatings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) The design and implementation of a structured programming language for the description of optical architectures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Laser-induced ionization in calcium resonant and non-resonant effects. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Differential electrolytic potentiometric detector in flow injection analysis. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Effect of heat treatment on the flow induced corrosion of aluminum-SiC(p). Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Pedestrian behavior related to accident involvement. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Effect of temperature on the fatigue behavior of plain weave woven carbon fabric-reinforced composite plastic. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Optimal repeat inspection plan with several classifications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Studies of the terephthalic acid and dihydroxy diphenyl sulfone liquid crystalline copolymer and its composites. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Incorporating the effects of gas slippage and non-darcy flow in the measurement of permeability using pressure pulse decay technique. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Investigation of mixed mode crack initiation angles under different loading conditions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Topology design of enterprise networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Analysis of metal-clad TM-pass polarizers using the method of lines. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Distorted wave born approximation calculation of differential cross section of 14N(d,a)12C reaction below 1.3 MeV deuteron energies. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) The effect of unit cell size on the activity and selectivity of FCC catalysts. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Investigation of horizontal well performance using Hele-Shaw model. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Fuzzy logic based FPGA routing. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Fate of secondary effluent flow through porous media. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Design and performance evaluation of refrigeration systems using thermodynamic models. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Performance optimization and modeling of slurry seal and micro surfacing utilizing steel slag aggregates. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Cross section measurements of 13C(d, p) 14C reaction at sub-coulomb barrier energies. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Economic production quantity models with variable production rates. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) An improved fractionally spaced decision feedback equalizer structure. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Three dimensional finite element analysis of brittle materials using CDM model. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Investigations of mixing in pipelines with side-, opposed-, and multiple-tees. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Radiative and nonleptonic decays of bottom baryons in the quark model. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Treatise on solute transport in porous media and its modeling for centration-dependent permeability. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Removal of coliphage and bacteria through slow sand filtration. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Genetic algorithm for timing influenced floorplanning of VLSI designs. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Effect of thermal-hydraulic parameters on CaCO₃ scalling in heat exchangers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Fast wavelet transforms and seismic compression. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) An Ethernet bridge with packet filtering and statistics collection capabilities. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Proposed methodology for designing the signal change interval. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Numerical simulation of turbulent natural convection in enclosures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Boundary element analysis of nonprismatic beams and plates. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Modelling and antiswing control of overhead cranes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Evaluation of correlations for natural gas compressibility factors. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) The effect of temperature and salt contamination on corrosion of reinforcing steel in OPC and blended cement concretes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Factors affecting the accuracy of construction costs estimating in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Study of natural convection from cylindrical surfaces embedded in porous media by LDCT. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Design level coupling metrics for UML models. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Metal incorporation in MCM-41 for hydrodesulfurization. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Performance of Epoxy-injected concrete in hot weather conditions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Deactivation of dehydration adsorbents. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Performance driven, low-power, standard VLSI cell placement using simulated evolution. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Digitally programmable tuned circuits. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Data integration in 3-D geostatistical porosity modeling of Hanifa Reservoir in Berri field, Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) A Two-dimensional geometric-shapes-based compression scheme for deterministic testing of systems-on-a-chip. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) A framework for the VLSI implementation of systolic tree based data structures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Performance evaluation of concrete coatings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Predicting short-duration, high-intensity rainfall in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Fourier descriptor approach for defect analysis in ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Development of a congestion control scheme for ATM networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) An efficient font design method. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Assessment of HVAC systems design and operation for indoor air quality in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Steady state experimental evaluation of a Novel raney-Ni/PTFE gas diffusion electrode in an alkaline fuel cell. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Second-law-based thermodynamic analysis of vapor-compression refrigeration cycles. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) A Geochemical investigation of a suite of Central Arabian crude oils. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) An investigation into the error performance of vertical-bell labs layered space-time architecture V-blast. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) VLSI implementation of petri net models of a class of digital systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Fracture toughness investigation of an indigenous limestone rock formation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Weibull analysis of cutting tools and dies. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Differential electrolytic potentiometric detector in flow injection analysis and in micro titration. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Stabilization of Raney Nickel catalyst for fuel cell electrodes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Load induced cracking and failure of concrete deck slabs in girder-slab type bridges. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Investigation of dynamic behavior of power system installed with statcom. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Assessment of safety measures in the design of residential buildings in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Study of reaction kinetics of a submerged membrane activated sludge process. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Evaluation and comparison of Ingternet firewalls. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Evaluation of pipelined switch architectures for ATM networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Investigation of the production performance of horizontal wells in fractured bottom water drive reservoirs. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) A paleomagnetic study of central Harrat Rahat, Western Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Fractional calculus and some of its applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Analysis of one and two dimensional bandgap structures using automated method of lines with arbitrary longitudinal discontinuities. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Thermo-mechanical modeling of tool and workpiece interface in metal forming process. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) A clustering-based algorithm for the rectilinear steiner tree problem. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Electron capture from hydrogenic systems by positrons and positive muons. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Factors affecting construction costs in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Modeling and simulation of a combined isomerizaion reactor/pressures swing adsorption unit. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Design of variable gain transimpedance preamplifier. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) All optical reflectivity modulation utilizing surface plasmon resonance. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Modeling of transient gas-solid reactions in a fixed-based reactor. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Experimental investigation of various physical factors affecting the stability of water-in-oil emulsions in oil production. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) An LP-based procedure for graph isomorphism. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) An implementation model for design-build (D-B) project delivery system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) One dimensional coupled vibrating systems with control applied at the coupled points. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Oil compressibility correlations. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Study of the Stereochemical and reactivity phenomena of the addition reaction of 8-membered cyclic nitrone by NMR spectroscopy. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Geostatistical evaluation of the Hazam al-Jalamid phosphorite deposit, Northwestern Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Design and analysis of a fault-tolerant switch for B-ISDN. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) On the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Computerized multiple criteria decision making model for projects planning and implementation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Conjugate free convection heat transfer in vertical eccentric annuli. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) EPR investigations of anisotropic interaction and cole-davidson parameters, novel phospholipids, and newly synthesized buckminsterfullerenes using nitroxide spin probes. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Chronoamperometric evaluation of several organic corrosion inhibitors by the measurement of the hydrogen permeation flux. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Measurement of differential cross section of ¹²C(d,p) reaction at E = 160 to 300 keV. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Steady state multiplicity in gas-liquid CSTRs. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Validation and improvement of rear-end traffic conflict model for safety evaluation of coordinated signal systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Null steering in phased and adaptive arrays by controlling the element positions. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Optimal assessment of using solar and wind power for desalination on the Eastern coast of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Multistream realtime control of a distributed telerobotic system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Crack propagation in CPVC at different temperatures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Xylene stransformation over Y zeolite in a fluidized-bed reactor. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Microcontroller based unity power factor convertor. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Numerical investigation of pulsating flows in abrupt expansion pipes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Unsteady state performance of porous gas-diffusion electrodes in alkaline fuel cell. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) A java based load balancing framework for network parallel applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Removal of microorganisms through slow sand filtration of chlorinated vs. nonchlorinated secondary effluents. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) A study of protein partinioning in two phase aqueous solutions of random and multi-block capolymers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Use of microtubes in the design of optimized trickle irrigation network. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) An integrated geological modeling of the Arab-D reservoir, Uthmaniyah area Ghawar field. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Spontaneous ignition characteristics of a super-light oil. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Separation process for the recovery of desalted water and chemical products from indigenous saline water resources. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Cost implications of architectural dlesign variables. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Learning continuous functions using decision tree learning algorithms. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Performance evaluation of concrete surface treatment materials. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) A Robust design methodology for structural control using piezoelectric materials. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) An aid to similar-characteristics-code clustering. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Mechanisms of high durability performance of plain and blended cements. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Torsional vibrations analysis of a synchronous motor-compressor drive train. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) A Formal VLSI parallel description and design environment. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Performance evaluation of shell-and-tube heat exchangers: a numerical approach. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Role of sodium chloride in low temperaturs hot corrosion of superalloys. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Identification and control strategy applied in load management of residential air-conditioners. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Investigation of heat and moisture transfer during solids drying. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Runlength limited codes with error correction capabilities. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Recovery performance and relative permeabilities of composite cores. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Parallel optical architectures for some comparison-based problems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Fuzzy simulated evolution algorithm for VLSI cell placement. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Spline-wavelets in numerical solutions of differential equations. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) A New dewpoint pressure correlation for gas-condensate systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) The Inverse problem of the calculus of variations: an operator-theoritic study. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Optimal power flow with FACTS devices. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Object modeling with conic splines. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Intermediate forms in high-level synthesis. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Hydrogen production by the electrolysis of saline water. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Experimental investigation of hydrogen spillover on Co-Clay hydrotreating catalysts by noble metals. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Investigation of leachate from a sanitary landfill in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Developing a price index for school projects in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Toward standardization of public building maintenance contracts in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Design and analysis of a high-performance fault-tolerant ATM network. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Design for systems replacement in buildings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Hydrogeochemistry of Alat and Khobar aquifers in Eastern Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Optimal design of multicharacteristic inspection plan udner inspection errors and statistical dependency. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) NMR study of nitrogen inversion and N-O bond rotation and anomeric effect in hydroxylamine derivatives. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) On the synthesis and optimization of MVL functions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Design of telerobotic system over a local area network (LAN). Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) A Novel fast packet switch architecture for ATM networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Flexure and shear behaviour of damaged RC beams repaired by plate bonding. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Optimal design of reinforced concrete frames. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Flavor conserving flavor changing radiative decays of vector mesons in Quark model. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Modes of nonlinear optical fibers. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Factors affecting quality of pavement construction in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Nickel and vanadyl porphyrins in Arabian heavy crude oil. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Performance analysis of digital modulation schemes used in mobile radio. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Modeling of groundwater flow system in Wadi Al-Miyah area, Eastern Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Effect of formation damage on horizontal well performance. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Biological treatment of hazardous contaminants in sequencing batch reacors. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Timing driven global routing for standard cell design. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) An expert system for load flow planning. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Effect of a hydraulic fracture on the performance of a layered gas condensate reservoir. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Built-in self test logic for a histogrammer memory chip. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) A Load balancing framework for distributed and parallel applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Application of pulse-decay technique to characterize whole cores. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Mixture models for dense fluids and polymers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Analysis of the ionized field around HVDC transmission lines. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Investigating smart classroom acoustics utilizing computer modeling. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Evaluation of load transfer in axially loaded repaired concrete columns. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Code acquisition technique using adaptive filters in wireless communication. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1980) Dearomatization of naphtha cuts from Saudi Arabian crudes using different selective solvents. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) A Study of rheology and interfacial activity of amphiphilic block copolymers for enhanced oil recovery. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Conjugate forced convection heat transfer in eccentric annuli. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Determining velocity, temperature and occupancy comfort within a 3-D room. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Characerization of expansive soils in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) An expert system for concrete diagnosis. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Synthesis, spectroscopic studies and structure of gold (III) chloride compounds of heterocyclic N-oxide diadducts revealing short hydrogen bond. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1984) Comparison of binary sorption of propane and N-butane on 5A and 13X Zeolites. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Non-catalytic partial oxidation of sour natural gas. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Harmonic analysis of no-load current in distribution transformers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Pressure transient behavior of a well in anisotropic reservoir intersected by multiple fractures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) A Parametric study of water-coning in horizontal wells. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Analysis of turbulent transport properties in the near field of an isothermal free jet. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Microcomputer based interactive process identification package. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Implementation of an isolated word recognition system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1987) Power system generation reliability. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Sedimentology and geochemistry of Qurayyah Sabkha, Eastern Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) A Hardware model of an expandable RSA cryptographic system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) The final set of mesomorphic and entire functions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Assesment of the geotechnical properties of stabilized sand-marl mixtures for constructional purposes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Evaluation of contract administration for public projects in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Study of various repair methods for reinforced concrete flexural members. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Capacity of slotted ALOHA under Nakagami fading. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Equipment management policy of major construction contractors in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) A virtual distributed computing system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Higher-order statistics (HOS)-based deconvolution for ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of materials. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Quantitative determination of tetraalkyllead by lead-207 nuclear magnetic resonance. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) An overview of the construction industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1390AH-1415AH (1970-1995). Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Delay in the Construction of public utility projects in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) On a neural network-based fault detection algorithm. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Evaluation of work sampling as an indicator of construction labor productivity. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) ¹⁵N and ¹³C NMR studies of the interaction of cyanide ion with gold (I) drugs. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Investigation and implementation of some probabilistic algorithms. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Transient impulsive flow about a sphere in a gas stream. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Investigation of structural stability and vibrational spectra of some organizations. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Evaluation of the construction equipment replacement policies of construction contractors in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Strengthening of damaged reinforced concrete beams by external fiber glass plates. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Geological, mineralogical and geostatistical studies on Zarghat magnesite deposit, Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Multipath fading effects on digital microwave links and countermeasures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1987) Data-flow expression evaluator for VLSI implementation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Successive shortest path algorithms for a class of network problem. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Development of mechanical works' assembly cost data model for residential buildings in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Geotechnical properties of the surfacial soil of Sana'a The Yemen Arab Republic. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Code generation for dHAD on Vax. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Numerical study of volterra difference equations of the second kind. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Fatigue life predictions of notched members in Arabian Gulf Water. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Search for isobaric analogue states in ⁵⁷Co via the reaction⁵⁶Fe (p,y)⁵⁷Co. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Current conveyor-based universal filter and oscillator. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Optimization of horizontal well completion : (position, length and perforation scenarios). Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Dynamic response of fluid-loaded composite plates to stationary and moving loads. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Concrete mix design for hot weather. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) An experimental investigation of heat transfer in the thermally developing region of a pulsating pipe flow. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1982) The Influence function technique in the numerical analysis of plate bending of arbitrary plan form. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1980) Microcomputer control system for programmable logic array burn-in. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Watson's Lemma with applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) On the spectral limit points of graphs. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1987) Phase behavior and microemulsion studies on a Saudi Arabian crude. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1987) A new transformation and design technique for switched capacitor high pass ladder filters. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) On the residual stress measurements in Y-based superconductor. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) On the quadratic assignment problem and its extensions. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Mathematical models for quality in multistage production systems. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Feasibility & development of an Arabic/English computer-aided detailed estimating system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Integral methods for transpired boundary layer flow. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Development of empirical equations for water-oil relative permeability. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Timing driven floorplanning. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Effect of liquid rop-out on the productivity of a rich gas condensate reservoir. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Fatigue damage characterization and life prediction in carbon fiber reinforced plastic composites. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Design, modeling, and VLSI implementation of a RISC dataflow array processor. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Quality management practices among A/E organizations. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Identification and control of a class of nonlinear systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Binary separations by pressure swing adsorption processes. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Spectral estimation based on singular value decomposition techniques. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Component selection and pipelining using stochastic evolution. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1979) A Comoputer-assisted analysis for thermodynamic processes and cycles. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1982) Design of solarimeter. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Sulfide stress cracking of dissimilar metal welds. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Reservoir formation facies identification using decision tree learning. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Spectral characterization of trees. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Partitioning and mapping nested loops on message-passing multiprocessors. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1981) Two dimensional mathematical model of evacuated tubular solar collector. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) A Study of tensile and microhardness properties of m-LLDPE/LDPE blends. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Vibration analysis of point and column supported mindlin plates. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) The Cognitive self-structuring connectionist machine. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Performance evaluation of (HVOF) thermal spray coating using INCONEL-625 powder. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Development a DSP-32C based electrocardiograph machine using microcomputers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1984) Packed-bed adsorption of phenol and 2, 4 dichlorophenoxy acetic acid on the macroreticular resin XAD-7. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Experimental investigation of microbial growth in subsurface environment. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Iterative coupling of boundary and finite element methods. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Bond and durability of fusion-bonded epoxy-coated steel bars. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Feasibility of Adobe as a construction material : a case study. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Magnetic and scaling properties of Yba2Cu408 high-temperature superconductor. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Khafji reservoir mechanical properties calibration and in-situ stress modeling, Zuluf field, Eastern Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Measuring inheritance coupling in object-oriented systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Design of an Alkaline/Surfactant/Polymer enhanced oil recovery scheme for a Saudi Arabian limestone reservoir. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1980) A Study on the performance of delta modulation systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) A Study of copper recovery by liquid membrane containing a chelating agent. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1987) Construction financing in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1986) Microprocesser based analog speech Scrambler/descrambler. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Polymer modification of Arab Asphalt to Suit Gulf Countries' performance requirements. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Change orders in construction projects in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) An experimental investigation for the effect of pulsation on heat transfer characteristics in pipes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Kinetic studies and methods of analysis of some compounds of analytical interest utilizing sequential injection analysis technique. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Harmonic analysis of no-load current in distribution transformers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Durability of reinforced concrete beams repaired with various repair materials. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) A fault independent test generation method for combinational logic circuits. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1979) Elementary divisors over rings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Effects of blending MTBE, methanol, or ethanol with gasoline on performance and exhaust emissions of SI engines. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) H°° state-feedback with closed-loop transfer recovery (H°° /CLTR) design method. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Design and analysis of a hierarchical, fault tolerant, multicomputer network. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1975) Corrosion of steel in the Arabian environment. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Oxygen Stoichiometry effect on magnetic properties of Yba₂Cu₃O₇_δ superconductor. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Laser spectroscopy of 3A2 -> 1A1 phosphorescence of sulphur dioxide. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Measuring the effectiveness of materials management for industrial construction projects in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Temperature dependent angle-resolved photoemission study of the valence bands of single crystal iridium. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Pleistocene-holocene sedimentation along King fahd Causeway between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Zincosilicates with MFI-structure; synthesis, characterization, and catalytic evaluation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Radio frequency spread spectrum for distributed control systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) A Systolic algorithm for VLSI design of a viterbi decoder. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(0011) Performance modeling of a computer system Saudi Arabian Ministry of Interior online system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Optimal control of nonlinear plants using artificial neural networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Comparison of accepted procedures for determining schedule and cost impact. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Uppeer semicontinuous decompositions E3 into subarc's of Bing's sling and points. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Globally stable adaptive pole placement. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Two improved lossless image compression methods. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Monitoring fluid fron movement using permanent resistivity arrays. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Modeling of a nonisothermal tubular reactor packed with immobilized enzyme systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Reliability equivalents for AC adequacy evaluation of large power systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1983) Robust decentralized L.F.C. with online iteraction trajectory improvement. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Analysis of packed bed biofilm reactor under single and multiple substrate utilization. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Investigation of degradation of NBR and HNBR elastomers by light scattering rheology and molecular dynamics techniques. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Generation outage dynamic contingency analysis using frequency prediction. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Design of composite die for wire drawing. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Vibration frequencies of rotating tapered beam including rotary inertia and transverse shear deformation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1982) Design and analysis of the automated meteorological system for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Assessment of application of life cycle cost on construction projects. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Studying the behavior of Dhahran dune sand using the 3rd invariant stress dependent combined hardening cap model. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Safety performance measuremnts: a PC-basd evaluation tool for industrial contractors in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Elastic plastic analysis of semi-rigid industrial frames. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Assessment of concrete strength by lok and capo tests. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Optimization of continuous counter current adsorption systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Parallel genetic scheduling for parallel applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Reliability analysis of ATM network with error control. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Fuzzy optimal control. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Photophysical behavior of 1,8-diaminonaphthalene in acidic aqueous solutions and in zeolite sieves. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Numerical modeling of RC slabs on tensionless elastic subgrade. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) A Conceptual model for consultant selection in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) An area efficient FPGA: Design using non volatile RAM. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) The Galerkin method for singular nonoscillatory two-point boundary value problems. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Dynamic modeling and analysis of axially moving beam with prismatic and revolute joints. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Optimal shunt compensators at nonlinear busbars. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Experimental determination of heat transfer coefficient for water-lithium bromide mixture. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Digital filter design using LMI based techniques. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Design of 1-D and 2-D IIR digital filters using IRLS technique. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Analysis and design of buried pipelines. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Quantifying crude oil spill volume in homogeneous and layered porous media from product thickness in monitoring wells. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Modeling of fluidised-bed reactors; generalisation of the Werther model. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Multicast routing protocol with partial flooding for ad hoc wireless networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Reductive lie groups and mostow fibration. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Electropolymerization of pyrrole on mild steel for corrosion protection. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Liability allocation among the parties to fixed-price construction contracts in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Causes of contractors' failures in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Finite element analysis of stick-slip vibrations in drillstrings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Bayesian prediction for the multiple linear regression model with first order auto-correlation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Safety assessment of industrial construction projects in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Facts-based stabilizers for power system stability enhancement. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Ergonomic design of a Barber's workstation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Optimization of ideal reactive distillation column using hybrid PSO algorithm. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Neocognitron: application to the handwritten Hindi numerals. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) A Study of translational diffusion constants of paramagnetic species in solution. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Laboratory evaluation of hedmanite and lime modified asphalt concrete mixes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Developing a concrete cost estimating model for small residential buildings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Analysis of laminated general shells undergoing finite rotations and large motion. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Depositional environments and provenance of the Wajid Sandstone, Abha-Khamis Mushayt area, Southwestern Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Adsorption of light gases and their mixtures on SR-115 and ETS-10 Zeolites. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Design and performance evaluation of evaporative cooling towers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Fouling analysis and its mitigation in heat exchangers. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Energy and exergy analysis of Ghazlan Power Plant. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) The Effect of temperature dependent viscosity variation on the performance of heat exchangers. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) An expert system for designing hydrodynamic journal bearings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Performance evaluation of interrupt handling schemes in gigabit network. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Ant colony multi-optimization algorithm for circuit bi-partitioning. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) New mechanisms for improved adaptive routing in wormhole networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Development and testing of an artificial neural network model for predicting bottomhole pressure in vertical multiphase flow. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Scheduling courses in a university. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Wakel flow with varying separatin points. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) A prediction model for the residual flexural strength of corroded reinforced concrete beams. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Chemical stabilization of Al-Qurrayyah Eastern Saudi Sabkha soil. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Impact of variability of Nakagami-m parameter on the performance of digital communication systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Model-based controller design for a continuous pulping reactor. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) A framework for a reliable and fault-tolerant network management architecture. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Design of robust PSS and facts-based controllers for stability enhancement of power systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Experimental investigation of biofilter parameters. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Unsteady hydrodynamic forces on spheroidal bodies. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Numerical simulation of groundwater in the Umm Er Radhuma Aquifer at Shadco project - Eastern Province. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) The Production of activated carbon from local palm-date pits for pollution removal process. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Ideal extension of E-Bisimple semigroup theorems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Oxidation/carburization behavior of high temperature alloys. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) On the blow-up by comparison. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Unsteady natural convection in open ended vertical concentric annuli. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) On the performance of turbo codes over Rayleigh fading channels. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Prediction of shear/peeling failure in plated R/C beams. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Contractors quality systems-assessment to the ISO 9000 standard. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Assessment, prediction and enhancement of the reliability of extrusion dies. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Critical success factor for different project objectives. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Evaluation of thermal resistivity of soils in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Routing in multicomputer netwroks: a classifcation and comparison. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Null steering and pattern control in smart antenna arrays. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Experimental investigations of the vortex flow behind a circular cone at high angles of attack. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Construction productivity awareness and improvement programs in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Computerized conceptual-cost-estimating system for domestic water supply projets. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Automatic scheduling of substation maintenance outages. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Performance modeling of Arabian asphalt using HP-GPC chromatography. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Channel estimation in OFDM systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Transiently developing free and opposing jets in relation to gas-assisted laser evaporative heating process. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Robust networks modeling and scheduling. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Growth of uniform layers of nanosized zeolites on 3D ordered macroporous carbon: synthesis, characterization, and catalytic evaluation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Efficacy of contractor prequalification models. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Effect of piezoelectric actuator placement on controlling the modes of vibration for flexible structures. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Influence of molecular parameters on the miscibility of metallocene LLDPE and HDPE blends: rheological and molecular dynamics simulation investigation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Computational Modelling of shrinkage in repaired concrete. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Computer utilization by construction contractors in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Finite space direct and inverse problem in quantum Mechanical scattering theory using the born approximation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Experimental and numerical analyses of mixed mode crack initiation angle. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Effects of aggregate quality on reinforcement corrosion. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Scheduling and allocation in high-level synthesis using genetic algorithm. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Pattern matching and applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) A generalized approach to the machining economics optimization. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Industrial plants reliability evaluation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Generalization of formal concept analysis to fuzzy contexts: application for knowledge extraction. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Performance study of the lowest bidder bid awarding system in government projects - Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer around and inside a liquid sphere. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) The Role of asphaltenes, resins and other solids in the stabilization of water in oil emulsions and its effect on oil production in Saudi oil fields. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Pade approximants technique for the analysis of waveguide junctions and beam splitters. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Efficient algorithm for collision detection and path planning for robotics application. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1982) A Study of development and performance of sulphur-based construction blocks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Self tuning control of nonlinear systems: a meural net based approach. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1984) Effects of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and water on catalytic hydrogenation of propylbenzene. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Synthesis, solution properties and NMR spectroscopy of some polybetaines. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Design of microstrip linear phased array antenna using integrated array feeder. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Waterproofing of roofs of residential buildings in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1987) Investigation of nitrogen compound types in high-boiling petroleum distillates form Saudi Arabian crude oils. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1984) On the propagation of electromagnetic waves in an inhomogeneous medium. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1987) Development of guidelines for four phase traffic signal scheme in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Static strength properties of artificially cemented sands. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Studies on soil-foundation interaction in the Sabkha environment of Eastern Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Magnetic field management in underground cables. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Weibull reliability analysis and maintenance strategies of rotating equipment. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Effects of oily sludge landforming on the soils environment. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Natural convection flow in parallel-plate vertical channels. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Dispersion of chloroform in a saturated porous media. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Numerical investigations of flow in a partially packed vessel. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Modelling of chemical kinetics of methane/nitrogen dioxide/oxygen flames. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Onset voltage of corona on coated conductors. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Analysis of anti-resonant reflecting optical waveguide grating using the method of lines. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1980) A Three-dimensional photoelastic investigation of the stress distribution in the anchorage zone of post-tensioned beams. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) The effect of casting and curing temperatures on the properties of concrete. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Effect of captive riders in intercity mode-choice modeling. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Architectures for arithmetic operations in Galois Fileds GF(2m). Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Computational study of the flowfield through a cascade of NACA 0012 Airfoils. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1978) A Robust univariate procedure for testing symmetry and normality. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Studies on soil-foundation interaction in the sabkha environment of Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Studies on the evaluation of permeability and corrosion resisting characteristics of Portland pozzolan concrete. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Air conditioners performance using soft starter. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Characterization and stabilization of Eastern Saudi Marls. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) A Pose invariant face recognition system using subspace techniques. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) The relationship of fee structure in engineering offices and design deficiency. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Numerical simulation of ice crystal growth (initial frosting process). Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Assessment of safety level in performing building maintenance work in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Development of an equivalent dispersion coefficient for a complex contaminant transport model. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) License plate recognition system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) A retrieval and display system for the holy Quran. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Calibration of VISSIM to the traffic conditions of Khobar and Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Channel modeling and perforamce analysis of directive wideband Nakagami fading channels. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Thermal insulation economics for Saudi residential buildings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Symmetry solutions of some nonlinear PDE's. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Potential impact of the WTO on Saudi construction firms. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Development of an expert system for evaluating the environmental quality of office buildings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Cyclopolymerization of unsaturated quaternary piperazinium compounds. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Performance of punctured space-time codes over wireless channels and their applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Laboratory study on precipitation of calcium sulphate in berea sandstone cores. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Effects of diversity combining, coding and equalization on digital microcellular mobile communication systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Chain transfer agents: characterization and their use in polymerization reactions. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Multiselection on some interconnection networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) New joint time-frequency transforms with improved properties. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Digital filter design by approximate time-domain modeling. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) New algorithms for H-norm approximation and applications. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Application of artificail neural networks to optical character recognition. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Synthesis, modification and catalytic evaluation of high-silica zeolites. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) An analytical simulator for deploying IP telephony. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1982) Analysis of turbulent, axisymmetric, dense jets discharged to quiescent, uniform or stratified ambients. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Design and modeling of a real-time RISC processor in VHDL. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Simulation of a simulated moving bed reactor for hydrocarbon isomerization. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Investigations on a flat, square plate at high incidence in a low speed flow. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Use of vibrator performance data to improve near-surface velocity determination. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Identification of Hammerstein and Wiener models using radial basis functions neural networks. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Parameter estimation in Wiener-Hammerstein models. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Mixed convection from an elliptic tube placed in a fluctuating free stream. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Handling imprecision and uncertainty in software quality models. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1987) Adsorption of surfactants on Saudi Arabian limestone. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1984) Stochastic approach for modeling machining process variables. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Closed loop identification for model predictive control: a case study. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Null-steering in planar arrays by phase perturbations using genetic algorithms. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Integrated production, quality and maintenance models for multistage production-inventory systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1987) Tertiary wastewater treatment by sedimantation and sand filtration. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Analysis of the ionized field around multi-phase power transmission lines. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Engineering properties and mineralogical composition of expansive clays in Al-Qatif area (K.S.A). Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1981) Effect of speed control humps on vehicle dynamics. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Assessment of automating facilities management current practices: potential framework models for Saudi Arabian Universities. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) 13C, 15N and 31P NMR study of the scrambling and the redox reactions of some gold(I) complexes. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) The Effect of high temperature and aging on water-base drilling fluids. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Impulsive dynamic boundary value problems on time scales. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Identification and classification of helicopters using neural nets. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Synthesis and characterization of composite polymeric membranes for proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Interface frictional characteristics of non-woven geotextile - Sabkha and - sand using pull-out tests. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1994) Assessment of the onset condition of upward streamers from energized Franklin rods. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Performance of biofilters under non-isothermal conditions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Modeling of biological wastewater treatment in sequencing batch reactors. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Heat convection from a horizontal cylinder in a quiescent fluid. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Effect of outflow orientation and multiple jets orifice plate configurations on heat transfer in a rectangular duct. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Liquid desiccant and its application for pipeline drying. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Modeling of Multicomponent gas-solid reactions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Kinetic study of ethylene oxidation using silver catalyst in a Berty reactor. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Adaptive forward error correction coding for diversity communication systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Factors affecting mercury capillary pressure measurements. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Criteria for cathodic protection of steel in concrete in the context of Arabian Gulf environment. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1983) Homomorphic analysis and synthesis of speech generated by an all-pole model. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1979) Biparabolic isoparametric shell element : (a version of Ahmad element). Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Role of parity violating Hamiltonian in-non-relativistic quark model for non-leptonic hyperon weak transitions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Evaluation of empirically derived PVT properties for Nigerian crude oils. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Three-dimensional transient temperature analysis of friction welding of cylindrical bars. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) On a class of inverted distributions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) A study of mix design and durability of self compacting concrete. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Synthesis and application of acrylamide based multi-block copolymers in separation of proteins. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) A model for benchmarking contractors project management elements in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1978) Optimization of Concrete strength using local aggregates from the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1980) The Applications of microcomputers for vehicular traffic control. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) The Designing of objects using rational splines with shape control. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Identification of coherent generators using linear trajectory. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) An Investigation of corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) On learning better decision trees. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Preparation and characterization of polypropylene/palm fiber composites. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) A novel architecture for switched-capacitor FIR filters. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Effect of dissolved oxygen on activated carbon uptake. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) An LPC analysis and synthesis system for Arabic speech. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1987) Removal of iron and manganese with ozone. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Parking problem of Arafat. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Design of state feedback control laws based on reduced order models. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1987) Experiments on a flat square plate at high angles of attack. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Effect of dissolved oxygen on the adsorptive capacity of a granular activated charcoal for phenol and O-Cresol. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Hybrid liquid desiccant based air-conditioning system. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Laser induced photocatalytic conversion of methane into methanol. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1982) Electrical resistivity of concrete in relation to corrosion of reinforcement. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Detection of a transverse crack in a rotating shaft using wavelet transform. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Analysis of horizontally curved pseudo slab type bridge deck continuous over discrete pier supports. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Performance evaluation of I-Q trellis codes over frequency-selective fading channels. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Fuzzy genetic algorithm for VLSI floorplan design. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) An experimental investigation of stall characteristics in a vaneless diffuser. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Analysis of turbulent transport properties in a swirling flow of a Can-type combustor. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Numerical discussion of the time domain inverse scattering problem for wave equation. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1982) Software reliability modelling and evaluation via Markov and semi-Markov processes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Equilibrium adsorption of light alkanes and their mixtures at high pressure on 5A, 13X and S-115 adsorbents. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Tertiary treatment of municipal sewage via slow sand filtration. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1987) Effect of sight distance on the safety of unsignalized intersections. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2001) Effect of intermetallic phases on corrosion of Aluminum-Silicon Carbide (Al-SiCp) composites. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) A parsing algorithm for iconic visual programming languages. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) Computerized AHP model for solving Bid/no-Bid decision problem. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Multiple access schemes for data communications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) A parallel list scheduling algorithm: design and performance. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Recycling of deteriorated asphalt pavements. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Synthesis, characterization and NMR studies of some gold(I) and silver(I) complexes with cyanide, thiones and selenones. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Modelling of blood flow in a time-varying shape passage. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1984) The Riemann-Steiltjes integration in locally compact spaces. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Comparative study of different methods of vibration control of rotor bearing systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Systematic examination techniques for planning and scheduling among Saudi Arabian construction firms. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Reduced order models for synchronous machines. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1979) Peak load forecast for Saudi Arabia electric power generation, 1978-2000. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1991) Towards an optimal accumulator size for the Hough transform. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1999) Catalytic chain transfer polymerization of methacrylates and styrene. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Implementation and validation of object-oriented design-level cohesion metrics. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1987) Geostatistical estimation of reserves in the Abu-Tartur phosphate deposits western desert, Egypt. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1986) Analytical calculation of bow shock waves from delta shaped supersonic lifting wings. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Contaminant behavior and distribution in mechanically ventilated multi-zone building. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Lithofacies and diagenetic study of the Uthmaniyah Arab-D limestone member (Ghawar oil field). Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Joint Ventures in construction firms in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2006) Interference testing using horizontal wells in anisotropic reservoirs. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Design of an echo canceller for acoustic halls. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Evolutionary techniques for multi-objective VLSI netlist partitioning. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) Performance of multistage interconnection networks under non-uniform reference model. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1985) Speaker recognition using orthogonal LPC parameters in noisy environment. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Concurrency in interpolation based grid files. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1990) Factors affecting bidding and markup decisions in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1989) Photoinitiated polymerization by phosphonium salts incorporating a chromophore unit. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1992) A finite difference approximation for a class of singular boundary value problems. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2005) Synthesis of 2-imino-2-oxo-1,3,2-oxazaphosphorinanes. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2004) Cost effective design of conventional type distribution transformer using optimization techniques. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Developing behavioral models for driver gap acceptance at priority intersections. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Organization of parallel memories. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
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(1982) Buckling of multiple braced columns. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1981) Spectral representation of the love wave operator. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1981) Measurements on wall turbulence. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1978) On Gleason spaces. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1995) AutoVLSI system: a layout system for general-cell VLSI design. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Convective heat transfer characteristics in the rectangular packed beds with asymmetric heating. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Localization and delocalization studies in one dimensional electronic disordered systems. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1988) Hydrogen transfer cracking of Arabian vacuum residuum in tetralin. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2000) Neural network based nonlinear blind equalization schmes for high order M-ary QAM signals. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) A new enhanced binary ghost canceling reference signal for TV ghosts. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2003) Removal of heavy metal ions using a novel integrated electrolytic-electrodialytic process. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1996) Programmable current mirrors: design and applications. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2002) Plastic shrinkage cracking of blended cement concretes under hot weather conditions. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
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(2000) Modeling and control of stand-alone and parallel operating diesel generators. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1998) Design and construction of a liquid incinerator; a novel method for fast chemical measurements and feedback control. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1997) Intelligent techniques approach to power systems identification and control. PhD thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
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Performance evaluation of slow sand filters using fuzzy rule-based modelling. Performance evaluation of slow sand filters using fuzzy rule-based modelling.
Identifying water quality sampling stations in Al-Khobar water distribution system, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Identifying water quality sampling stations in Al-Khobar water distribution system, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Stochastic goal programming model for optimal blending of desalinated water with groundwater. Stochastic goal programming model for optimal blending of desalinated water with groundwater.
Secondary effluent treatment by slow sand filters: Performance and risk analysis. Secondary effluent treatment by slow sand filters: Performance and risk analysis.
Optimizing water quality monitoring stations using genetic algorithms. Optimizing water quality monitoring stations using genetic algorithms.
An algorithm for designing a precipitation network in the south-western region of Saudi Arabia. An algorithm for designing a precipitation network in the south-western region of Saudi Arabia.
Biology of Phlebotomus sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in two contrasting leishmaniasis foci of south-west Saudi Arabia. Biology of Phlebotomus sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in two contrasting leishmaniasis foci of south-west Saudi Arabia.
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Optimal Fuzzy Regulator. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT FUZZY SYSTEMS, 8. pp. 159-172.
Economic Production Lot-Sizing For An Unreliable Machine Under Imperfect Age-Based Maintenance Policy. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 168. pp. 150-163.
Effect Of Inspection Errors And Preventive Maintenance On A Two-Stage Production Inventory System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 107. pp. 301-313.
Effect Of Maintenance On The Economic Design Of (X)Over- Bar-Control Chart. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 120. pp. 131-143.
Imperfect Production Systems With Imperfect Preventive Maintenance, Inflation, And Time Value Of Money. ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OFOPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 23. pp. 89-105.
Repeat Inspection Planning Using Dynamic Programming. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION, 44. pp. 257-270.
Integrated Inventory And Inspection Policies For Stochastic Demand. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 158. pp. 159-169.
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(1985) Static analysis of horizontally curved bridge decks supported by flexible multi-girders. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
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(1988) Study of the effect of rust and corrosion of reinforcement on bond behavior. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
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(1988) Study of the effect of rust and corrosion of reinforcemnt on bond behaviour. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
Integrated Production Maintenance And Quality Model For Imperfect Processes. IIE TRANSACTIONS, 31. pp. 491-501.
A Dynamic Programming Algorithm For Days-Off Scheduling With Sequence Dependent Labor Costs. JOURNAL OF SCHEDULING, 11. pp. 85-93.
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Optimal Lot-Sizing, Quality Improvement And Inspection Errors For Multistage Production Systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 41. pp. 65-79.
Sulfate resistance of plain and blended cements exposed to varying concentrations of sodium sulfate. Sulfate resistance of plain and blended cements exposed to varying concentrations of sodium sulfate.
Effect of steel manufacturing process and atmospheric corrosion on the corrosion-resistance of steel bars in concrete. Effect of steel manufacturing process and atmospheric corrosion on the corrosion-resistance of steel bars in concrete.
Fast Methods Fbr Split Codebooks. SIGNAL PROCESSING, 80. pp. 2553-2565.
Effect of rebar cleanliness and repair materials on reinforcement corrosion and flexural strength of repaired concrete beams. Effect of rebar cleanliness and repair materials on reinforcement corrosion and flexural strength of repaired concrete beams.
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Effect of waterproofing coatings on steel reinforcement corrosion and physical properties of concrete. Effect of waterproofing coatings on steel reinforcement corrosion and physical properties of concrete.
Effect of environmental pre-conditioning on bond of FRP reinforcement to concrete. Effect of environmental pre-conditioning on bond of FRP reinforcement to concrete.
Evaluation of bond using FRP rods with axisymmetric deformations. Evaluation of bond using FRP rods with axisymmetric deformations.
Effect of Cyclic Loading on Bond Behavior of GFRP Rods Embedded in Concrete Beams. Effect of Cyclic Loading on Bond Behavior of GFRP Rods Embedded in Concrete Beams.
29Si MAS-NMR study of hydrated cement paste and mortar made with and without silica fume. 29Si MAS-NMR study of hydrated cement paste and mortar made with and without silica fume.
Geometries and energy separations of electronic states of GeF2, SnF2, and PbF2 and their positive ions. Geometries and energy separations of electronic states of GeF2, SnF2, and PbF2 and their positive ions.
Use of polypropylene fibers to enhance deterioration resistance of concrete surface skin subjected to cyclic wet/dry sea water exposure. Use of polypropylene fibers to enhance deterioration resistance of concrete surface skin subjected to cyclic wet/dry sea water exposure.
Corrosion of steel reinforcement in polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete structures. Corrosion of steel reinforcement in polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete structures.
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Parameter Estimation Of Wiener-Hammerstein Models Via Genetic Algorithms. ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 25. pp. 49-61.
A Hard Clustering Approach To The Part Family Formation Problem. PRODUCTION PLANNING CONTROL, 8. pp. 231-236.
A New Genetic-Based Tabu Search Algorithm For Unit Commitment Problem. Electric Power Systems Research, 49. pp. 71-78.
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An Algorithm For Computing The Distance Between Two Circular Disks. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 27. pp. 115-124.
Collision Computation Of Moving Bodies. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 119. pp. 121-129.
Computational Experience On Four Algorithms For The Hard Clustering Problem. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS, 17. pp. 295-308.
Convex Hull Representations Of Models For Computing Collisions Between Multiple Bodies. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 135. pp. 514-526.
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An Extreme Point Algorithm For A Local Minimum Solution To The Quadratic Assignment Problem. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH;, 156. pp. 566-578.
Tabu Search For A Class Of Single-Machine Scheduling Problems. COMPUTERS OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 28. pp. 1223-1230.
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Design Of A Fuzzy Servo-Controller. FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, 124. pp. 231-247.
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Critical Evaluation Of Simulation Studies In Maintenance Systems. PRODUCTION PLANNING CONTROL, 13. pp. 336-341.
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Imperfect Production Systems With Imperfect Preventive Maintenance, Inflation, And Time Value Of Money. ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 23. pp. 89-105.
An Optimal Repeat Inspection Plan With Several Classifications. JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY, 53. pp. 1016-1026.
An Optimization Model For Guiding The Petrochemical Industry Development In Saudi Arabia. ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION, 34. pp. 671-687.
Impact Of Scale Build-Up Models On Energy Utilization In Heat Exchangers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH, 23. pp. 999-1005.
Integrated Process Targeting And Product Uniformity Model For Three-Class Screening. SEVENTH ISSAT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RELIABILITY AND QUALITY IN DESIGN. pp. 58-62.
Minimizing Mean Tardiness Subject To Unspecified Minimum Number Tardy For A Single Machine. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 89. pp. 100-107.
Process Targeting Of Multi-Characteristic Product Using Fuzzy Logic And Genetic Algorithm With An Interval Based Taguchi Cost Function. 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT. pp. 1204-1208.
Reliability Centered Maintenance Concepts And Applications: A Case Study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING : THEORY APPLICATIONS AND PRACTICE, 7. pp. 123-132.
Repeat Inspection Planning Using Dynamic Programming. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 44. pp. 257-270.
A Stochastic Programming Model For Scheduling Maintenance Personnel. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, 23. pp. 385-397.
A Tabu Search Algorithm For Maintenance Scheduling Of Generating Units. ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH, 54. pp. 91-99.
Effect Of Inspection Errors And Preventive Maintenance On A Two-Stage Production Inventory System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 107. pp. 301-313.
Stochastic Simulation Model For Maintenance Manpower Planning. SEVENTH ISSAT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RELIABILITY AND QUALITY IN DESIGN. pp. 230-236.
The Use Of Shuttle Buses In Hajj To Transport Pilgrims: A Simulation Study. SEVENTH ISSAT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RELIABILITY AND QUALITY IN DESIGN. pp. 225-229.
Integrating Statistical Process Control, Engineering Process Control And Taguchi'S Quality Engineering. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 42. pp. 4109-4118.
An Integrated Simulation Model For Effective Planning Of Maintenance Operations For Saudi Arabian Airlines (SAUDIA). PRODUCTION PLANNING CONTROL, 10. pp. 579-584.
Performance of a crossflow membrane bioreactor (CF-MBR) when treating refinery wastewater. Performance of a crossflow membrane bioreactor (CF-MBR) when treating refinery wastewater.
Loss Of Punching Capacity Of Bridge Deck Slabs From Crack Damage. Loss Of Punching Capacity Of Bridge Deck Slabs From Crack Damage.
A New Dispatching Rule For The Stochastic Single-Machine Scheduling Problem. SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL, 80. pp. 165-170.
Combined experimental-numerical approach to characterization of steel-glue-concrete interface. Combined experimental-numerical approach to characterization of steel-glue-concrete interface.
Determination of biokinetic coefficients of an immersed membrane bioreactor. Determination of biokinetic coefficients of an immersed membrane bioreactor.
Nonlinear Finite Element Modelling Of Failure Modes In RC Slabs. Nonlinear Finite Element Modelling Of Failure Modes In RC Slabs.
(1999) Analysis of static and dynamic characteristics of twin-cell steel box girders. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
Crossflow microfiltration of electrocoagulated kaolin suspension: Fouling mechanism. Crossflow microfiltration of electrocoagulated kaolin suspension: Fouling mechanism.
Stress Analysis For Thick Rectangular Plates. Stress Analysis For Thick Rectangular Plates.
Punching capacity of deck slabs in girder-slab bridges. Punching capacity of deck slabs in girder-slab bridges.
Generalized Theory For Bending Of Thick Plates. Generalized Theory For Bending Of Thick Plates.
(1980) Application of modified Reissner theory to sandwich plates. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
A Multi-Criterion Approach For Kanban Allocations. OMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OFMANAGEMENT SCIENCE;, 26. pp. 483-493.
Guidelines toward the design of reinforced concrete beams with external plates. Guidelines Toward The Design Of Reinforced Concrete Beams With External Plates.
Repaired Reinforced Concrete Beams. Repaired Reinforced Concrete Beams.
Sensitivity study of criteria governing collapse of centrally loaded R/C slabs. Sensitivity study of criteria governing collapse of centrally loaded R/C slabs.
(1979) Approximate techniques towards solutions of Reissner plates. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
Effect of UV-Radiation on the Migration of Vinyl Chloride Monomer from Unplasticized PVC Pipes. Effect of UV-Radiation on the Migration of Vinyl Chloride Monomer from Unplasticized PVC Pipes.
(1981) Computation of lateral-torsional buckling loads for nonprismatic beam-columns. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
Predicting residual strength in unsaturated concrete exposed to sulfate attack. Predicting residual strength in unsaturated concrete exposed to sulfate attack.
Loss of punching capacity of bridge deck slabs from crack damage. Loss of punching capacity of bridge deck slabs from crack damage.
(2005) Compliance criteria for quality concrete. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
Influence Of Non-Propagating Cracks On Conservative Buckling Of Columns. Influence Of Non-Propagating Cracks On Conservative Buckling Of Columns..
Analysis Of Continuous Curved Girder-Slab Bridges. Analysis Of Continuous Curved Girder-Slab Bridges.
Removal efficiencies of indicator micro-organisms in the Al-Khobar wastewater treatment plant. Removal efficiencies of indicator micro-organisms in the Al-Khobar wastewater treatment plant.
Optimization Of Built-Up Nonuniform Steel I-Beams. Optimization Of Built-Up Nonuniform Steel I-Beams..
CDM model for residual strength of concrete under cyclic compression. CDM model for residual strength of concrete under cyclic compression.
Stress analysis for thick rectangular plates. Stress analysis for thick rectangular plates.
Crack minimization model for hot weather concreting. Crack minimization model for hot weather concreting.
Effect of solar radiation on the migration of vinyl chloride monomer from unplasticized PVC pipes. Effect of solar radiation on the migration of vinyl chloride monomer from unplasticized PVC pipes.
Technical and economic aspects of crossflow microfiltration. Technical and economic aspects of crossflow microfiltration.
Categorization of damage to concrete bridge decks in Saudi Arabia. Categorization of damage to concrete bridge decks in Saudi Arabia.
Estimation of spilled hydrocarbon volume - The state-of-the-art. Estimation of spilled hydrocarbon volume - The state-of-the-art.
Performance Of Epoxy-Repaired Concrete Under Thermal Cycling. Performance Of Epoxy-Repaired Concrete Under Thermal Cycling.
Nonlinear finite element modelling of failure modes in RC slabs. Nonlinear finite element modelling of failure modes in RC slabs.
Fracture energy of weakly reinforced concrete beams. Fracture energy of weakly reinforced concrete beams.
Effects of dissolved oxygen and surfactant treatment on the sorptive capacity of a local soil for phenol. Effects of dissolved oxygen and surfactant treatment on the sorptive capacity of a local soil for phenol.
Effect Of Thermal Cycling On The Durability Of Concrete Made From Local Materials In The Arabian Gulf Countries. Effect Of Thermal Cycling On The Durability Of Concrete Made From Local Materials In The Arabian Gulf Countries.
Seasonal variations in the microbial population density present in biological sludge. Seasonal variations in the microbial population density present in biological sludge.
Effect Of Filler Type On The Durability Of Sulfur-Sand Composites In The Arabian Gulf Countries. Effect Of Filler Type On The Durability Of Sulfur-Sand Composites In The Arabian Gulf Countries..
Simulation of shrinkage distress and creep relief in concrete repair. Simulation of shrinkage distress and creep relief in concrete repair.
(1985) Corrosion of reinforcing steel in sulphur concrete. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
Performance of epoxy-repaired concrete under thermal cycling. Performance of epoxy-repaired concrete under thermal cycling.
Characterization, utilization, and disposal of municipal sludge: The state of-the-art. Characterization, utilization, and disposal of municipal sludge: The state of-the-art.
Analysis of continuous curved girder-slab bridges. Analysis of continuous curved girder-slab bridges.
Mode shapes and crack damage in subtangential buckling of columns. Mode shapes and crack damage in subtangential buckling of columns.
Mode Shapes And Crack Damage In Subtangential Buckling Of Columns. Mode Shapes And Crack Damage In Subtangential Buckling Of Columns.
Migration of lead from unplasticized polyvinyl chloride pipes. Migration of lead from unplasticized polyvinyl chloride pipes.
Corrosion Of Steel Reinforcement In Sulfur Concrete. Corrosion Of Steel Reinforcement In Sulfur Concrete..
Risks of cracking and delamination in patch repair. Risks of cracking and delamination in patch repair.
Inclusion Of Transverse Normal Strain Effects Into The Finite Element Formulation Of Timoshenko Beams. Inclusion Of Transverse Normal Strain Effects Into The Finite Element Formulation Of Timoshenko Beams..
Effect of water quality parameters on the migration of vinyl chloride monomer from unplasticized PVC pipes. Effect of water quality parameters on the migration of vinyl chloride monomer from unplasticized PVC pipes.
Treatment of anoxic pond effluent using crossflow microfiltration. Treatment of anoxic pond effluent using crossflow microfiltration.
Coagulation of polymeric wastewater discharged by a chemical factory. Coagulation of polymeric wastewater discharged by a chemical factory.
Flexure Of Statically Indeterminate Cracked Beams. Flexure Of Statically Indeterminate Cracked Beams..
Use Of Plasticized Sulphur In Sisal-Fibre Concrete. Use Of Plasticized Sulphur In Sisal-Fibre Concrete..
Damage model for monotonic and fatigue response of high strength concrete. Damage model for monotonic and fatigue response of high strength concrete.
Use of chemical species as dynamic membranes with crossflow microfiltration. Use of chemical species as dynamic membranes with crossflow microfiltration.
Influence Of Non-Propagating Cracks On Conservative Buckling Of Columns. Influence Of Non-Propagating Cracks On Conservative Buckling Of Columns..
Technical Theory Of Beams With Normal Strain. Technical Theory Of Beams With Normal Strain..
Corrosion Of Steel Reinforcement In Sulfur Concrete. Corrosion Of Steel Reinforcement In Sulfur Concrete..
Flexure Of Statically Indeterminate Cracked Beams. Flexure Of Statically Indeterminate Cracked Beams..
Effects Of Shear And Normal Strain On Plate Bending. Effects Of Shear And Normal Strain On Plate Bending..
Separation of organic species from wastewater using a polyol supported liquid membrane. Separation of organic species from wastewater using a polyol supported liquid membrane.
Use Of Plasticized Sulphur In Sisal-Fibre Concrete. Use Of Plasticized Sulphur In Sisal-Fibre Concrete..
Separation of textile dye (Thioflavin T) by using supported liquid membranes. Separation of textile dye (Thioflavin T) by using supported liquid membranes.
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Influence Functions In The Numerical Analysis Of Bending Of Thin Elastic Plates. Influence Functions In The Numerical Analysis Of Bending Of Thin Elastic Plates..
Crossflow microfiltration of electrocoagulated kaolin suspension: Fouling mechanism. Crossflow microfiltration of electrocoagulated kaolin suspension: Fouling mechanism.
Technical Theory Of Beams With Normal Strain. Technical Theory Of Beams With Normal Strain..
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Refined Theory For Isotropic Plates. Refined Theory For Isotropic Plates..
Comparative evaluation of plasticity theories against tension-torsion test at finite strain. In: Comparative evaluation of plasticity theories against tension-torsion test at finite strain.
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Analytical Solution Of The Diffusion - Convection Equation Over A Finite Domain. Analytical Solution Of The Diffusion - Convection Equation Over A Finite Domain..
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Utilization of local material in the construction of an embankment for recharging groundwater aquifer with treated wastewater effluents. Utilization of local material in the construction of an embankment for recharging groundwater aquifer with treated wastewater effluents.
Estimation of spilled hydrocarbon volume - The state-of-the-art. Estimation of spilled hydrocarbon volume - The state-of-the-art.
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Thick-Walled Micropolar Cylinder In A State Of Plane Strain. Thick-Walled Micropolar Cylinder In A State Of Plane Strain..
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Electrochemical treatment of nitrite using stainless steel electrodes. Electrochemical treatment of nitrite using stainless steel electrodes.
Removal of bentonite causing turbidity by electro-coagulation. Removal of bentonite causing turbidity by electro-coagulation.
Boussinesq Problem Of Plane Micropolar Elasticity. Boussinesq Problem Of Plane Micropolar Elasticity..
Finite Element Approach To Bending Of Micropolar Plates. Finite Element Approach To Bending Of Micropolar Plates..
On The Use Of Various Shell Theories In The Analysis Of Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Containers. On The Use Of Various Shell Theories In The Analysis Of Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Containers..
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Drying shrinkage stresses in concrete patch repair systems. Drying shrinkage stresses in concrete patch repair systems.
Towards a canonical elastoplastic damage model. Towards a canonical elastoplastic damage model.
Comparative evaluation of plasticity theories against tension-torsion test at finite strain. Comparative evaluation of plasticity theories against tension-torsion test at finite strain.
Investigation of the electro-coagulation treatment process for the removal of total suspended solids and turbidity from municipal wastewater. Investigation of the electro-coagulation treatment process for the removal of total suspended solids and turbidity from municipal wastewater.
Principal direction paths in tension-torsion test at finite strain. Principal direction paths in tension-torsion test at finite strain.
Computational chemo-damage modelling for assessment of concrete patch repair durability. In: Computational chemo-damage modelling for assessment of concrete patch repair durability.
Effect Of Filler Type On The Durability Of Sulfur-Sand Composites In The Arabian Gulf Countries. Effect Of Filler Type On The Durability Of Sulfur-Sand Composites In The Arabian Gulf Countries..
Refined Theory For Isotropic Plates. Refined Theory For Isotropic Plates..
Migration of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) and additives into PVC bottled drinking water. Migration of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) and additives into PVC bottled drinking water.
Minimum Weight Design Of Tapered Steel I-Columns. Minimum Weight Design Of Tapered Steel I-Columns..
Optimization Of Laterally Unsupported Unstiffened Steel I-Beams. Optimization Of Laterally Unsupported Unstiffened Steel I-Beams..
Modeling of shrinkage and creep stresses in concrete repair. Modeling of shrinkage and creep stresses in concrete repair.
Continuous Steel I-Girders: Optimum Proportioning. Continuous Steel I-Girders: Optimum Proportioning.
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Determination of the effective chloride diffusion coefficient in concrete via a gas diffusion technique. Determination of the effective chloride diffusion coefficient in concrete via a gas diffusion technique.
Towards A Canonical Elastoplastic Damage Model. Towards A Canonical Elastoplastic Damage Model.
Modelling of damaged RC beams strengthened by fibre composite plates. Modelling of damaged RC beams strengthened by fibre composite plates.
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Shear strength of plated RC beams. Shear strength of plated RC beams.
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Performance of an immersed membrane bioreactor (IMBR). Performance of an immersed membrane bioreactor (IMBR).
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of nafion-coated TiO2. Enhanced photocatalytic activity of nafion-coated TiO2.
Peeling and diagonal tension failures in steel plated R/C beams. Peeling and diagonal tension failures in steel plated R/C beams.
Adsorption of Pb(II), EDTA, and Pb(II)-EDTA onto TiO2. Adsorption of Pb(II), EDTA, and Pb(II)-EDTA onto TiO2.
Optimum post-tensioning for three-span continuous slab-type bridge decks. Optimum post-tensioning for three-span continuous slab-type bridge decks.
Assessment and repair of distressed kiln piers in a cement manufacturing plant. Assessment and repair of distressed kiln piers in a cement manufacturing plant.
Adsorption of Pb(II), NTA, and Pb(II)-NTA onto TiO2. Adsorption of Pb(II), NTA, and Pb(II)-NTA onto TiO2.
Punching Capacity Of Deck Slabs In Girder-Slab Bridges. Punching Capacity Of Deck Slabs In Girder-Slab Bridges.
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Photocatalytic degradation of aqueous pollutants using silica-modified TiO2. Photocatalytic degradation of aqueous pollutants using silica-modified TiO2.
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(1993) Non-linear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete beams repaired by plate bonding. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
(1996) Effects of oily sludge landforming on the soils environment. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1989) Investigation of leachate from a sanitary landfill in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1997) Fate of secondary effluent flow through porous media. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1995) Impact of process variables on nutrient removal in slow sand filters. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1994) An Alternative Synthetic Approach to N- Protected - Amino aldehyde”. AJSE, 19. p. 661.
(1997) Microbial evaluation of Al-Khobar wastewater treatment plants. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
Long-term monitoring of FBEC steel bars corrosion in chloride-contaminated concrete. In: Long-term monitoring of FBEC steel bars corrosion in chloride-contaminated concrete.
Volume change behavior of arid calcareous soils. In: Volume change behavior of arid calcareous soils.
(1998) Elastic plastic analysis of semi-rigid industrial frames. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
(2000) Iterative coupling of boundary and finite element methods. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
(1991) Mechanisms of high durability performance of plain and blended cements. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
Interferences in Prompt خ ³ Analysis of corrosive contaminants in concrete. Interferences in Prompt خ ³ Analysis of corrosive contaminants in concrete.
Plastic shrinkage cracking of blended cement concretes in hot environments. In: Plastic shrinkage cracking of blended cement concretes in hot environments.
Influence of chloride ions on sulphate deterioration in plain and blended cements. In: Influence of chloride ions on sulphate deterioration in plain and blended cements.
Prompt gamma analysis of chlorine in concrete for corrosion study. Prompt gamma analysis of chlorine in concrete for corrosion study.
Measurement of lime/silica ratio in concrete using PGNAA technique. Measurement of lime/silica ratio in concrete using PGNAA technique.
Effect of type and dosage of silica fume on plastic shrinkage in concrete exposed to hot weather. Effect of type and dosage of silica fume on plastic shrinkage in concrete exposed to hot weather.
Effect of silica fume on the mechanical properties of low quality coarse aggregate concrete. Effect of silica fume on the mechanical properties of low quality coarse aggregate concrete.
Effectiveness of surface coatings in improving concrete durability. Effectiveness of surface coatings in improving concrete durability.
Effectiveness of corrosion inhibitors in contaminated concrete. Effectiveness of corrosion inhibitors in contaminated concrete.
Characterization and chemical stabilization of Al-Qurayyah sabkha soil. Characterization and chemical stabilization of Al-Qurayyah sabkha soil.
Clegg hammer - California-bearing ratio correlations. Clegg hammer - California-bearing ratio correlations.
Durability of plain and blended cements in marine environments. Durability of plain and blended cements in marine environments.
Stabilization of dune sand using foamed asphalt. Stabilization of dune sand using foamed asphalt.
Attack on plain and blended cements exposed to aggressive sulfate environments. Attack on plain and blended cements exposed to aggressive sulfate environments.
(1991) Criteria for cathodic protection of steel in concrete in the context of Arabian Gulf environment. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
Effect of soil pollution on substructures. Effect of soil pollution on substructures.
Characteristics of silica fume and its impacts on concrete in the Arabian Gulf. Characteristics of silica fume and its impacts on concrete in the Arabian Gulf.
Effects of Calcium Sulfate on Swelling Potential of an Expansive Clay. Effects of Calcium Sulfate on Swelling Potential of an Expansive Clay.
Expansive characteristics of gypsiferous/anhydritic soil formations. Expansive characteristics of gypsiferous/anhydritic soil formations.
(1995) Canonical elastoplastic - damage modelling of reinforced concrete. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
Corrosion resistance and bond strength of epoxy-coated steel bars. Corrosion resistance and bond strength of epoxy-coated steel bars.
Performance of a stabilized marl base: A case study. Performance of a stabilized marl base: A case study.
Plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete in hot-arid environments. Plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete in hot-arid environments.
Effect of holidays and surface damage to FBEC on reinforcement corrosion. Effect of holidays and surface damage to FBEC on reinforcement corrosion.
Effect of Thermal Variations on Bond Strength of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy-Coated Bars. Effect of Thermal Variations on Bond Strength of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy-Coated Bars.
Concrete mixture design for hot weather: Experimental and statistical analyses. Concrete mixture design for hot weather: Experimental and statistical analyses.
(1989) A generalized theory for bending of thick isotropic rectangular plates. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
(2000) Analysis of laminated general shells undergoing finite rotations and large motion. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
Sulfate Attack and Reinforcement Corrosion in Plain and Blended Cements Exposed to Sulfate Environments. Sulfate Attack and Reinforcement Corrosion in Plain and Blended Cements Exposed to Sulfate Environments.
Performance and Correlation of the Properties of Fly Ash Cement Concrete. Performance and Correlation of the Properties of Fly Ash Cement Concrete.
Geotechnical behaviour of saline sabkha soils. Geotechnical behaviour of saline sabkha soils.
Compressibility and collapse characteristics of arid saline sabkha soils. Compressibility and collapse characteristics of arid saline sabkha soils.
Stabilization of an arid, saline sabkha soil using additives. Stabilization of an arid, saline sabkha soil using additives.
Performance of 15 reinforced concrete mixtures in magnesium-sodium sulphate environments. Performance of 15 reinforced concrete mixtures in magnesium-sodium sulphate environments.
Strength characteristics of sabkha soils. Strength characteristics of sabkha soils.
(1999) Simulation and assessment of concrete repair systems. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
Durability of reinforced concrete in aggressive sabkha environments. Durability of reinforced concrete in aggressive sabkha environments.
Electrochemical behaviour of steel in plain and blended cement concretes in sulphate and/or chloride environments. Electrochemical behaviour of steel in plain and blended cement concretes in sulphate and/or chloride environments.
Role of chloride ions on expansion and strength reduction in plain and blended cements in sulfate environments. Role of chloride ions on expansion and strength reduction in plain and blended cements in sulfate environments.
(2000) Elasto-damage fatigue modeling of RC beams strengthened by CFRP. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
Effect of magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate on the durability performance of plain and blended cements. Effect of magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate on the durability performance of plain and blended cements.
Influence of geotextiles on performance of saline sebkha soils. Influence of geotextiles on performance of saline sebkha soils.
(2000) Durability of high performance concrete. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
Chemical stabilization of sabkha soils at high moisture contents. Chemical stabilization of sabkha soils at high moisture contents.
(2004) Computational chemo-damage transport modeling of durability synergies in concrete. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
Modified oedometer for arid, saline soils. Modified oedometer for arid, saline soils.
Suggested modifications to ASTM standard methods when testing arid, saline soils. Suggested modifications to ASTM standard methods when testing arid, saline soils.
(1978) Analysis of multi girder short span highway bridges. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
Influence of sulfate ions on chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion in portland and blended cement concretes. Influence of sulfate ions on chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion in portland and blended cement concretes.
(1981) An Investigation of properties of concrete made with concrete rubble as aggregate. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
Magnesium-sodium sulfate attack in plain and blended cements. Magnesium-sodium sulfate attack in plain and blended cements.
Effect of chloride and sulfate ions on reinforcement corrosion. Effect of chloride and sulfate ions on reinforcement corrosion.
Response of sabkha to laboratory tests: a case study. Response of sabkha to laboratory tests: a case study.
Carbonation and chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcement in fly ash concretes. Carbonation and chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcement in fly ash concretes.
(1993) Modeling of biological wastewater treatment in sequencing batch reactors. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
Effect of superplasticizer on plastic shrinkage of plain and silica fume cement concretes. Effect of superplasticizer on plastic shrinkage of plain and silica fume cement concretes.
Effect of geotextile and cement on the performance of sabkha subgrade. Effect of geotextile and cement on the performance of sabkha subgrade.
Elemental analysis of concrete samples using an accelerator-based PGNAA setu. Elemental analysis of concrete samples using an accelerator-based PGNAA setu.
(1985) A Variational finite element solution for the Navier-Stokes equations in two dimensions. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
Long-term performance of fusion-bonded epoxy-coated steel bars in chloride-contaminated concrete. Long-term performance of fusion-bonded epoxy-coated steel bars in chloride-contaminated concrete.
(1998) Mechanistic Evaluation of Hedmanite and Lime Modified Asphalt Concrete Mixtures. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,, 10 (3). pp. 153-160.
Investigation of Sulfur modified asphalt mixes for road construction in the Gulf region. In: 4th International Gulf Conference on Roads., Doha, Qatar.. (Submitted)
(2008) Evaluation of Foam Asphalt Technology for roads construction in the Gulf. In: 4th International Gulf Conference on Roads, Nov, 2008, Doha, Qatar. (Submitted)
(2007) Evaluation of Sulfur-Asphalt Technology for Local Applications. In: 7th Saudi Engineering Conference,, Dec, 2007., Riyadh.
(2006) Comparative Study of EE2 and Polybilt Modified Asphalt Concrete. In: Third International Gulf Conference on Roads,, Oct, 2006., Muscat, Oman.
(2003) Risk and hydraulic reliability analysis of water distribution systems. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1989) A refined theory for symmetric orthotropic laminated plates. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1989) Status of hydrological network in south-western region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1989) Tertiary treatment of municipal sewage via slow sand filtration. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1987) Tertiary wastewater treatment by sedimantation and sand filtration. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(2003) The Production of activated carbon from local palm-date pits for pollution removal process. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1985) A Photoelstic investigation of stress distribution in laterally loaded thin plates simulating window glass panels. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(2004) Treatment of refinery wastewater using crossflow membrane bioreactor. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1989) Use of microtubes in the design of optimized trickle irrigation network. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1980) A Photoelastic investigation of the stress distribution in the anchorage zones of post-tensioned concrete slabs. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1979) A Photoelastic investigation of stress distribution in deep beams with an without web opening. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1991) Treatise on solute transport in porous media and its modeling for centration-dependent permeability. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
(2002) Treatment of water contaminated with dimethyl phthalate by Fenton, Photo-Fenton and UV/H₂O₂ processes. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
(1996) Unsteady hydrodynamic forces on spheroidal bodies. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
(1992) Second-Law-Based Thermodynamic Analysis of Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycles. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Optimal Assessment of Using Solar and Wind Power for Desalination on the Eastern Coast of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Fatigue Life Predictions of Notched Members in Arabian Gulf Water. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Experimental Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient for Water-Lithium Bromide Mixture. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) An Expert System for Designing Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1995) A groundwater velocity and dissolved oxygen on bioremediation of gasoline-contaminated sandy aquifers. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
(2005) Assessment of the relationship between the spilled LNAPL volume and its thickness in monitoring wells. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
(1993) Effect of dissolved oxygen on activated carbon uptake. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
(2003) Study of reaction kinetics of a submerged membrane activated sludge process. PhD thesis, KFUPM.
(1992) Unsteady Natural Convection in Open Ended Vertical Concentric Annuli. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Numerical Simulation of Ice Crystal Growth (Initial Frosting Process). Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Generalized Balanced and Approximately Balanced Representations. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) A New Multisampling-Based Non-Coherent FSK Receiver Using Parametric Spectrum Estimators. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Performance of TCM with Concatenated Codes Over Fading Channels. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
Elemental analysis of concrete samples using an accelerator-based PGNAA setup. Elemental analysis of concrete samples using an accelerator-based PGNAA setup.
Long-term performance of fusion-bonded epoxy-coated steel bars in chloride-contaminated concrete. Long-term performance of fusion-bonded epoxy-coated steel bars in chloride-contaminated concrete.
Effect of superplasticizer on plastic shrinkage of plain and silica fume cement concretes. Effect of superplasticizer on plastic shrinkage of plain and silica fume cement concretes.
Effect of geotextile and cement on the performance of sabkha subgrade. Effect of geotextile and cement on the performance of sabkha subgrade.
(1998) Multiobjective water resources planning under demand, supply and quality uncertainties. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1994) Numerical simulation of groundwater depletion in Al-Hasa area. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1992) Numerical simulation of groundwater in the Umm Er Radhuma Aquifer at Shadco project. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1990) Performance of slow sand filters in treating secondary effluent using different sizes of local sand. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1997) Predicting short-duration, high-intensity rainfall in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1998) Quality changes of secondary effluent as it passes through amended sand column. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1997) Quantifying crude oil spill volume in homogeneous and layered porous media from product thickness in monitoring wells. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
Interferences in Prompt خ³ Analysis of corrosive contaminants in concrete. Interferences in Prompt خ³ Analysis of corrosive contaminants in concrete.
(1997) Removal of microorganisms through slow sand filtration of chlorinated vs. nonchlorinated secondary effluents. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1991) Reliability studies of multireservoir system using stochastic approach. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1995) Removal of coliphage and bacteria through slow sand filtration. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1987) Removal of iron and manganese with ozone. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(1991) The Development of an Intelligent Alarm Processor. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Microcontroller Based PWM UPS. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) Steady state experimental evaluation of a novel Raney-Ni/PTFE gas diffusion electrode in an alkaline fuel cell. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(1993) Channel Characterization of Radio Links in the Southern Region of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) VLSI Implementation of Petri Net Models of a Class of Digital Systems. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) All Optical Reflectivity Modulation Utilizing Surface Plasmon Resonance. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Development of a DSP-32C Based Electrocardiograph Machine using Microcomputers. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1991) H ∞ State Feedback with Closed-Loop Transfer Recovery (H ∞ / CLTR) Design Method. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) Identification of Coherent Generators Using Linear Trajectory. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Optimal Shunt Compensators at Nonlinear Busbars. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1991) Towards an Optimal Accumulator Size For the Hough Transform. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Performance of Multistage Interconnection Networks under Non-Uniform Reference Model. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1991) Construction Cost Control in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Enforcing the Role of Construction Insurance in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Multiple Objective LP (MOLP) For Scheduling Repetitive Projects. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Evaluation of Contract Administration For Public Projects in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1991) Contractor Prequalification: A Computerized Model for Public Projects in Bahrain. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1991) Thermal Insulation Economics For Saudi Residential Buildings. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) Back-End Design of a Formal High Level Synthesis System. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) An Area Efficient FPGA: Design using Non-Volatile RAM. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) A Methodology for the High Level Design Of Object-Oriented Software. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) A Parallel List Scheduling Algorithm: Design and Performance. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1991) A Study of Graph Coloring Heuristics And its Application to a Time Tabling Problem In a Registration and Scheduling System. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) An Arabic Sentence Generator. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Parallel Optical Architectures For Some Comparison-Based Problems. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) The Design and Implementation of a Structured Programming Language for the Description of Optical Architectures. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) A Fault Independent Test Generation Method For Combinational Logic Circuits. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Software Design Language for Concurrent Distributed Systems. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Nonlinear Behavior of Cylinder-Plate Junction of Tensionless Elastic Subgrade. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Optimal Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1991) Reliability Studies of Multi-Reservoir System Using Stochastic Approach. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1991) Characterization of Expansive Soils in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Biological Treatment of Hazardous Contaminants in Sequencing Batch Reactors. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) A Study of Translational Diffusion Constants of Paramagnetic Species In Solution. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) 15N and 13C NMR Studies of the Interaction of Cyanide Ion With Gold(I) Drugs. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Flow Injection Spectrophotometric Assay of Tetracyclines in Drug Formulations. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1991) Chemical Analysis of Some Penicillin And Cephalosporin Drugs. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Cycloaddition Reactions of A Heterocyclic Nitrone. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) EPR Study of Vanadyl Complexes with Schiff Bases Derived from S-Methyl- Carbodithioato-Hydrazine. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) Experimental Determination of the Frequency Spectrum of the Rose Bengal Picosecond Fluorescence using Two Beating Ring Dye Lasers. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) Quality Management Activities in Design And Construction Phases in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) The Effects of Faulty Design and Construction of Building Maintenance. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) Causes of Contractors’ Failures in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) Factors Affecting Quality of Pavement Construction in Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1991) Feasibility of Adobe as a Construction Material A Case Study. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Numerical Simulation of Groundwater in the Umm er Radhuma Aquifer at Shadco Project – Eastern Province. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Effect of Dissolved Oxygen on the Adsorptive Capacity of a Granular Activated Charcoal For Phenol and O-Cresol. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) Modeling of Biological Wastewater Treatment in Sequencing Batch Reactors. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1990) Performance of Slow Sand Filters In Treating Secondary Effluent Using Different Sizes of Local Sand. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Flexture and Shear Behaviour of Damaged RC Beams Repaired By Plate Bonding. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) Chemical Aspects of Thermal Instability in Jet Fuels From Saudi-Arabian Crude Oils. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Steady State Multiplicity In Gas-Liquid CSTRs. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Numerical Simulation of Continuous Countercurrent Adsorption Systems. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Density-Temperature Behavior of Pure And Defined Binary and Ternary Hydrocarbon Mixtures. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1992) Hydrogen Production by The Electrolysis of Saline Water. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
(1993) Steady State Experimental Evaluation of a Novel Raney-Ni/PTFE Gas Diffusion Electrode in an Alkaline Fuel Cell. Masters thesis, KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & MINERALS.
LASER INDUCED BREAKDOWN SPECTROSCOPY OF GEOLOGICAL SAMPLES. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
OFF AXIS INCLINATION MEASUREMENT OF DRILLING SHAFTS. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
TIP DEFLECTION ESTIMATION OF A ROTATING CANTILEVERED BEAM. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
FUEL CONSUMPTION OF A SPARK IGNITION ENGINE BLENDED WITH MTBE. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
"An improved universal CMOS current-mode analog function synthesizer". In: International Symposium on Integrated Circuits, September 26-28, 2007, Singapore.
"Peer-Review: Criticisms, Failures and Standardization". In: Symposium on Academic Peer Review, January 7-8, 2008, Imam Muhammad Bin Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
"Restructuring the Engineering Education in Saudi Arabia". In: the Seventh Saudi Engineering Conference, December 3-5, 2007, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
In GCC Universities which Electrical and Computer Engineering Curricula is Really Needed: Flexible or Specialized? In: 4th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition,, November 12-14, 2007, Manama, Bahrain.
"Building engineering and technology capacity in the Arab countries". In: The 2nd Conference on Planning & Development of Education and Scientific Research in the Arab States, February 24-27, 2008, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
REVIEW OF HIGH-SPEED DIGITAL CMOS CIRCUITS. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
Vertical Handoff Characterization for SIP and mSCTP Based UMTS-WLAN Integration Solutions. IEEEGCC 2007.
Message Concealment Techniques using Image based Steganography. IEEEGCC 2007.
Dynamic Performance Improvement of an Isolated Wind Turbine Induction Generator. IEEEGCC 2007.
On the Performance of Time Frequency Distributions in A-Scan Signals Classification. IEEEGCC 2007.
A Parallel Tabu Search Strategy for Cell Placement in VLSI Circuit Design. IEEEGCC 2007.
Automatic Detection of High Temperature Hydrogen Attack Defects from Ultrasonic A-scan Signals. IEEEGCC 2007.
Soft Sensor for NOx Emission using Dynamical Neural Network. IEEEGCC 2007.
Adaptive STATCOM Control for a Multi-machine Power System. IEEEGCC 2007.
A New Approach for Recognizing Saudi Arabian License Plates using Neural Networks. IEEEGCC 2007.
Robust Kalman filter and smoother for errors-in-variables model with observation outliers based on Least-Trimmed-Squares. IEEEGCC 2007.
In GCC Universities Which Electrical and Computer Engineering Curricula are Really Needed: Flexible or Specialized? IEEEGCC 2007.
Burst Round Robin as a Proportional-Share Scheduling Algorithm. IEEEGCC 2007.
Performance of UMTS/WLAN Integration at Hot-Spot Locations Using OPNET. IEEEGCC 2007.
Development of an Optimization Algorithm for Internet Data Traffic. IEEETEM2003.
Reliability based Topological Optimization of Computer Networks - Part II: Iterative Techniques. IEEETEM2003.
NLMS Based Adaptive Control of Stable Plants. IEEETEM2003.
Analysis of KFUPM Web Traffic Using Proxy Access Logs. IEEETEM2003.
SE-100: Introduction to Technology Course Syllabus. [Teaching Resource]
SE-307: Engineering Economic Analysis Course Syllabus. [Teaching Resource]
Interconnect-Efficient LDPC Code Design. In: Int’l Conf. on Microelectronics, Dec. 2006.
A Comparative Performance and Complexity Study of Short- Length LDPC and Turbo Product Codes. In: Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Info. & Comm. Tech., April 2006.
Parallel Computing Simulation Platform for Evaluating LDPC Codes Performance. In: IEEE ICSPC, Dec. 2007.
Frequency-independent Phase Shifter. In: ICM2006, December 16-18,06, KFUP.
Multiobjective Optimal VAR Dispatch Using Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm. In: Proceedings of The IEEE World Congress on, July 16-21,2006, Vancouver, Canada.
Scenario-Based E-Learning Products/Tools (SBELPs) to enhance student learning & Motivation. none.
GATS: A Novel Hybrid Algorithm for Multiobjective Cell Placement in VLSI Circuit Design. IEEETEM2003.
Design and Implementation of a Bilingual LED Message Board. IEEETEM2003.
TE/TM Pass Guided Wave Optical Polarizer. IEEETEM2003.
A New Parallel Genetic Algorithm Model. IEEETEM2003.
An L2 Gap Metric Identification Algorithm. IEEETEM2003.
A Measurement Based Memory Performance Evaluation of Streaming Media Servers. IEEETEM2003.
Use of On-line Taxonomies in Creating Global Schemas. NCC1997.
Integrating Information Technologies Into Business Functions: A Taxonomy of Integration Strategies. NCC1997.
THE ENGINEERING PROFESSION AND THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
PRACTICES OF SAFETY DESIGN OF SAUDI RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
MIXING IN PIPELINES WITH SIDE-TEES. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES FOR ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
COPROCESSING OF PLASTICS WITH PETROLEUM RESIDUES. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
DEVELOPMENT OF HEAVY OIL HYDROCRACKING CATALYSTS. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
(2001) Error Bounds in Approximating Time-Delay Systems. IEEE conference on Decision and Control. pp. 1837-1842.
"Prediction of passive intermodulation arising from corrosion in mobile communication systems". In: Wireless Design Conference, May 15-17, 2002, London, U.K..
"Harmonic and intermodulation performance of Mach-Zehnder quadratic electro-optic intensity modulator". In: Wireless Design Conference, May 15-17, 2002, London, U.K.
"In our universities, are engineering technology programs coming of age?". In: Proceedings of the Second Saudi Technical Conference & Exhibition, 26-30 October, 2002, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,.
New Realization of CMOS Current Controlled Conveyors with Variable Current Gain and Negative Input Resistance. In: The 46th IEEE International Midwest Symposium On Circuits and Systems, 27-30 December, 2003.
"Analog low-voltage current-mode implementation of digital logic gates". In: IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 28-31 October, 2002, Bali, Indonesia,.
"Higher engineering education: Which type is really needed? ". In: Engineering science or engineering technology, The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference,, 14-17 December, 2002, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
An Improved Current Mirror Cell. In: the 4th ACS /IEEE international Conference on computer systems and applications, March 8-11,06, Dubai/Sharjah.
"Simulation of a mutually ccoupled circuit using plus-type ". In: IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, December ,6-9, 2004, Tainan, Taiwan.
"In our higher education institutions, are instrumentation and measurement engineering technology programs coming of age?". In: Third Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition, December 11-15, 2004, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
"Smart electronic guide for pilgrim (in Arabic)". In: Fifth Symposium on Hajj Research, January 12-14, 2005, Umm Ul-Qura University, Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Saudi Arabia.
(2004) ePublishing: Challenges & Opportunities. Proceedings, Conference on ePublishing, Riyadh.
(2001) New Efficient Frequency Domain Algorithm for H-inf Approximation with Applications to Contyroller Reduction. IEE Proceedings-Control Theory Applications, 148 (5). pp. 383-390.
"The coupling of Teaching and Research for Improving the Transfer of Knowledge and Technology". In: The Third Symposium on Scientific Research and Technical Development Outlook in The Arab World, April 11-14, 2004, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
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STUDENT LEARNING GOING THROUGH A METAMORPHOSIS. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
STUDENT EVALUATION OF FACULTY: A MIRROR FOR SELF ANALYSIS. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF REPAIR MATERIALS. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM, Dhahran, December 2002.
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AE-499 Bell Helicopter model 407 _Project Presentation. Other. AE Department. (Submitted)
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AE 540 Simulation and Auto Pilot Design for BEAVER Airpalne_PROJECT PRESENTATION. Other. AE Department. (Unpublished)
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AE Graduate Bulletin. AE Department. (Unpublished)
AE Program Plan. AE Department. (Unpublished)
Delta+D.Delta Wing Pitching Moment Calculation. Working Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
ME-489 FEA in Mechanical Engineering_Project Final Report. Project Report. AE Department. (Submitted)
ME 204 Design Problem Project. Project Report. AE Department. (Submitted)
PHYS 215 The black holes_Project. Project Report. AE Department. (Submitted)
SE 514 OPTIMAL CONTROL FOR SINGLE AND DOUBLE INVERTED PENDULUM_Project Report. Project Report. AE Department. (Submitted)
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Aerodynamics. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
Aerodynamics Lab. Documentation. AE Department. (Unpublished)
Aerospace Engineering Department_Introduction. Documentation. AE Department. (Unpublished)
AEROSPACE SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
Fundamentals of Helicopter. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
AEROSPACE AVIONICS. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
Aero-thermodynamics of Jet Propulsion. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
AIRCRAFT AVIONIC SYSTEMS. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
AIRCRAFT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
AVIATION SAFETY. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
WIND TUNNEL LABORATORY. Documentation. AE Department. (Unpublished)
AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION SYSTEMS. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
Aircraft Structural Analysis. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
AVIATION SAFETY AND SECURITY. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
Aerodynamic-Shape Optimization of Supersonic-Missiles Using Monte-Carlo. International Review of Aerospace Engineering (I.RE.AS.E).
ELECTRONIC WARFARE. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
Water Rocket Construction. Manual. AE Department. (Unpublished)
Computer Shortcuts and Special Characters. (Unpublished)
Satellite Engineering. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
Sagr Al-Gazeera Submarine 1. AE Department. (Unpublished)
Sagr Al-Gazeera Rocket. AE Department. (Unpublished)
Sagr Al-Gazeera Airplane 3. AE Department. (Unpublished)
Flight Stability and control. Discussion Paper. AE Department. (Unpublished)
«الطيران والفضاء » يشارك في مهرجان الغضا ويعرض طائرة صقر الجزيرة 4. جريدة جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن.
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(2001) A time-domain beam-propagation method for analyzing pulsed optical beams in second-order nonlinear waveguides. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 28 (4). pp. 253-257.
(2000) Characterization Of A Three-Dimensional Etched Groove Separation Of Adjacent Optical Waveguides. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (MOTL), 26 (6). pp. 385-390. ISSN 0895-2477
(2000) Parallel efficient three-dimensional beam propagation method using the Du Fort-Frankel Technique. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (MOTL), 24 (3). pp. 179-182. ISSN 0895-2477
AE 220 PROJECT REPORT. Project Report. SALMAN AL-FIFI. (Unpublished)
AE 325 PROJECT REPORT. Project Report. SALMAN AL-FIFI. (Unpublished)
(2005) Adaptive Chip-Level Channel Estimation for IMT-DS System: DL and UL. Wireless Personal Communications, 35 (4). pp. 383-405.
(2007) Research Article A Unified Approach to BER Analysis of Synchronous Downlink CDMA Systems with Random Signature Sequences in Fading Channels with Known Channel Phase. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2008 (346465).
(2007) An Approximate Analysis of Buffered S-ALOHA in Fading Channels Using Tagged User Analysis. Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on, 6 (4). pp. 1320-1326. ISSN 1536-1276
(2007) Analysis of Spatially Distributed FU-FB S-ALOHA in Fading Channels Using TUA. AE ¨U Int. J. Electron. Commun., 51 (1).
(2004) A unified approach to analyze multiple access protocols for buffered finite users. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 27. pp. 49-76. ISSN 1084-8045
(2007) Design of two step deterministic interleaver for turbo codes. Science Direct,Computers & Electrical Engineering.
(2007) FRESH-DFE: A New Structure for Interference Cancellation. Wireless Pers Commun, 44. pp. 101-118.
(2007) A Novel Current-Mode OTA-C Universal Filter. J. of Active and Passive Electronic Devices, 2. pp. 279-284.
(2007) Large Signal Analysis of the Infrared Semiconductor Mercury-Cadmium-Telluride Detectors. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 28 (10). pp. 849-858.
Theoretical Analysis of the Intermodulation Performance of Mach-Zehnder Modulators with Difference Frequency Injection. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 28 (10). pp. 831-838. ISSN 0195-9271 (Print) 1572-9559 (Online)
(2007) Harmonic and Intermodulation Performance of the Semiconductor Bolometer. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 28 (9). pp. 741-749.
(2007) Large signal performance of micromachined silicon condenser microphones. Applied Acoustics, 68 (6). pp. 616-627.
(2007) Large signal performance of micromachined silicon inductive microphones. Applied Acoustics, 68 (10). pp. 1286-1296.
(2007) Prediction of Gain Expansion and Intermodulation Performance of Nonlinear Amplifiers. ETRI Journal, 29 (1). pp. 89-94.
(2006) Prediction of the two-tone suppression and intermodulation performance of auditory systems. Applied Acoustics, 67 (9). pp. 882-891.
(2006) Large Signal Analysis of Wideband Nonlinear Amplifiers with Third-Order Intermodulation and Second-Harmonic Injection. FREQUENZ, 60. pp. 155-159.
(2007) Parameter Optimization of Shunt FACTS Controllers for Power System Transient Stability Improvement. PowerTech 2007.
(2007) Dynamic Performance of a Wind Generation System with Thyristor Controlled Capacitor Compensation. SEC 7, 2007, V. pp. 33-45.
(2006) Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms for Electric Power Dispatch Problem. IEEE Trans. on Evolutionary Computations, 10 (3). pp. 315-329.
(2007) Dynamic Performance of a Wind Generation System with Thyristor Controlled Capacitor Compensation. SEC 7, 2007, V. pp. 33-45.
(2006) Simultaneous Stabilization Of Power System Using UPFC-Based Controllers. Electric Power Components and Systems, 34 (9). pp. 941-959.
(2006) An Artificial Neural Network for Online Tuning of Genetic Algorithm Based PI Controller for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor–Drive. Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 31 (3). pp. 159-165.
(2002) Unsteady Pressure Measurements in a Pickup Truck Model. Technical Report.
(2007) Approximation Techniques For Analytical Characterization Of Downlink Traffic Power For Multi-Service CDMA Networks. In: 15th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON2007), 19-21 November, 2007, Adelaide, South Australia.
(2007) Delay and Power Efficient Voice Transmission over MANET. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications 2007 - ICC-2007, 24-28 June 2007, Glasgow, Scotland.
(2007) Performance Analysis of Adaptive Rate Scheduling Scheme for 3G WCDMA Wireless Networks with Multi-Operators. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications 2007 - ICC-2007, 24-28 June 2007, Glasgow, Scotland.
(2007) Downlink Traffic Power Characterization for Multi- Rate Wireless CDMA Data Networks. In: 2007 IEEE 66th Vehicular Technology Conference, 30 September - 3 October 2007, Baltimore, MD, USA.
(2007) Convergence and steady-state analysis of the normalized least mean fourth algorithm. Digital Signal Processing, 17 (1). pp. 17-31. ISSN 1051-2004
(2006) ON-LINE IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL THROUGH SERIES CONVERTER VOLTAGE OF A UNIFIED POWER FLOW CONTROLLER. Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, 2 (3). pp. 113-118. ISSN 1743-9310 (In Press)
(2006) Fuzzy STATCOM Control Strategies for Power System Stabilization. ICGST International Journal on Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, ACSE, 6 (2). pp. 41-48.
(2006) Robust Damping Controls for a Unified Power Flow Controller. International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems., 6 (2). pp. 1-21.
(2006) Enhancement of power system dynamic performance through an on-line self-tuning adaptive SVC controller. Electric Power Systems Research, 76 (9-10). pp. 801-807.
(2005) A robust damping controller for SMES using loop-shaping technique. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 27 (5-6). pp. 465-471.
(2002) Simulation of beam propagation in second-order nonlinear optical media. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 32 (4). pp. 312-316.
Curriculum Vitae of Mr. Mueyyet Tozan. AE Deparment / KFUPM.
(2006) Failure Distribution Modeling for Planned Replacement of Aircraft Auxiliary Power Unit Oil Pumps. Maintenance Journal, 19 (1). pp. 60-69.
(2004) Failure Data Analysis for Aircraft Maintenance Planning. In: 3. Aircraft Engineering Symposium, December 2004, Jeddah.
(2005) Analysis and Assessment of STATCOM-Based Damping Stabilizers for Power System Stability Enhancement. Electric Power Systems Research, 73 (2). pp. 177-185.
(2005) Real-Time Performance Evaluation of a Genetic Algorithm Based Fuzzy Logic Controller for IPM Motor Drives. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 41 (1). pp. 246-252.
(2005) Optimal VAR Dispatch Using a Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 27 (1). pp. 13-20.
(2004) Robust Coordinated Design of Excitation and TCSC-Based Stabilizers Using genetic algorithms. Electric Power Systems Research, 69 (2-3). pp. 129-141.
(2004) Development and Implementation of a Hybrid Intelligent Controller for Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 40 (1). pp. 68-76.
(2004) Analysis of power system stability enhancement via excitation and FACTS-based stabilizers. Electric Power Components & Systems, 32 (1). pp. 75-91.
(2003) Environmental/Economic Power Dispatch Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms. IEEE Trans. on Power Systems,, 18 (4). pp. 1529-1537.
(2006) Speed Control of a 3-Phase Induction Motor Based on Robust Optimal Preview Control Theory. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 21 (1). pp. 77-84.
(2000) Null Steering in Rectangular Planar Arrays by Amplitude Control Using Genetic Algorithms. International Journal of Electronics, 87 (12). pp. 1473-1484.
(2000) DESIGN OF PARTIALLY CONTROLLED LINEAR ARRAYS USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS. Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications, 14 (1). pp. 89-93.
(1999) LINEAR ARRAY PATTERN SYNTHESIS FOR WIDE BAND SECTOR NULLING. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 13 (1). pp. 93-94.
(2005) Power System Transient Stability Enhancement by STATCOM with Nonlinear H∞ Stabilizer. Electric Power Systems Research, 73 (1). pp. 45-52.
(2005) Design of a Robust SVC Damping Controller Using Nonlinear H∞ Technique. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 30 (1B). pp. 65-80.
(1997) Optimal Design of Power Systems Under Constraints of Reliability and Cost. Energy Conversion and Managment, 38 (7). pp. 637-645.
(2004) Model Reduction of Bilinear Systems Described by Input-Output Difference Equation. International Journal of Systems Science, 35 (9). pp. 503-510.
(1995) Economic Load Dispatch Multiobjective Optimization Procedures Using Linear Programming Techniques. IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, 10 (2). pp. 731-738.
Influence of silica calcination temperature on the performance of supported catalyst SiO2–nBuSnCl3/MAO/(nBuCp)2ZrCl2 polymerizing ethylene without separately feeding the MAO cocatalyst. APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, 320: 134-143 MAR 22 2007.
(1994) New Model Reduction Scheme for Bilinear Systems. International Journal of Systems Science, 25 (10). pp. 1631-1642.
(1993) Transient Approximation of a Bilinear Two-Area Interconnected Power System. Electric Power Systems Research, 26 (1). pp. 11-19.
(1993) Dynamic Braking Resistor-Reactor Switching Strategies Through a Novel Linear Transformation Technique. Electric Machines and Power Systems, 21 (5). pp. 543-555.
(2003) "Modal solution of generalized planar transmission lines". IEE proceedings, microwaves, antennas and propagation, 150 (3). pp. 131-136.
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(2001) "Design of linear phase data transmission filter with high immunity to time jittering". Int. J. of Electronics and Communications (AEU), 55 (3). pp. 179-184.
(1996) "On the design of linear phase Nyquist filter". IEE.Proc. Circuits Devices Syst., 143 (3). pp. 139-142.
(1994) " On a class of Huffman's self synchronous gapped source codes". Int. J. of Electronics and Comm., 48 (3). pp. 170-172.
Feasibility study of hybrid retrofits to an isolated off-grid diesel power plant. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 11 (4) 2005.
(1994) "Effect of pulse shaping as a counter measure for frequency selective fading". Electronics Letters, 30 (5). pp. 386-387.
(1994) "Time domain energy maximization of the Nyquist pulse shape". Int. J. Electronics, 76 (2). pp. 213-219.
(2006) "Development of Authentic Annual and Seasonal Lightning Thunderstorms Day Maps for Saudi Arabia". The International Journal of Meteorology. ISSN 1748-2992
X-ray absorption near edge structure investigation of vanadium-doped ZnO thin films. THIN SOLID FILMS 515 (4) 2006.
(2006) ” Electron spin resonance spectral study of PVC and XLPE insulation materials and their life time analysis”. Spectrochimica, Acta , Elsevier, 63 (3). pp. 624-630.
(2006) "Thunderstorm days mapping in Saudi Arabia for Better Lightning Protection Design". WSEAS Trans. on POWER SYSTEMS, 1 (3). pp. 666-673.
Wind power resource assessment for Rafha, Saudi Arabia. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 11 (5) 2005.
(2006) "Speed Control of a 3-Phase Induction Motor Based on Robust Optimal Preview Control Theory". IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 21 (1).
(2005) ” Reliable Maps of Lightning Thunderstorms for Saudi Arabia". IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery.
(2005) "Thunderstorm distribution and frequency in Saudi Arabia". Geophys. Eng. 2, 2 (3). pp. 252-267.
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(2004) "Photoacoustic spectrometry for trace gas analysis and leak detection using different cell geometries". TALANTA, 62 (1). pp. 131-141.
(2003) "A Global ANN Algorithm for Induction Motor Based On Optimal Preview Control Theory". Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2 (1). pp. 23-29.
Global existence and uniform stability of solutions for a quasilinear viscoelastic problem. MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES 30 (6).
AE Coop Regulations. AE Department.
(2002) "Laser sensor for detection of SF6 leaks in high power insulated switchgear systems". IEEE Transactions On Dielectrics And Electrical Insulation, 9 (3). pp. 421-427.
Investigation of vanadium–sodium silicate glasses using XANES spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA 154 (3) 2006.
AE 412 Regulations. AE Department.
(2002) "Probabilistic assessment of photovoltaic (PV) generation systems". Transactions on Power Systems, 17 (1). pp. 205-208.
Investigation of vanadium–sodium silicate glasses using XANES spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 30 (2) 2006.
(2005) Conjugate Effects on Steady Laminar Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Vertical Eccentric Annuli. International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 6 (4). pp. 235-250.
(2007) FAILURE RATE ANALYSIS OF BOEING 737 BRAKES EMPLOYING NEURAL NETWORK. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering. (Submitted)
Crack Minimization Model for Hot Weather Concreting. ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 31 (1C): 77-91 JUN 2006.
Throughput of ARQ protocols over Rician, Nakagami and MIMO block fading channels. ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 31 (2B): 211-222 OCT 2006.
NEURAL NETWORK MODEL FOR PLANNED REPLACEMENT OF BOEING 737 BRAKES. International Journal of Modeling and simulation. (Submitted)
(2000) Adaptive Wavelet-Based Seismic Compression. 2000 Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing. pp. 544-548.
(2000) Efficient Seismic Volume Compression using the Lifting Scheme. Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 41. pp. 971-982.
(1991) Automated processing of quad array data. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 39 (6). pp. 1412-1415.
Improving the Classification of Multiple Disorders with Problem Decomposition. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS, 39 (6): 612-625 DEC 2006.
(2008) Application of PSO to design UPFC-based stabilizers. In: Swarm Intelligence: Focus on Ant and Particle Swarm Optimization. ARS Publishing Company, pp. 235-262.
Deep desulphurization of gasoline and diesel fuels using non-hydrogen consuming techniques. Fuel 85 (2006) 1354–1363.
(1991) Prediction of Radar Coverage Under Anomalous Propagation Condition for a Typical Coastal Site - a Case Study. Radio Science, 26 (1). pp. 909-919.
A comprehensive design and rating study of evaporative coolers and condensers. Part II. Sensitivity analysis. International Journal of Refrigeration 29 (2006) 659–668.
A comprehensive design and rating study of evaporative coolers and condensers. Part I. Performance evaluation. International Journal of Refrigeration 29 (2006) 645–658.
A complete model of wet cooling towers with fouling in fills. Applied Thermal Engineering 26 (2006) 1982–1989.
Genetic-Based Fuzzy Logic Controller for Satellites Stabilized by Reaction Wheels and Gravity Gradient. In: AIAA-2007-6445, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, August 20-23, 2007, North Carolina.
Prediction of evaporation losses in wet cooling towers. Heat Transfer Engineering, 27(9):86–92, 2006.
(2004) "Simple solution of generalized planar transmission lines". Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 29 (2B). pp. 127-134.
(2004) "Analysis of suspended strip in a circular cylindrical waveguide". Applied Comp.Electromag. Society Journal, 19 (3). pp. 165-169.
(2006) "Recurrence Formula For The Impulse Response Coefficients Of The SincN FIR Filter". The Electronics Letters, 42 (15). pp. 850-851.
(1999) Corrective Schemes for Voltage Stability Using Different Indicators. Electric Machines and Power Systems, 27 (No. 2). pp. 123-138.
(2000) A Comparative Study Of Three LS-Based Power System State Estimators for Bad Data Identification. Electric Machines and Power Systems, 28 (2). pp. 105-114.
(2001) Observability Analysis for State Estimation Using Linear Programming. IEE Proceedings – Generation, Transmission and Distribution , IEE Proceedings C, 148 (2). pp. 142-145.
Aerospace Engineering. Journal of Americal Applied Sciences.
(2005) Predicted performance of Magnetized Semiconductor Phase Shifters for Millimeter-wave Microstrip Array Antennas. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 15 (11). pp. 790-792. ISSN 1531-1309
(2006) Failure-Rate Prediction for De Havilland Dash-8 Tires Employing Neural-Network Technique. AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 43 (2). pp. 537-543.
(2002) Conjugate Free Convection Heat Transfer in Vertical Eccentric Annuli. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
(2007) Failure Forecasting of Aircraft Air-Conditioning/Cooling Pack with Field Data. AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 44 (3). pp. 996-1002.
(2006) Neural network-based failure rate prediction for De Havilland Dash-8 tires. Engineering applications of Artificial Intelligence, 19. pp. 681-691.
(2007) Failure Rate Analysis of Boeing 737 Brakes Employing Neural Network. In: 7th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations Conference (ATIO), 18 - 20 September 2007, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
(2008) ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK APPLICATION OF MODELLING FAILURE RATE FOR BOEING 737 TIRES. In: Applied Simulation and Modeling Conference 2008, 23-25 June, 2008., Corfu, Greece. (Submitted)
(1991) Fast-Decoupled Rectangular-Coordinates State Estimation with Efficient Data Structure Management. IEE Proceedings-C, 138 (5). pp. 462-468.
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(1998) Markov Chains for Multipartitioning Power System State Estimation Networks. Electric Power System Research, 45 (2). pp. 135-140.
(1998) Underground Cable Magnetic Field Simulation and Management Using New Design Configurations. Electric Power System Research, 45 (2). pp. 141-148.
(1998) On-Line Legal Aid: Markov Chain Model for Efficient Retrieval of Legal Documents. Image and Vision Computing Journal, 16 (12). pp. 941-946.
(2008) "A Non-Iterative Formulation for 2D Optical Waveguide Discontinuity Problems Based On Padé Approximants". IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20 (7). pp. 469-471.
(2007) "Diffraction of Surface Plasmon Modes on Abruptly Terminated Metallic Nanowires,". Physical Review B, 76.
(2007) “Three Dimensional Full-Vectorial Analysis of Strong Optical Waveguide Discontinuities Using Padé Approximants”. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 43 (4). pp. 343-349.
(2005) “A Compact 90-Degree Three-Way Beam Splitter Based on Resonant Coupling”. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 23 (11). pp. 3900-3906.
(2004) “Enhanced PML Performance Using Higher Order Approximation”. IEEE Journal of Microwave Theory and Techniques, 52 (4). pp. 1166-1174.
(2003) "Analysis of Anti-Resonant Reflecting Optical Waveguide Gratings by use of the Method of Lines". Applied Optics., 42 (18). pp. 3488-3494.
(2002) "A Multi-Layer ARROW Channel Waveguide for Evanescent Field Enhancement in Low-Index Media". Applied Optics, 41 (7). pp. 1385-1390.
(2001) “A New Higher Order Finite-Difference Approximation Scheme for the Method of Lines”. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 19 (3). pp. 398-404.
Designing A Genetic-Based FLC For Fast Attitude Control Of Satellites with Reaction Wheels. In: Second International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, ICMSAO-07, March 24-27, 2007, Abu-Dhabi.
(2002) “Analysis of Deep Waveguide Gratings: An Efficient Cascading and Doubling Algorithm in the Method of Lines Framework”. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 20 (7). pp. 1204-1209.
Suggestions about the Role of Universities in Technology Transfer for the Arab World. In: RSAF Ground Support Equipment and Spare Parts Exhibition, 17th-20th December 2005, Dharan, Saudi Arabia.
Simple Adaptive Feedback Controller for Tower Cranes. In: ASME 2001 Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, September 9-12, 2001, Pittsburgh, PA.
(2004) "Analysis of a Suspended Strip in a Circular Cylindrical Waveguide". Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 19 (3). pp. 165-169.
(2004) "Cutoff wavenumbers of an Elliptical waveguide partially filled with nonconfocal Dielectric". Arbain Journal for Science and Engineering, 29. pp. 49-64.
(2002) "� Mathieu Function of Argument and Their Applications to the scattering by lossy Elliptic Cylinder". Journal of Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society Journal, 17 (3). pp. 209-217.
(2001) "Cutoff Wavenumbers of Elliptical Waveguide loaded with Non-Confocal Elliptic Metallic Core". Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications, 15 (1). pp. 25-39.
(2001) " Analysis of a Non-Confocal Suspended Strip in an Elliptical Cylindrical Waveguide". IEEE Trans. On Microwave Theory and Techniques,, 48 (7). pp. 1148-1151.
(1998) " Radiation by an Axial Slot on a Dielectric-Coated Concenteric Conducting Circular Cylinder Loading a Semicircular Gap in a Ground Plane". IEEE Trans. On Antennas and Propag, 46 (10). pp. 1542-1547.
(1997) "Radiation from an axial slot on a conducting circular cylinder with reflector wings". Journal of electromagnetic waves and applications, 11. pp. 65-76.
(1997) " Cutoff frequencies of circular waveguide loaded with an eccentric cylinder". IEE Proceedings part H, Microwave Antennas and Propag., 144 (1). pp. 7-12.
(1996) " Radiation by axial slots on a dielectric coated nonconfocal conducting elliptic cylinder". Proceedings part H, Microwave Antennas and propagation, 143 (2). pp. 124-130.
(1995) " Radiation Characteristics of slots on conducting circular cylinder covered by eccentric Dielectric Cylinder ". IEE Proceedings part H, Microwave Antennas and Propag, 142 (2). pp. 168-172.
The architecture of a highly reconfigurable RISC dataflow array processor. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS 83 (4): 493-518 OCT 1997.
Scheduling and allocation in high-level synthesis using stochastic techniques. MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL 27 (8): 693-712 NOV 1996.
High-level synthesis from purely behavioral descriptions. COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 11 (5): 259-273 SEP 1996.
Formal synthesis of VLSI layouts from algorithmic specifications. COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 11 (2): 67-81 MAR 1996.
(2007) A novel current-mode OTA-C universal filter Vol. 2, 2007, pp. 279-284. Active and Passive Electronic Devices, 2. pp. 279-284.
(2006) A reconfigurable SATLIN/SIGMOID/Gaussian/Triangular basis functions computation circuit. Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 2 (2). pp. 17-34.
AE427-071-Major Exam 1. [Teaching Resource]
AE530-061-Exam. [Teaching Resource]
AE530-061-Midterm. [Teaching Resource]
The Resume' of Ahmad Jamal. Personal. (Unpublished)
Syllabus of AE 450. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Timing driven genetic placement. COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 14 (1): 3-14 JAN 1999.
Topology design of switched enterprise networks using a fuzzy simulated evolution algorithm. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 15 (3-4): 327-340 JUN-AUG 2002.
AE426 syllabus. [Teaching Resource]
An Enhanced Estimator to Multi-objective OSPF Weight Setting Problem. In: The 10th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS-2006), April 3-7, 2006, Vancouver, Canada..
Static Weighted Load-balancing for XML-based Network Management using JPVM. In: The 8th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks and Services (MMNS 2005), October 24-26, 2005, Barcelona, Spain.
Optimising OSPF Routing for Link Failure Scenarios. In: Optimising OSPF Routing for Link Failure. (Unpublished)
An Adaptive Load-balancing Approach to XML-based Network Management using JPVM. In: An Adaptive Load-balancing Approach to XML-based Network Management using JPVM, November 16-18, 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
(2003) The Use of Enumerative Techniques in Topological Optimization of Computer Networks Subject to Fault Tolerance and Reliability. Infocomm. pp. 1-7.
(2006) Parallelization of Stochastic Evolution. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleun and Minerals.
(2007) A Stochastic Approach To Solving The Weight Setting Problem in OSPF Networks. Masters thesis, KFUPM.
(2007) Effective Parallelization of Stochastic Evolution. In: ISDA'07 Conference. (Unpublished)
(2006) Parallel Stochastic Evolution Algorithms for Constrained Multiobjective Optimization. In: SNPD'07. (Unpublished)
(2004) Parallelization of Stochastic Evolution for Cell Placement. KFUPM. (Unpublished)
Parallelization of Stochastic Evolution for Cell Placement. KFUPM. (Unpublished)
Scheduling and allocation in high-level synthesis using stochastic techniques. MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL 27 (8): 693-712 NOV 1996.
Timing influenced general-cell genetic floorplanner. MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL 28 (2): 151-166 FEB 1997.
CMOS/BiCMOS mixed design using tabu search. ELECTRONICS LETTERS 34 (14): 1395-1396 JUL 9 1998.
A novel technique for fast multiplication. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS 86 (1): 67-77 JAN 1999.
Evolutionary algorithms, simulated annealing and tabu search: a comparative study. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 14 (2): 167-181 APR 2001.
Parallelizing Tabu Search on a Cluster of HeterogeneousWorkstations. JOURNAL OF HEURISTICS 8 (3): 277-304 MAY 2002.
Fuzzy evolutionary hybrid metaheuristic for network topology design. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 1993: 400-415 2001.
QoS-driven multicast tree generation using tabu search. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS 25 (11-12): 1140-1149 Sp. Iss. SI JUL 1 2002.
Tabu searchbased circuit optimization. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 15 (3-4): 357-368 JUN-AUG 2002.
Topology design of switched enterprise networks using a fuzzy simulated evolution algorithm. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 15 (3-4): 327-340 JUN-AUG 2002.
A simulated evolution approach to task-matching and scheduling in heterogeneous computing environments. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 15 (5): 491-500 SEP 2002.
Simulated evolution for timing and low power VLSI standard cell placement. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 16 (5-6): 407-423 AUG-SEP 2003.
(2005) Evolutionary algorithms for state justification in sequential automatic test pattern generation.
(2005) A Parallel Tabu Search Algorithm for Optimizing Multiobjective VLSI Placement. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 3483: 587-595 2005.
(2006) Evolutionary Algorithms for VLSIMultiobjective Netlist Partitioning. ENGINEERING INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMMUNICATIONS 13 (1): 15-21 MAR 2005.
SimE/TS fuzzy hybrid for multiobjective VLSI placement. ELECTRONICS LETTERS 42 (6): 364-365 MAR 16 2006.
Designing Cellular Mobile Networks Using Non{Deterministic Iterative Heuristics. Journal of Applied Soft Computing submitted Oct 2006.
A Parallel Algorithm for Inverse Halftoning and its Hardware Implementation. Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE) Submitted Dec 2006.
Exploring Asynchronous MMC based Parallel SA Schemes for Multiobjective Cell Placement on a Cluster-of-Workstations. Journal of CLUSTER COMPUTING: SUBMITTED: SEPT 2007.
Trends in Internet Usage & its Social Effects in Saudi Arabia. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
Storage Media. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
(2008) Simple Microwave Method for Detecting Water Holdup. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (MOTL), 50 (2). pp. 354-355. ISSN 0895-2477 (In Press)
(2007) Theoretical Analysis of Magnetically switchable shorted patch antenna. ELECTROMAGNETICS, 27 (8). pp. 545-551. ISSN 0272-6343
Storage Media[Compatibility Mode]. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
STRATEGIC RESEARCH PROJECTS BRIEF. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
Structured Backbone Design of CNs. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
“Summary Report” Structure of National IT Plan for Saudi Arabia. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
Synchronous /Asynchronous Transmission. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
Tabu Search Based Circuit Optimization. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
Exploring Asynchronous MMC Based Parallel SA Schemes for Multiobjective Cell-Placement on a Cluster of Workstations. Cluster Computing, The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications. ISSN ISSN: 1386-7857 (print version), ISSN: 1573-7543 (electronic version) (Submitted)
(2007) Evaluating Parallel Simulated Evolution Strategies for VLSI Cell Placement. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms (JMMA), 6 (3). pp. 433-454. ISSN 1570-1166 (Print) 1572-9214 (Online)
(2005) Multiobjective VLSI Cell Placement Using Distributed Simulated Evolution Algorithm. In: International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (ISCAS 05), Kobe, Japan.
(2006) Asynchronous MMC based Parallel SA Schemes for Multiobjective Standard Cell Placement. In: International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (ISCAS 06), Kos, Greece.
Introduction to TCP/IP. In: Departement of Computer Engineering, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
TCP/IP. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
Strategy Planning for Higher Education Project Horizon. In: King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.
The Aafaq Web. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
(2001) Iterative Heuristics for Timing & low power VLSI standard cell placement. In: Unknown. (Unpublished)
Iterative Heuristics for Timing & Low Power VLSI Standard Cell Placement. In: KFUPM Project Number COE/ITERATE/221, KFUPM.
The COE Department. In: Computer Engineering Department, KFUPM.
Transmission Media. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
Use and Effect of Internet in Saudi Arabia. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
Modern Digital System Design Using VHDL: A Practical Introduction. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
WWW & E-Commerce. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
Web Database Connectivity. In: Computer Engineering Department, KFUPM.
Windows NT Installation. In: Department of Computer Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
Active Directory. In: Departement of Computer Engineering, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
(2006) Evaluating Parallel Simulated Evolution Strategies for VLSI Cell Placement. In: International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, April, 2006, Rhodes Island, Greece.
(2005) Comparative Evaluation of Parallelization Strategies for Evolutionary and Stochastic Heuristics. In: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2005),, 25-29 June, 2005, Washington D.C. , USA.
(1997) The Pitfalls of Necessary Assignments. Fourth International Test Synthesis Workshop.
(1998) A Fast Sequential Learning Technique for Real Circuits with Application to Enhancing ATPG Performance. 32nd Design Automation Congference. pp. 625-631.
(2005) Evolutionary Algorithms for VLSI Multiobjective Netlist Partitioning. In: Unknown.
Fast Fuzzy Force-Directed/Simulated Evolution Metaheuristic for Multiobjective VLSI Cell Placement. In: Department of Computer Engineering, KFUPM.
(2001) Modern Iterative Algorithms and thier Applications in Computer Engineering. In: Book.
Computer Engineering Department Research Profile. In: Computer Engineering Department, KFUPM.
Information Technology Center (ITC) Services and Projects. In: Supporting excellence via technology, KFUPM.
CCSE PAST & PRESENT STANDING. In: College of Computer Sciences & Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.
(2003) Iterative Computer Algorithms with Applications in Engineering-Chapter 2: Partitioning. In: College of Computer Sciences & Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.
Chapter 1: Introduction to VLSI Physical Design. In: King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.
(2001) Computational methods in Bioinformatics: Introduction, Review, and Challenges. In: CCSE Technical Report.
Automating Your Schedule. In: Special Mini Talk/Demo for 993 Summer, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
An Iterative Heuristic for State Justification in Sequential Automatic Test Pattern Generation. In: An Iterative Heuristic for State Justification in, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
Area-Time Optimal Adder with Relative Placement Generator. In: Area-Time Optimal Adder with Relative Placement Generator.
Iterative Computer Algorithms: and their applications in engineering. In: Special Talk for Motorola CAD Group,.
(2004) Efficient Scalable VLSI Architecture for Montgomery Inversion in GF(p). Integration, the VLSI Journal, 37 (2). pp. 103-120. ISSN 0167-9260
(2005) Efficient unified Montgomery inversion with multi-bit shifting. IEE Proceedings Computers and Digital Techniques, 152 (4). pp. 489-498. ISSN 1350-2387
(2006) Merging GF(p) Elliptic Curve Point Adding and Doubling on Pipelined VLSI Cryptographic ASIC Architecture. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), 6 (3A). pp. 44-52. ISSN 1738-7906
(2006) Highly Efficient Elliptic Curve Crypto-Processor with Parallel GF(2m) Field Multipliers. Journal of Computer Science (JCS), 2 (5). pp. 395-400. ISSN 1549-3636
(2006) High Performance Elliptic Curve GF(2m) Crypto-processor. Information Technology Journal (ITJ), 5 (4). pp. 742-748. ISSN 1812-5638
(2006) Fast 160-Bits GF (P) Elliptic Curve Crypto Hardware of High-Radix Scalable Multipliers. International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), 3 (4). pp. 342-349. ISSN 1683-3198
(2007) Area Flexible GF(2k) Elliptic Curve Cryptography Coprocessor. International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), 4 (1). pp. 1-10.
(2002) New Hardware Algorithms and Designs for Montgomery Modular Inverse Computation in Galois Fields GF(p) and GF(2n). PhD thesis, Oregon State University.
(2007) PARALLEL COMPUTING PLATFORM FOR EVALUATING LDPC CODES PERFORMANCE. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications. pp. 157-160.
(2003) Test Vector Decomposition Based Static Compaction Algorithms for Combinational Circuits. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 8 (4). pp. 430-459.
(2004) On Test Vector Reordering for Combinational Circuits. 16th International Conference on Microelectronics. 772 -775.
(2006) Interconnect-Efficient LDPC Code Design. 18th IEEE Int. Conf. on Microlelectronics. pp. 127-130.
(2007) IMPROVING BER PERFORMANCE OF LDPC CODES BASED ON INTERMEDIATE DECODING RESULTS. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications. pp. 1547-1550.
(2003) A Hybrid Test Compression Technique for Efficient Testing of Systems-on-a-Chip. 10th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems,. pp. 599-602.
(2002) Extended Frequency-Directed Run-Length Code with Improved Application to System-on-a-Chip Test Data Compression. 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems. pp. 449-452.
(2007) Efficient Test Compaction for Combinational Circuits Based on Fault Detection Count-Directed Clustering. IET Computers & Digital Techniques, 1 (4). pp. 364-368.
(2006) Efficient Test Compaction for Combinational Circuits Based on Fault Detection Count-Directed Clustering. IEEE Int. Design and Test Workshop.
(1998) A Hardware Model of an Expandable RSA Cryptogrsphic System. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM).
(2007) High Speed Hardware Architecture to Compute GF(p) Montgomery Inversion with Scalability Features. IET (IEE) Proceedings Computers and Digital Techniques, 1 (4). pp. 389-396. ISSN 1751-861X
(2007) Efficient utilization of scalable multipliers in parallel to compute GF(p) elliptic curve cryptographic operations. Kuwait Journal of Science & Engineering (KJSE), December 2007, 34 (2). pp. 165-182.
(2007) Arabic Diacritics Based Steganography. In: IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (ICSPC 2007), 24-27 November 2007, Dubai, UAE.
(2001) An Iterative Heuristic for State Justi�cation in Sequential Automatic Test Pattern Generation. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO).
(2001) An Evolutionary Meta-Heuristic for State Justification in Sequential Automatic Test Pattern Generation. International Joint INNS-IEEE Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). pp. 767-772.
(2001) An Efficient Test Vector Compression Technique Based on Geometric Shapes. 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems. pp. 1561-1564.
(2006) An Efficient Test Vector Compression Technique Based on Block Merging. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems. pp. 1447-1450.
(2000) A Parallel Tabu Search Algorithm for VLSI Standard-Cell Placement. In: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems'', Geneva.
(2000) Fuzzy Simulated Evolution Algorithm for Topology Design on Campus Networks. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, San Diego, USA.
(1999) Fuzzy Simulated Evolution Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization of VLSI Placement. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Washington DC.
(2004) An Efficient Test Relaxation Technique for Synchronous Sequential Circuits. IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits, 23 (6). pp. 933-940.
(2002) An Efficient Test Relaxation Technique for Combinational Circuits Based on Critical Path Tracing. 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems. pp. 461-465.
(2002) An Efficient Test Relaxation Technique for Combinational & Full-Scan Sequential Circuits. 20’th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium. pp. 53-59.
(2003) An Efficient Test Relaxation Technique for Synchronous Sequential Circuits. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. V-545 -V-548.
(2001) A Retiming-Based Test Pattern Generator Design for Built-In Self Test of Data Path Architectures. Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems. pp. 550-553.
(2007) A Reconfigurable Broadcast Scan Compression Scheme Using Relaxation Based Test Vector Decomposition. 16th IEEE Asian Test Symposium. pp. 91-94.
(1995) Timing Influenced General-Cell Genetic Floorplanner. In: Asia and South-Pacific Design Automation Conference, ASP-DAC'95, Japan.
(1995) Timing Influenced Force Directed Floorplanning. In: European Design Automation Conference with Euro-VHDL, Euro-DAC'95, Brighton.
(2001) A Geometric-Primitives-Based Compression Scheme for Testing Systems-on-a-Chip. 19’th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS). pp. 54-59.
(1995) A Novel Technique for Fast Multiplication. In: IEEE Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, IPCCC.
(2004) A Class-based Clustering Static Compaction Technique for Combinational Circuits. 16th International Conference on Microelectronics. pp. 522-525.
(1995) Timing Driven Genetic Algorithm for Placement. In: IEEE Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, IPCCC.
(1995) Performance Driven Standard-cell Placement Using the Genetic Algorithm. In: Fifth Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI'95, Buffalo, USA.
(1995) Loop based scheduling for high level synthesis. In: IEEE Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, IPCCC.
(1994) Design of a Cell Library for Formal High-level Synthesis. In: IEEE Melecon'94.
(1994) ASIC Design with AHPL. In: IEEE Melecon'94.
(1992) High Level Synthesis of Controllers for Communication Protocols. In: Second Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI'92, Kalamazoo.
(1992) VLSI Implementation of Controllers for Communication Protocols from their Petri Net Models. In: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, California.
(1991) A State Machine Synthesizer with Weinberger Arrays. In: The IEEE Pacific RIM Conference, Victoria, Canada.
(1989) A Systolic Algorithm for VLSI Design of a Rate Viterbi Decoder. In: IEEE Melecon'89, Portugal.
(1994) GSA: Scheduling and Allocation using Genetic Algorithm. In: European Design Automation Conference with Euro-VHDL, Euro-DAC'94, Grenoble.
(1998) Tabu Search Based Circuit Optimization. In: Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI'98, SW Louisiana.
(1998) Performance and Interface Buffer Size Driven Behavioral Partitioning for Embedded Systems. In: 9th International Workshop on Rapid Systems Prototyping, IEEE Computer Society Sponsored, Leuven, Belgium.
(1998) Buffer Size Driven Partitioning for HW/SW Co-Design. In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD'98, Austin, USA.
(1999) A High-Performance Hardware-EÆcient Memory Allocation Technique and Design. In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD'99, Austin, USA.
(2001) Task Matching and Scheduling in Heterogeneous Systems Using Simulated Evolution. In: 10th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop in conjunction with IPDPS 2001, San Francisco.
(2001) Fuzzy Evolutionary Hybrid Metaheuristic for Network Topology Design. In: International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, EMO'01, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (A Springer Publication).
(2001) Adaptive Bias Simulated Evolution Algorithm for Placement. In: IEEE 2001 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Sydney, Australia.
(2001) A Fast Constructive Algorithm For Fixed Channel Assignment Problem. In: IEEE 2001 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Sydney, Australia.
(2001) Fuzzy Evolutionary Algorithm for VLSI Placement, (Spector, L., E. Goodman, A. Wu, W. B. Langdon, H.-M. Voigt, M. Gen, S. Sen, M. Dorigo, S. Pezeshk, M. Garzon, and E. Burke, editors). In: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO-2001, San Francisco, CA.
(2001) An Evolutionary Algorithm for Network Topology Design. In: International Joint INNS-IEEE Conference on Neural Networks, Washington D.C, USA.
(2001) Fuzzy Simulated Evolution for Power and Performance Optimization of VLSI Placement. In: International Joint INNS-IEEE Conference on Neural Networks, Washington D.C, USA.
(2001) Iterative Heuristics for Multiobjective VLSI Cell Placement. In: International Joint INNS-IEEE Conference on Neural Networks, Washington D.C, USA.
(2001) Fuzzified Iterative Algorithms for Performance Driven Low Power VLSI Placement. In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD'2001, Austin.
(2002) HPTS: Heterogeneous Parallel Tabu Search for VLSI Placement. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation'', Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
(2002) FUZZY AGGREGATING FUNCTIONS FOR MULTIOBJECTIVE VLSI PLACEMENT. In: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems', Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
(2002) FUZZY BIASLESS SIMULATED EVOLUTION FOR MULTIOBJECTIVE VLSI PLACEMENT. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation'', Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
(2003) Parallel Tabu Search in a Heterogeneous Environment. In: Proceedings of 17th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium.
(2003) GENERAL ITERATIVE HEURISTICS FOR VLSI MULTIOBJECTIVE PARTITIONING. In: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems'', Bangkok, Thailand.
(2003) Simulated Evolution Algorithm For Multiobjective VLSI Netlist Bi-Partitioning. In: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems', Bangkok, Thailand.
(2003) AREA-TIME OPTIMAL ADDER WITH RELATIVE PLACEMENT GENERATOR. In: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems'', Bangkok, Thailand.
(2003) Reliability and Fault Tolerance based Topological Optimization of Computer Networks - Part I: Enumerative Techniques. In: IEEE Pacific Rim Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada.
(2003) Reliability and Fault Tolerance based Topological Optimization of Computer Networks - Part II: Iterative Techniques. In: EEE Pacific Rim Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada.
(2003) Digital Circuit Design Through Simulated Evolution (SimE). In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC),, Canberra, Australia.
(2003) A Modified Ant Colony Algorithm for Evolutionary Design of Digital Circuits. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Canberra, Australia.
(2003) Ant Colony Algorithm for Evolutionary Design of Arithmetic Circuits. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, Cairo, Egypt.
(2004) Fuzzified Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Efficient Combinational Circuits Synthesis. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC),, Portland Oregon, USA.
(2004) Enhanced Simulated Evolution Algorithm For Digital Circuit Design Yielding Faster Execution in a Larger Solution Space. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC),, Portland, Oregon, USA.
(2005) Parallel Algorithm for Hardware Implementation of Inverse Halftoning. In: International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (ISCAS 05),, Kobe, Japan.
(2005) Multiobjective VLSI Cell Placement using Distributed Genetic Algorithm. In: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2005), Washington D.C. , USA.
(2005) Efficient Static Compaction Techniques for Sequential Circuits based on Reverse Order Restoration Based and Test Relaxation. In: Proceedings of the 14th Asian Test Symposium (ATS ’05), Kolkata, India.
(2006) An Enhanced Estimator to Multi-objective OSPF WeightSetting Problem. In: Proceedings of 2006 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations & Management Symposium (NOMS 2006),, Vancouver, Canada.
(2006) Asynchronous MMC based Parallel SA Schemes for Multiobjective Standard Cell Placement. In: Proceedings of 2006 International Symposium in Circuits and Systems, pages 4615-4618, (ISCAS 2006), Island of Kos, Greece.
(2006) Finite State Machine State Assignment for Area and Power Minimization. In: Proceedings of 2006 International Symposium in Circuits and Systems, (ISCAS 2006), Island of Kos, Greece.
(2006) A Heuristics Based Approach for Cellular Mobile Network Planning. In: The International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC06), Vancouver, Canada.
(2007) Message Concealment Techniques using Image based Steganography. In: The 4th IEEE GCC Conference, 11-14 Nov. 2007, Gulf International Convention Centre, Bahrain.
(2007) Performance Analysis and Comparison of Interrupt-Handling Schemes in Gigabit Networks. International Journal of Computer Communications, 30 (17). pp. 3425-3441.