Carbon Dioxide Capture from Natural Gas using Regenerable Kaolin-Based Sorbents

Carbon Dioxide Capture from Natural Gas using Regenerable Kaolin-Based Sorbents. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.

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Arabic Abstract

الغاز الطبيعي يحتوي على نسبه من غاز ثاني اكسيد الكربون الامر الذي يؤدي الى حدوث مشاكل صناعيه مختلفه. في هذا البحث تم استخدام مواد ماصه sorbent لل CO2 تم تحضيرها كيميائيا, هاذه الماده عباره عن سليكات الالمنيوم )كالونايت( المعالجه كيميائيا, وهي مواد اقتصاديه وفعاله لفصل ال CO2 عن الغاز الطبيعي حيث انها تتفاعل مع ال CO2 ليتم فصله. في هذا البحث تم دراسه صفات الماده فيزيائيا من ناحيه مساحة السطح، توزيع حجم المسمامات, وخصائص السطح. بعد ذلك تم فحص الماده على امتصاص ال CO2 باستخدام تراكيز مختلفه من ال CO2. وايضا تم دراسع عملية فض ال CO2عن الماده باستخدام ال غاز النتيروجين. هذه الدراسه اظهرت انه على درجة حراره الجو وسرعة جريان للغاز 4 لتر/دقيقه القدره الامتصاصيه لل CO2 على هذه الماده هي) 2.79 مل مول/غرام( ومقارنة بلمواد الاخرى تعتبر منافسه على الرغم من قلة مساحة سطحها وايضا اظهرت الدراسه ان هذه الماده يمكن استخدامها اكثر من مره حيث انها عملية اعادة تجديد الماده سهله واقتصاديه واحيانا تزيد من القدره الامتصاصيه حيث انها تغير التركيبه الكيميايه للماده حيث بعد استخدامها ب 5 مرات زادت القدره الامتصاصيه الى الضعف.

English Abstract

The increasing demand worldwide to capture CO2 from natural gas is forcing the industry to establish efficient and cost-effective approaches. In this work, a new aluminosilicates material was synthesized from kaolin clay and used for carbon dioxide capture from gases. This material was prepared by the hydrothermal reaction of kaolin and limestone with sodium hydroxide solution. Then it was characterized according to its crystalline phase. Several reaction conditions such as reaction temperature, pressure, kaolinite to limestone mass ratio and reaction time were investigated. It was found that by increasing the reaction temperature and pressure, the sodium hydroxide concentration has a noticeable effect on the formation of new aluminosilicate phases containing calcium and sodium in its structure. The produced sample was tested for its adsorption capacity against carbon dioxide from a gas stream. The adsorption/desorption breakthrough curves showed maximum saturation capacity of 4.7 mmol/g at a relative humidity of 55 %, and initial flow rate and concentration of CO2 of 4 L/min and 1630 ppm, respectively. Thermodynamic studies of adsorption of carbon dioxide on the new adsorbent surface were investigated. It was found that increasing the bed temperature increases the rate of adsorption, where an endothermic nature of interaction took place in the adsorption column. The heat of adsorption ΔH, Gibbs free energy ΔG, and change in entropy ΔS were calculated to be 144 kJ/mol, -7.4 kJ/mol and 444 kJ/mol.K, respectively. The experimental data was fitted using the axial dispersion model to predict the rate of adsorption of CO2 by the obtained adsorbent. The effective diffusivity was alculated to be 2.8*10-3 cm2/s. The produced adsorbent was egenerated several times using NaOH solution. The adsorption capacity increased by increasing the NaOH concentration as a result of opening more mesopores on the adsorbent surface and more sodium oxides linked in the structure. This adsorbent is a low cost raw material and has a high adsorption capacity, which can be considered a cost effective sorbent for carbon dioxide removal from gas streams. Keywords: Adsorption, CO2 capture, Desorption, Regeneration, Kaolinite, adsorption capacity.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: Chemical Engineering
Department: College of Chemicals and Materials > Chemical Engineering
Committee Advisor: Al-Shawabkeh, Reyad
Committee Co-Advisor: Al-Faqir, Naim
Committee Members: Al-Mubaiyedh, Usamah and Al-Amer, Adnan and Nasser, Mustafa
Depositing User: QUSAY YOUSEF BKOUR (g201206620)
Date Deposited: 12 Jan 2015 08:31
Last Modified: 01 Nov 2019 15:44