Thermodynamic Analysis of a Combined LiBr-H2O Absorption System with a Single Effect Evaporation Cycle

Thermodynamic Analysis of a Combined LiBr-H2O Absorption System with a Single Effect Evaporation Cycle. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.

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Arabic Abstract

و دورة (H2O-LiBr) تم دراسه التحليل الحراري لدورتين الهجين بين دورة الامتصاص بستخدام بروميد الليثيوم مع الماء لحساب و تحليل الاداء و الكفاءه للانظمه (EES) لكل نظام علي حدة و هجين. استخدم برنامج (SEE) التبخر تأثير واحد و نسبه (COP) 90° ، تم رفع معامل الاداء C 75° الي C من (Generator) المختلفه. النتائج اظهرت ان بزياده حراره ال °C من (Evaporator) 40 . بالاضافه، بزياده حراره ال kPa بنسبه 10.86 % و 32.37 % ، بالترتيب، عند ضغط (PR) الاداء بنسبه 3.2 % و 31 % ، بالترتيب. ومع ذلك ، بزياده حراره (PR) و نسبه الاداء (COP) 6° تم رفع معامل الاداء C 2 الي ،% بنسبه 10.6 % و 80 (PR) و نسبه الاداء (COP) 45° ، انخفض معامل الاداء C 30° الي C من (Condenser) ال و نسبه الاداء (COP) 45° ، انخفض معامل الاداء C 30° الي C من (Absorber) بالترتيب. بالاضافه، بزياده حراره ال بنسبه 4% و 51 % ، بالترتيب. من الناحية أخرى، تحليل الاداء لنظام الهجين المسمي بمعامل استخدام الطاقع العاليه (PR) (COP) تم رفع كفاءته لقيمة 1.6 وهو ما يقرب من ضعف كفاءة أداء نظام امتصاص مستقلا، حيث ان قيمه ، (EUF) الاجماليه 78 لانتاج مياه محلاه من خلال °C يجب ان تكون اعلي من (Generator) كانت 0.766 . من عيوب النظام ان حراره ال LiBr ) علاوة على ذلك، نظام التحليه يجب ان يعمل طالما نظام الامتصاص يعمل للحفاظ على شروط التبريد ل .SEE وحدة للحفاظ علي طرد الحراره من النظام كك ، (Condenser

English Abstract

Thermodynamic analysis of hybrid H2O-LiBr Absorption cooling and single effect desalination (SEE) system is investigated for standalone and combined systems. Engineering Equation Solver EES® software is utilized to calculate and evaluate the performance of the standalone and combined modes. The results showed that the increase of generator temperature from 75 °C to 90 °C has boosted COP, and PR by 10.86%, and 32.37%, respectively, at pressure of 40 kPa in the SEE unit. Moreover, the increase of evaporator temperature from 2 °C to 6 °C has increased COP, and PR by 3.2%, and 31%, respectively. However, the increase of condenser temperature from 30 °C to 45 °C has decreased COP, and PR by 10.6%, and 80%, respectively. In addition, the increase of absorber temperature from 30 °C to 45 °C has decreased COP, and PR by 4%, and 51%, respectively. On the other hand, the combined system performance which is called Overall Energy Utilization Factor (EUF) is boosted to a value of 1.6 which is almost double the performance of the standalone absorption system, where the COP value is 0.766. The drawbacks of the system are that the generator temperature must be over 78 °C to produce potable water through SEE system. Furthermore, desalination plant must be operated as long as the cooling plant is working to keep the cooling conditions for LiBr condenser in order to have a heat rejection component of the cycle.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: Chemical Engineering
Department: College of Engineering and Physics > Mechanical Engineering
Committee Advisor: Antar, Mohamed
Committee Members: Habib, Mohamed and P., Gandhidasan
Depositing User: AHMAD SHAABAN (g201407760)
Date Deposited: 18 Jul 2017 05:13
Last Modified: 31 Dec 2020 06:08