DEVELOPMENT OF A SETUP FOR IN-SITU MEASUREMENT OF REINFORCEMENT CORROSION. Masters thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.

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Arabic Abstract

تدهوروضررالمنشات الخرسان ةٌ المسلحة بسببتآكلِحد دٌ التسل حٌ موضوعواسعالانتشارف اٌلدراسات الأخرى. معدل تآكلِحد دٌ التسل حٌ هو أحدالعواملالضرور ةٌلتَق مٌٌمدىالضررِف صَدّأ حد دٌ التسل حٌ للعنصر الخرسان وأ ضٌاًلتَوَقُّعح اٌةِ الخدمةالمتبق ةٌِ . الهدف منهذهالدراسةِكَانَلتُطوّ رٌإعدادوإجراءبد لٌموثوقوبس طٌلتحد دٌ نسبةتآكلِحد دٌ التسل حٌباستخدامطر قٌةَمقاومةِالاستقطابالخط ةٌِّ . 05 مممسلحةبثلاثقضبانمِنْ 21 مم. ح ثٌ حد دٌ التسل حٌ ف البلاطات × 055 × تم إعداد نماذجخرسان ةٌ 055 الخرسان ةٌ تم تعر ضٌه لدرجات مختلفة من التآكل باستخدام التيار الانودي. كثافة ت اٌرالتآكلِ (Icorr) تم ق اٌسها باستخدام الإعداد الذي تم تطو رٌهوالجهاز نٌالتجار نٌٌوالنَتائِجتم مقارنتها باستخدام الوزن المفقود للحد دٌ ) gravimetric weight loss .) الإعداد وإجراءالحسابَ تم تطو رٌه بح ثٌ تكون قادرة لتحد دٌ نِسَبالتآكلِعلى نطاق واسع من درجة تؤكل حد دٌ التسل حٌ. كثافة ت اٌرالتآكل (Icorr) حددت باستخدام الإعداد الذي تم تطو رٌهوالجهاز نٌالتجار نٌٌالآخر نٌ بدون هبوط الاوم ةٌ المعوضة قورنت بشكل ج دٌ مع الوزن المفقود للحد دٌ ) gravimetric weight loss (. وفي كل حال، أفضلاتجاه ف الب اٌنات حَصلَعل هٌمِنْالإعدادِالذي تم تطو رٌه. كما لوحظَارتباطج دٌب نٌمحتوىالرطوبةَ،مقاومةنوع ةٌكهربائ ةٌوكثافة ت اٌرالتآكلِ.

English Abstract

Deterioration and damage of reinforced concrete structures due to reinforcement corrosion is a widely reported subject in the literature. The rate of reinforcement corrosion is one of the essential factors required for assessing the extent of damage in a corroded reinforced concrete member and also for predicting its residual service-life. The rate of reinforcement corrosion is generally evaluated by the linear polarization resistance technique. However, the available commercial equipment do not predict the rate of reinforcement corrosion due to the high resistive medium of concrete. Thus there is a need to develop a reliable setup to measure reinforcement corrosion in concrete. The objective of this study was to develop a reliable and simple set-up and procedure for determining the rate of reinforcement corrosion utilizing the linear polarization resistance method. Reinforced concrete specimens 500 × 500 × 80 mm with three 12 mm diameter steel bars were prepared. The steel bars in the concrete slabs were corroded to varying degree by the impressed current method. Corrosion current density (Icorr) was measured using the developed setup and two commercial equipment and the results were compared with the gravimetric weight loss. The corrosion current density determined using the developed setup and other two commercial equipment without Ohmic drop compensation compared very well with the gravimetric weight loss. However, the best trend was noted in the data obtained from the developed setup. A good correlation was noted between the corrosion current density values determined with the developed setup with Ohmic drop compensation and the gravimetric weight loss. However, the correlation between the corrosion current density measured using the commercial equipment with Ohmic drop was poor indicating that the commercial equipment are not able to measure the corrosion rate with Ohmic drop compensation. These results indicate the usefulness of the developed setup in both types of measurements, namely with and without Ohmic compensation. A good correlation was noted between the moisture content, electrical resistivity and corrosion current density.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: Civil Engineering
Department: College of Design and Built Environment > Civil and Environmental Engineering
Committee Advisor: Shamshad, Ahmad
Committee Co-Advisor: Abul Kalam, Azad
Committee Members: Mohammed, Maslehuddin and Salah, Dulaijan and Ahmad Saad, Al-gahtani
Depositing User: Mohammad Azeem (g200904910)
Date Deposited: 12 Mar 2012 12:40
Last Modified: 01 Nov 2019 15:31