WASET International Conference on Computer, Information and Systems
Science and Engineering (ICCISSE),
A Novel Arabic Text Steganography
Method Using Letter Points and Extensions
Adnan Gutub and Manal Fattani
paper presents a new steganography approach suitable
for Arabic texts. It can be classified under steganography
feature coding methods. The approach hides secret information bits within the
letters benefiting from their inherited points. To note the specific letters
holding secret bits, the scheme considers the two features, the existence of
the points in the letters and the redundant Arabic extension character. We use
the pointed letters with extension to hold the secret bit �one� and the
un-pointed letters with extension to hold �zero�. This steganography
technique is found attractive to other languages having similar texts to Arabic
such as Persian and Urdu.
Keywords�Arabic text, Cryptography, Feature coding, Information security, Text steganography, Text watermarking.